Un breve talk per introdurre ad alcune funzioni native di Joomla! ( e del suo framework ) che ci permettono di riconsiderare il CMS a liverllo di sviluppo.
Siti Web: Content Management System (CMS): soluzioni Open Source per lo svilu...bsdlover
Lezione #3 di Paolo Gatti all'Universit degli Studi di Teramo, Facolt di Scienze della Comunicazione, avente come tema "Siti Web: Content Management System (CMS): soluzioni Open Source per lo sviluppo di qualsiasi tipologia di sito".
Le novit introdotte in TYPO3 CMS 7.3, nuova versione rilasciata il 16 giugno 2015.
A voi i commenti sulle nuove funzionalit introdotte, in attesa del rilascio LTS definitivo, che render questo cms ancora pi湛 veloce e stabile.
This document summarizes a study on a novel non-invasive skin tightening and body contouring device called the Venus Freeze. It combines multi-polar radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic fields. The study involved 15 patients treated over 8 weeks to reduce skin laxity, wrinkles, body circumference and cellulite. Results found the device produced consistent and demonstrable skin tightening, body contouring and cellulite reduction through synergistic application of radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic field energy.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen - 15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers University. It discusses common causes of "freshman 15", including easier access to food and less exercise. The plan is to create a weight gain prevention program using a point system, monthly programs/events, and personal mentors. Funding would come from organizations like CDC and NJ health department. The goal is to educate students and encourage healthy lifestyles through social media.
Scott Perlov is an associate attorney who also has accomplished musical skills. He began classical piano studies in England as a teenager and received a music scholarship to Colgate University. Perlov won several awards for his musical achievements and spent time perfecting his skills in music programs in Austria and Aspen, Colorado. Although he could have pursued a career as a concert pianist, Perlov instead decided to obtain a law degree and now balances his work as an attorney with continuing musical pursuits in genres such as jazz and folk rock.
Ultimate Frisbee was invented in 1968 by students at Columbia High School in New Jersey who were experimenting with throwing a Frisbee using traditional sports rules. The sport gained popularity as a counter-cultural activity and spread to colleges in the Northeast and around the country. In 1979, the Ultimate Players Association was formed to govern the sport and organize tournaments, including an annual national championship. One of the defining aspects of Ultimate is that all games are self-officiated, even at the highest levels, without referees.
Standard Zone Defenses in Ultimate FrisbeeScott Perlov
Scott Perlov is an accomplished Boulder, Colorado, attorney who has experience in civil litigation and intellectual property law. Earning his bachelors degree at Colgate University, Scott Perlov played varsity lacrosse and also captained the chess and ultimate Frisbee clubs. One of the most popular sports on college campuses, ultimate Frisbee includes elements of soccer and football. Despite its reputation as a pick-up game, ultimate Frisbee is a highly strategic, competitive team sport.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe option for non-invasive wrinkle therapy.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen -15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. It will use a points-based competition, health events, and personal mentors to promote healthy lifestyles. The $1,787 budget will cover prizes, guest speakers, snacks, and flyers. The program aims to educate students on maintaining a healthy weight through college using a social media campaign.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe non-surgical option for wrinkle reduction.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen -15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. It aims to create a weight prevention program using a point system for weight/fat loss, hosting monthly health events, and matching students with personal mentors. The program seeks $1,787 in funding from sources like the CDC and NJ health department to cover prizes, guest speakers, promotional materials and healthy snacks. It argues the program can educate students on healthy lifestyles and provide long-term support to help prevent freshman weight gain.
The document discusses different active learning instructional approaches that engage students more than passive listening. These include students working together in small groups, learning by doing through direct experiences designed by educators, discovery learning where students arrive at understanding concepts themselves, and student-centered learning where students assume responsibility for learning and instructors facilitate. These active learning approaches improve understanding, retention, develop higher-order thinking skills, and enable new means of communication between faculty and students.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe option for non-invasive wrinkle reduction.
Joomla! 1.5: CMS a mani tese verso gli sviluppatoriGrUSP
Joomla! 竪 un CMS ritenuto troppo spesso una soluzione esclusivamente for dummies : in questo intervento cercheremo di sfatare questa convinzione andando ad analizzare le feature che la versione 1.5 ha introdotto a favore degli sviluppatori.
Verranno proposte, per ogni capitolo del talk, slide introduttive e di approfondimento, concludendo con un case study per ogni tematica proposta.
Obiettivo del talk sar quello di comprendere quanto Joomla! sia una soluzione che offre grandi vantaggi fondendo abbattimento di costi, elevata relazionabilit con il cliente finale e buona estendibilit per le esigenze dello sviluppatore.
This document summarizes a study on a novel non-invasive skin tightening and body contouring device called the Venus Freeze. It combines multi-polar radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic fields. The study involved 15 patients treated over 8 weeks to reduce skin laxity, wrinkles, body circumference and cellulite. Results found the device produced consistent and demonstrable skin tightening, body contouring and cellulite reduction through synergistic application of radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic field energy.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen - 15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers University. It discusses common causes of "freshman 15", including easier access to food and less exercise. The plan is to create a weight gain prevention program using a point system, monthly programs/events, and personal mentors. Funding would come from organizations like CDC and NJ health department. The goal is to educate students and encourage healthy lifestyles through social media.
Scott Perlov is an associate attorney who also has accomplished musical skills. He began classical piano studies in England as a teenager and received a music scholarship to Colgate University. Perlov won several awards for his musical achievements and spent time perfecting his skills in music programs in Austria and Aspen, Colorado. Although he could have pursued a career as a concert pianist, Perlov instead decided to obtain a law degree and now balances his work as an attorney with continuing musical pursuits in genres such as jazz and folk rock.
