The document consists of a series of "keys" or prompts with short responses providing information about music. Some of the keys include an alphabet list of bands and singers from A to Z, different uses for a CD, things not to see at a concert, advantages and disadvantages of making music with programs like GarageBand, and commonalities between the bands ACDC and Akon.
5. Alphabet Keys
List A-Z words for bands or singers.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
6. Alphabet Keys
List A-Z words for bands or singers.
B. Beetles
C. Cliff Richards
D. Demi Lovato
E. Eminem
F. Faith Hill
G. Green Day
H. Heartland
I. Ice House
J. Johnny Cash
K. Kiss
L. Lady Gaga
M. Michael Jackson
N. Nirvia
Thursday, 26 August 2010
7. Alphabet Keys
List A-Z words for bands or singers.
O. Owl City
B. Beetles
P. Pink
C. Cliff Richards
Q. Queen
D. Demi Lovato
R. Rihanna
E. Eminem
S. Snoop Dog
F. Faith Hill
T. Taylor Swift
G. Green Day
U. U2
H. Heartland
V. Vanilla Ice
I. Ice House
W. Wicked
J. Johnny Cash
X. X-tream
K. Kiss
Y. Yazoo
L. Lady Gaga
Z. Zac Efron
M. Michael Jackson
N. Nirvia
Thursday, 26 August 2010
9. Different uses Key
Find 10 different uses for a CD
Thursday, 26 August 2010
10. Different uses Key
Find 10 different uses for a CD
1.Listen to music
2.Use as a frisbee
4.Blind people
5.Christmas decoration
6. A mirror
7.A plate
8.A lid for your drink
10.Record music on
Thursday, 26 August 2010
11. Different uses Key
Find 10 different uses for a CD
Thursday, 26 August 2010
13. The Reverse Key
List 10 things that you wish never to see at a concert
Thursday, 26 August 2010
14. The Reverse Key
List 10 things that you wish never to see at a concert
1.An assassin
2.A stripper
3.A streaker
4.A gun
5.Bad performing
6.Bad music
7.An accident
9.A 鍖ght
10.Stuff going wrong
Thursday, 26 August 2010
15. List 10 things that you wish never to see at a concert
1.An assassin
2.A stripper
3.A streaker
4.A gun
5.Bad performing
6.Bad music
7.An accident
9.A 鍖ght
10.Stuff going wrong
Thursday, 26 August 2010
17. Prediction Key
Predict what music will be like when you are your parents age?What
type of music will your children listen to.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
18. Prediction Key
Predict what music will be like when you are your parents age?What
type of music will your children listen to.
I think that in 30 years music will
be all about war, Hip-Hop and
Rock and have no meaning at all.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
19. Prediction Key
I think that in 30 years music will
be all about war, Hip-Hop and
Rock and have no meaning at all.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
22. Disadvantages Key
List the disadvantages and advantages of creating music using
programmes like Garage Band
Thursday, 26 August 2010
23. Disadvantages Key
List the disadvantages and advantages of creating music using
programmes like Garage Band
I)You can make your own music.
II)You might not know how to use the program.
III)You can make cool music without a band.
IV)Its quick
V) You dont socialize with anyone.
VI)It can get boring with just you by yourself.
VII)You can work from home.
VIII)But your stuck at home.
IX)You get time 鍖ddling around on the computer.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
25. What if... Key
What if you could travel back in time? What group or
era would you return to.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
26. What if... Key
What if you could travel back in time? What group or
era would you return to.
If I could go back in time I would go back to the 70s
because that was when some of the best singers in
history were in the 70s
Thursday, 26 August 2010
28. The Commonality Key
List the common points between ACDC and Akon.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
29. The Commonality Key
List the common points between ACDC and Akon.
1. Both musicians
2. Both sing
3. Both have albums
4. Both are singing in the present
5. Both have websites
6. Both are famous
Thursday, 26 August 2010