How to make money from Joomla! Monetization of Joomla! - lection on Joomla Day, Bulgaria from Eduard Dimitrov - 3D Web Design:
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Joomla Monetization
1. Joomla Day - October 13th ,2012, Sofia
Author: Eduard Dimitrov
(3D Web Design)
Monetization of Joomla
14. Most downloaded extensions for Joomla!
(34,635,004) Joomla!
(5,399,699) Akeeba Backup
(4,356,756) Joomla! Spanish
(2,994,641) Phoca Gallery
(2,761,194) JEvents
(2,421,650) Kunena Forum
(2,066,120) Joom!Fish
(1,889,358) DOCman
(1,542,676) Joomla! Translations
(1,524,035) VirtueMart eCommerce
All these sites are based of Phoca Gallery, Jevents, Kunena,
JomSocial and other waiting to be monetised!
15. The most used applications for Community sites
(2,761,194) Jevents
(2,994,641) Phoca Gallery
(2,421,650) Kunena Forum
JomSocial there isn't data
Agora there isn't data
Profit potential:
Kunena Forum:
- over 1000 forums, milions of users
- 17 forums are with Google pagerank 5 or higher
- over 115 forums are with pagerank 3|7|6|6|6|6|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5
16. How do I win money from user community in my website?
1. Donate buttons
2. Adsense and banner commercials
3. Extras for users?
4. Subscription payment?
5. Links and SEO?
Each second user of a forum has his
personal website.
More than 70% from users of a
forums placed links in your own
signature to one or more websites.
How do we make money from all this automated?
17. Perfect component for monetarization of Joomla
Component on a modular principle:
- you can sale everything and anywhere;
- two types of plugins: payment plugins and action plugins;
- four types payments: Bank transfer, Paypal, Epay.Bg, SMS payment;
- exceptional flexibility of payments;
- possibility for variety of payments depending on the language;
- you can create unlimited number of payments;
- possibility for variety of prices about different period of subscription;
- opportunities for different types of payments for the same action;
- over 15'th types ready plugins for the most popular components ;
- Ready plugins for: com_content, K2, Mosets Tree, Kunena, JomSocial, Sports Predictions;
- integrated possibilities for email marketing;
- anything work automaticaly after one-time setup;
- the component is Open Source and Gpl;
- information for developers and plugin template;
- example template for Action plugin, included in the package;
Anybody can develop an Action plugin paid or free
1. Choose one of finished plugins for a component;
2. Choose a component, which you want to monetise;
3. Choose an action, which to be usefull for users;
4. Or make an Action plugin, which provides extras return for payment;
5. If you want, you can let go your new plugin free or you can sell it.
18. Payments for Joomla (com_payments)
component user
Buy now
Article ->
Payment --> user
19. Kunena monetization example
Example: Kunena forum with around 1000 registered users plus the plugin
Monetize Kunena and com_payments
- The plugin unlocked only signatures of consumers who have paid;
- After instalation of the plugin consumers have to pay, to see their signatures;
- Subscribed user sees in your signature only short info with link to the payment page,
and that is to say he must to pay to have a signature;
- You should describe in new article what you offer to users;
- You enter the tag in article {kunena_sgn_payform};
- In this news are visible all ways of payment and all subscription plans which you
create in the administration;
- You configure in administration unlimited number of subscribtion plans, in which you
put number of days for subscription, price and tipe payment (sms, paypal, epay);
- When customer paid amound, he enter in a user group which has a signature in forum
for specified from you period of time. Subscription to users manually added in the
group never expire;
- Email marketing: You enter in administration when users can receive email updates
/one or more/ that their subscription expires;
- After a payment amount, user account is charged again with a relevant number days
depending on payment, which user was done.
20. Example of monetization of Kunena
How much money I'm going to win from 1000 registered
- If you put a price 4 euro for subscription for 12 mounts and your forum is a popular
(1000 and more users), min. 100 people a year will pay for this extra.
- For one year you will win over 400 euro from your forum, from which until now not
won anything (almost) nothing.
Well, if you have 10000 registered users?
Is it really worth to a consumers?
- If the user put in his signature 3 /three/ links, this is an equivalent of price link
around 10 cents per month.
- What I will do as SEO expert? If I find 50 popular forums with such a prices, I would
pay for subscription in all :)
21. Resources:
Statistic of downloaded applications:
Government web sites built with Joomla:
Joomla Extensions Directory (JED):
The most popular free Joomla components:
Payments for Joomla:
Functions of Payments for Joomla:
Monetize content (and K2):
Monetize Jomsocial:
Monetize Kunena (Paid Signtures in Kunena):
Information about developers for Payments for Joomla and sample template of action plugin
are included in com_payments package.