3. Om Ateles
Ateles är ett konsultbolag som utvecklar solida
lösningar för e-handel, PIM och OmniChannel
• Startade 2001
• Fokus på stabila lösningar som skapar
• Kunder i både B2C och B2B
9. Utgå från köpprocessen
av alternativ
Köp av vara
10. Matcha köpprocessen med
dina kontaktpunkter
Kontaktpunkter Behov
av info
av alternativ
Köp av vara Efterköps-beteende
Sociala medier
11. Din plan = Kundresan
Kontaktpunkter Behov
av info
av alternativ
Köp av vara Efterköps-beteende
Butik X X X
E-handel X X X X X
App X X
email X X
Sociala medier X X X
13. Exempel
• Tittar på nätet
• Handlar i butik
• Visa varan med lagersaldo
• Möjlighet att beställa, men
hämta i butik.
• Store locator
• Lagersaldo i butik
• Pick up at store
av info
av alternativ
Köp av vara Efterköps-beteende
Butik X X X
E-handel X X X X X
App X X
email X X
14. Exempel - Urban Outfitters (USA)
• Kunderna går till butik
• Kunderna avbryter köp pga
att de inte hittar varan
• Utrusta säljarna med tablets
för att ha aktuell information.
• Produktkatalog
• Sökning
• Scanning
• Lagersaldo i butik
• Liknande varor
• Cross sale
Kontaktpunkt Behov
av info
av alternativ
Köp av vara Efterköps-beteende
Butik X X X
E-handel X X X X X
App X X
email X X
15. Fråga
Arbetar ni aktivt med en plan á la kundresan?
• Ja, vi arbetar aktivt med detta idag
• Planerar att göra det inom 6 månader
• Nej, ingen plan inom de närmaste 6 månaderna
16. Hur går jag vidare
• Utgå ifrån kundresan
• Utveckla lösningar steg för steg
17. Framgångsrik Omnichannel
• Kunden i centrum i ALLA kanaler
• Kartlägg kundresan och identifiera
förbättringar/lösningar utifrån denna
• Utveckla dessa lösningar steg för steg
Editor's Notes
#5: VAD!!
Multichannel retailing is the use of a variety of channels in a customers shopping experience including research before a purchase
Cross-channel refers to integrated marketing channels and subscriber data working together. "Multichannel" infers the ability to drive marketing through more than one channel-something most marketers have certainly achieved. "Cross-channel" is different. It denotes the ability to drive a single campaign with a consistent message that is coordinated across channels.
Omni-Channel Retailing is a seamless approach to the consumer experience through all available shopping channels
The term multi-channel describes the experience of a customer who uses the different channels made available by a company so that they can complete their purchases. The different channels include shops, catalogues, the Internet, mobile, tablets, TV, call centres etc.
Multi-channel is not a new concept because before the advent of the Internet and mobile it was possible to make a purchase on different channels including shops, call centres, catalogues etc. What is new, however, is the rise in the number of channels which can be used nowadays such as desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, interactive terminals, smart TV. The number of channels will continue to increase with smart items such as cars, fridges etc.
The term cross-channel describes the experience of a customer who has used a combination of several different channels for the same purchase. For example, the customer prints a product configuration on a company’s website and will then go in-store to make the purchase. The customer may also choose the product they want to purchase from a company’s catalogue and then go and buy the product directly on the company’s website. Another example involves a customer who makes the purchase through their TV set, and then goes to collect the product from the nearest store.
The term omni-channel describes the simultaneous use of two channels, for example using a mobile phone device in-store or a tablet whilst watching TV. The term is also used to describe the necessary coherence between the different channels so that it is easy and practical for customers to interact via the different channels. This means that the configurations and choices made on one channel must be memorised and considered for each channel. Could you imagine if you had to recreate an account for the different channels used, e.g. for desktop computers and tablets, or the in-store checkout?
#6: VARFÖR!!!
Förflyttning från produktfokus som är centrala i planerad handel till Kundfokus som är det centrala i spontanhandel.
Det handlar om vad och hur kunden vill köpa. Inte vad butiken vill sälja.
#7: Kunden i fokus <- Optimerat möte i varje kanal <- Ägarskap till er data. Med kunden i fokus så har du Omnichannel.
3 Keys to Omni-channel Personalization
The following three keys are critical to make omni-channel personalization a success.
Use all customer interactions. This includes not only interactions related to the shopping process but also external interactions, like clicking on a link in an email campaign, or contributing a product review.
Personalization should be dynamic or real-time. The personalization engine should accommodate changes to existing customers’ behavior by adjusting the experience on the fly. It should also learn more as the data set grows. It should allow manual tweaking of rules to update the recommendations for a customer or a segment.
Personalization is ongoing. The personalization rules and recommendations should be reviewed periodically with the growth of your business and the change in behavior or intent of your shoppers. Trigger events for this review could be the launch of a new product or expansion into a new market.
Benefits of Omni-channel Personalization
The benefits to your ecommerce business from omni-channel personalization include the following.
Increased customer loyalty; greater revenue. If your business can establish trust through personalization, customers will feel valued and generate more revenue. As an example, a customer who researches jewelry items on your site and then Likes pictures of your jewelry posted on Facebook can be sent communication of a new promotion related to jewelry — increasing the chances of a sale.
Lowered cart abandonment rates. Shoppers are less likely to abandon their carts as the shopping experience improves and they see and receive what they want. If the cart abandonment rate stays the same or increases, then omni-channel personalization is not working for your business.
Predictive personalization. After you have enabled omni-channel personalization for a few months, you will create a sizable data set to identify trends and predict future behavior of your shoppers. This can be used to implement “predictive personalization” to anticipate what your shoppers want to buy. This helps businesses better manage their inventory and further improve customer service. A good example of predictive personalization is a recently launched startup called Stitch Fix. It relies on algorithms to select the clothes its customers would like and ships those items to them. The customers do not select the clothes. If the customers do not like what they receive, they can return them without any charge, as Stitch Fix offers free shipping both ways.
#10: Förklara
kundens generella köpprocess
Det som är unikt är hur resan skapas mha av de olika kanalerna (befintliga och de man bör ha)
#11: Förklara
kundens generella köpprocess
Det som är unikt är hur resan skapas mha av de olika kanalerna (befintliga och de man bör ha)
#12: Förklara
kundens generella köpprocess
Det som är unikt är hur resan skapas mha av de olika kanalerna (befintliga och de man bör ha)
#13: Store locator
Self Service i butik, spontanköp vid reklam
Köp online/offline använd online/offline
Nå kundtjänst i köpprocessen
Lagersaldo i butik – koppling till POS
Underlätta för kunden att hitta info om produkter
För att minska ”lost sales”
För att kunna ge personaliserade erbjudanden
Self service
Personaliserade erbjudanden