53. credits CGAphoto Israel Papillon s2art sxc.hu joomlashack.com pnoid0 Mark Scott Johnson Sgt. Pepperedjane Dutch Translation Team
Editor's Notes
My name is Brian Teeman and I'm from england
really who am i Open source geek, Joomla, blogger, AWARDS (the bit my mum likes to hear)
were here today and tomorrow to learn more about joomla
a date with the future
hello 1.6 nice to meet you2 years in the making and this is just the startlets look at whats new
too many new things to mention so here are MY highlights
what can i add what can i edit what can i see users in multiple groups you can still use acl just like in 1.5 if you want to
just because you can doesnt mean you shouldacl is hard you need to think and plan very carefully
unlimited nested categories
no more sections, categories of unlimited depth
improved translation language overrides for your site - dont get destroyed by an upgrade klingon
language specific content content in multiple languages content NOT linked suitable for small sites NOT joomfish
bye bye 404
redirect - customise the url for 404 and redirects old urls with a 301 - even use as a tiny url generator
a hidden joomla secret
many people installed community builder just to collect extra data from their members
let's get a little closer
create sites faster
bye bye apply Save (was apply) - now like every other application Save and close Save and new - takes you direct to a blank content item Save as copy productivity boost
quick add quick link to add content or category or menu
weve all had it happen the session expires and then we have to find out where we were before. NOW when you log back in you return to where you were when the session expired
new power with modules
modules anywhere easy to assign. easy to EXCLUDE All pages No Pages Selected Pages EXCEPT selected pages
modules any time just like content modules can now start and end based on time
power to the menu see what modules are assigned on the menu manager + assign new ones
you're looking hot
template power
you want it in green? multiple styles per template On occasion, you want a slightly different look to one page or a handful of pages on the site. Previously, this might mean coding a completely different template. Now, with template styles, you can easily create minor template variations, which can then be assigned to specific pages on the website.
no more tables all core output files are written in XHTML 1.0 Strict. HTML 5 is also supported in Joomla! 1.6.
customise layouts Template overrides vs Layout overrides: In Joomla! 1.5, you could change the look of some of Joomlas output files via template overrides. However, you couldnt change those output files just for a few pages. With the new improved layout overrides, you can alter the look of specific menu items, components, modules, and categories.
accessibility built in this is in the ADMIN
something i need to tell you
php 4 was dead 8/8/8 over 2 years ago. get a real HOST!!!!!
no legacy mode for 1.0 OR 1.5!!!! explain this properly
its really a migration not an upgrade depends on 3rd party upgrader need to see if you have 1.6 extensions YOU DONT HAVE TO!!!!
do you want to go on a date?
lots more under the hood especially for developers with many new possibilities and triggers
the future for joomla i cant look into my crystal ball and tell you
the future is up to you get involved translations, user groups, write extensions, create templates
switch to time based not feature based aim to release every 6 months 1.7 will be focussed on content , search , management so 1.7 July 10
some versions will be long term support so joomla 1.5 for approx 15 months but 1.6 and 1.7 only 6 months
thats all - time up
grab me at any time with any questions preferably with a coffee