Ultimate Frisbee was invented in 1968 by students at Columbia High School in New Jersey who were experimenting with throwing a Frisbee using traditional sports rules. The sport gained popularity as a counter-cultural activity and spread to colleges in the Northeast and around the country. In 1979, the Ultimate Players Association was formed to govern the sport and organize tournaments, including an annual national championship. One of the defining aspects of Ultimate is that all games are self-officiated, even at the highest levels, without referees.
Standard Zone Defenses in Ultimate FrisbeeScott Perlov
Scott Perlov is an accomplished Boulder, Colorado, attorney who has experience in civil litigation and intellectual property law. Earning his bachelors degree at Colgate University, Scott Perlov played varsity lacrosse and also captained the chess and ultimate Frisbee clubs. One of the most popular sports on college campuses, ultimate Frisbee includes elements of soccer and football. Despite its reputation as a pick-up game, ultimate Frisbee is a highly strategic, competitive team sport.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe option for non-invasive wrinkle therapy.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen -15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. It will use a points-based competition, health events, and personal mentors to promote healthy lifestyles. The $1,787 budget will cover prizes, guest speakers, snacks, and flyers. The program aims to educate students on maintaining a healthy weight through college using a social media campaign.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe non-surgical option for wrinkle reduction.
The document proposes a program called "Freshmen -15" to address weight gain among first-year students at Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. It aims to create a weight prevention program using a point system for weight/fat loss, hosting monthly health events, and matching students with personal mentors. The program seeks $1,787 in funding from sources like the CDC and NJ health department to cover prizes, guest speakers, promotional materials and healthy snacks. It argues the program can educate students on healthy lifestyles and provide long-term support to help prevent freshman weight gain.
The document discusses different active learning instructional approaches that engage students more than passive listening. These include students working together in small groups, learning by doing through direct experiences designed by educators, discovery learning where students arrive at understanding concepts themselves, and student-centered learning where students assume responsibility for learning and instructors facilitate. These active learning approaches improve understanding, retention, develop higher-order thinking skills, and enable new means of communication between faculty and students.
Evaluation of safety and efficacy using venus freeze by dr neil sadickCms D脹 Ticaret
This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Venus Freeze速 system, a radiofrequency device for non-invasive wrinkle treatment. 31 subjects received 10 treatments over 3 months and were evaluated before and after by physicians. Results found significant improvement in wrinkle appearance for 96.7% of subjects with no adverse effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in wrinkle score from before to after treatment, indicating the Venus Freeze速 system is an effective and safe option for non-invasive wrinkle reduction.
Joomla! 1.5: CMS a mani tese verso gli sviluppatoriGrUSP
Joomla! 竪 un CMS ritenuto troppo spesso una soluzione esclusivamente for dummies : in questo intervento cercheremo di sfatare questa convinzione andando ad analizzare le feature che la versione 1.5 ha introdotto a favore degli sviluppatori.
Verranno proposte, per ogni capitolo del talk, slide introduttive e di approfondimento, concludendo con un case study per ogni tematica proposta.
Obiettivo del talk sar quello di comprendere quanto Joomla! sia una soluzione che offre grandi vantaggi fondendo abbattimento di costi, elevata relazionabilit con il cliente finale e buona estendibilit per le esigenze dello sviluppatore.
Soluzioni Open Source per lo sviluppo di ogni tipologia di sito web. Il cabsdlover
Talk di Paolo Gatti al Linux Day 2012 dal titolo "Soluzione Open Source per lo sviluppo di ogni tipologia di sito web. Il caso pratico di Web&Dintorni"
SPRING - MAVEN - REST API (ITA - Luglio 2017)Valerio Radice
Introduzione al framework Java Spring e Maven per realizzare API REST.
Breve introduzione all'uso di Maven per configurare un progetto SpringBoot e realizzare un server REST.
Disponibile il codice dimostrativo su github (link nelle slide, attenzione alle branch).
Valerio Radice (valix85)
Luglio 2017
Presentazione del nuovo modello di sito scolastico su piattaforma Joomla! 3.x a cura del gruppo di sviluppo della comunit di pratica di Porte Aperte Sul Web.
Giornata Aperta sul Web 2015
1. Joomla! 2.5
PHP User Group Friuli
a. c. 02-2012_01
2. Cenni Storici
CMS per siti web nato nel 2005 (fork di Mambo) completamente scritto in PHP, licenza open
source GNU GPL v.2 , necessita di database MySQL.
2005 joomla 1.0
2008 joomla 1.5
2012 joomla 2.5
2011 Open Source Awards fonte http://www.packtpub.com/open-source-awards-home
Winner: Joomla!
3. Link Utili
www.joomla.it ( forum.joomla.it )
www.joomla.org ( extensions.joomla.org )
oltre 9000 estensioni disponibili ( non tutte per la 2.5, ma in rapida crescita )
per la sicurezza www.mmeloni.it
Sviluppo Joomla! - Guida per Principinti
(traduzione dalla versione inglese)
Joomla! 2.5 - Guida per Principinti
(traduzione dalla versione inglese)
9. Estensioni
Componenti Plugin Moduli Template 鍖le lingua
Componenti: pu嘆 essere considerato come un'applicazione in grado di implementare nuove
funzionalit (di solito visualizzano il contenuto della pagina, esempio forum e-commerce chat)
Moduli: aree prede鍖nite per la visualizzazione di testo e immagini o risultati di elaborazioni dei
Plugin: adattano il codice alle speci鍖che esigenze, possono operare con i componenti ma anche
Template: aspetto estetico del sito web
鍖le di lingua: traduzione del core di joomla (non dei contenuti inseriti dallutente!)
tutte le estensioni si trovano sotto forma di 鍖le .zip
alcune caratteristiche: MVC, ACL, categorie in鍖nite, moduli visibili a tempo