The document provides information about an ultimate frisbee league registration in Jonesboro, AR including rules, dates, fees, and contact information. It summarizes that the co-ed league will have 4 teams drafted based on skill level that will play weekly games on Tuesdays starting September 27th through November 8th. The $20 registration fee includes a team t-shirt. Players of all skill levels from novice to experienced are encouraged to participate. The basic rules of ultimate frisbee involve throwing the disc between teammates to advance toward scoring by catching it in the end zone.
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Jonesboro 2011 Fall Co-ed Ultimate League Registration Form
1. 2011 Ultimate Frisbee
The Spirit of Ultimate
League Registration Fall
Please print legibly and include $20.00
Ultimate stresses Co-ed
registration fee.
sportsmanship and
Last Name fair play.
First Name Competitive play is League 2011
Sex (circle one) M F Age encouraged, but
Phone never at the
Email address
expense of respect
between players,
City State Zip
Photo by: Jim Bednarz adherence to the
Shirt size (circle one) S M L XL XXL rules, and basic joy of the sport. Ultimate Frisbee is a
Emergency Contact:
fast action team sport
involving lots of running,
passing, catching, and
Relation to Participant Ultimate Pick-up Games team work.
Home Phone
Try some ultimate Frisbee by coming to
Mobile Phone and participating in pick-up games spon-
sored by the ASU Ultimate Club. Pick-up
Work Phone games are open to all, including anyone in
the Jonesboro community, guys, ladies,
young, and old. Currently, games start
City State Zip about 6:00 pm on Sundays, Tuesdays, and
Thursdays, and are played at the ASU In-
Describe skill level: (e.g., never played/ tramural Fields (west of Caraway Rd be-
beginner, played a few times/moderate, tween the RR tracks). Everybody is wel-
played ultimate for X years including come to just show up and play. For more
tournaments/expert) : information, contact Doc Jim Bednarz
______________________________ (870) 219-2382 or
*Only forms with signatures will be
accepted. Sign on the back of this form. Photo by: Jim Bednarz
2. Ultimate League
Participant Rules
No abusive behavior toward a player, a team
captain or league coordinator will be tolerated. No
Team captains will draft players abusive language or profanity directed at anyone
based on reported skill level into 4 teams. will be tolerated. Violators of these policies will be
given a warning. Anyone not willing to comply will
Each team will play one game per week on Skill Level be removed from the venue.
Tuesday evening (scheduled at 6:30 p.m.)
under the lights at Miles Field starting on the This league will emphasize beginning I, a registrant of the 2011 Ultimate Frisbee League,
27th of September. Scheduled league play players and players that are altogether new agree that I will abide by the rules of the City Parks
will last 7 weeks and will end on November to the sport of ultimate Frisbee. However, and Recreation Department and its affiliated
8th. If any scheduled game is cancelled due organizations. I recognize the possibility of
players of all skill levels from novice to very
physical injury associated with sports and in
to inclement weather, the season schedule experienced are encouraged to participate. consideration for the Parks and Recreation
will be pushed back one week with the tour- Each team will have some experienced Department accepting the registrant for its sports
nament commencing on November 15th. The program and its activities, I hereby release,
players to pass on knowledge and skills to
championship will be held on the last week of discharge, and/or indemnify the Parks and
the season. All participants must be 16 years
those just developing their ultimate
Recreation Department, its affiliated organizations,
of age or older. All participants will receive a prowess. their employees, volunteers, and associated
team t-shirt that is included in the $20.00 personnel against any claims by myself, the
registration fee. Checks may be written to
Basic Rules registrant, as a result of participation in the
program. I also release my image and comments
Jonesboro City Stars Booster Club. Players must advance the disc
in the form photograph, video, or print to be used
Contact the Doc Jim Bednarz by throwing it to another teammates. solely by Jonesboro Parks and Recreation
Department at (870)219-2382 for more If a player catches the disc on offense, Department for promotion of associated activities.
information. Please complete the they must establish a one foot pivot,
attached form and return it to : Consent for medical treatment:
and have 10 seconds to pass the disc
I, the registrant, hereby give consent for
to another team mate. Play continues
emergency medical care prescribed by a duly
until the disc is received in the end licensed Doctor of Medicine or Dentistry. This care
Jonesboro Parks and Recreation Department zone (a score), is intercepted by the may be given under whatever conditions are
Earl Bell Center other team, or until the disc contacts necessary to preserve the life or well being of the
1212 S. Church St. the ground. If the disc is dropped
Jonesboro, AR 72401 or blocked, the defensive team Registrants Signature:
immediately switches to offense and
advances the disc from where it fell,
in the opposite direction until a score ______________________________
is made or the disc is knocked out
of play. ______________________________