Presentation held by Mr.Jos Huizer as a part of The Road to better Broadband Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms.Nikica Kushinkova as a part of the The Corporate Social Responsibility at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Anita Grozdanov- Faculty of Technology and metallutrgy as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms.Liljana Hadzievska and Mr. Ljupco Davcev as a part of the Certification Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Dritan Mezini as a part of the ICT - the enabler for business development in the region Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Vladimir Ristevski as a part of the WINS ICT Call 7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Zvonko Obradovic as a part of the Specific e-Government solutions for better business environment Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Maciej Muzalewski-VECTOR Company as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Vjolca Cavolli as a part of the ICT the enabler for business development in the region Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Digital divide and broadband territorial coverageMASIT MACEDONIA
Presentation held by Ms.Katica Neceva as a part of The Digital Divide Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Goran Mitreski as a part of the Digital Divide Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Violeta Atanasovska- Ministry of education and science as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Information Security for increased usage of e-services - Masit Open Days 2010Ana Meskovska
Presentation on the 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference.
Mobile World Congress 2014 will feature a conference program across four days with keynote speeches and sessions focused on major industry trends and transformations enabled by mobile technology. Some of the key topics to be addressed include mobile strategies, connected lifestyles, mobile payments, big data, the battle for multi-screen homes, innovation, emerging markets, M2M applications, and the future of mobile technology. The conference will provide insights on business opportunities and challenges across industries being impacted and transformed by increasing mobile connectivity.
Presentation held by Mr.Anastas Mishev as a part of the - Cooperation between academia and ICT businesses Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Anita Nikova-as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Guest Lecture on IOT for Taylor's University (April 15, 2015) - Things that are connected to the Internet can be smarter than you think. There can be embedded intelligence to the device but there are time, a higher processing power is required in the cloud. But when you aggregate various kinds of data from multiple sources, it will bring better insights that you might not have the ability to find out if its data resides in silos. To build smarter world, we need smarter people to make it work.
IoT, Zeno's Paradox, Reductio Ad Absurdum, and Driving Fast 04092014Joseph Biron
IoT is becoming many different things to different people. For some, instead of IoT's uprising being a motivator, it is causing analysis paralysis.
This presentation is meant to be a confidence pill for those afflicted with this paralysis.
IoT has been happenin'. Your competition is doing it. Get off your butt and take the first step.
From the April 2014 IoT Meetup in Boston, MA.
The document discusses CSR activities in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia. It outlines the institutional setup for CSR coordination including a national coordinating body. The Ministry of Economy acts as the coordinator of CSR activities for state institutions and has established a Social Responsibility Unit. This unit monitors the national CSR agenda and implementation of projects like the Macedonian CSR Project, which aims to promote CSR through activities, capacity building and raising awareness. Future CSR plans by the Ministry include establishing a national CSR award and further developing related laws and strategies.
The document discusses the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) and its major events. WITSA is a global consortium of 81 ICT industry associations representing over 90% of the global ICT market. Its two major events are the biennial World Congress on IT and the annual Global Policy Action and Trade Summit. The World Congress on IT is a premier global conference that has been held since 1978 in various locations and brings together over 2,000 industry leaders. It focuses on facilitating business partnerships and discussions around the role of ICT in society and the global economy.
1st BIG IoT Webinar
The webinar will provide a general overview of the BIG IoT project, the technical solution and the application form of the 1st Open call.
Automatski Corporation provides an audio video conferencing solution that allows for conferencing across different devices like mobiles, tablets, computers, and smart devices. The solution uses a central cloud service for registration, authentication, initiating connections, and hosting super nodes. The cloud service establishes direct peer-to-peer connections between participants using voice, audio, and video codecs. The solution is hardware and network agnostic to work across different environments and crises situations.
CG and CSR Accomplishments and Awards INetSkopjeMASIT MACEDONIA
This document discusses INet's implementation of corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). It provides definitions of CG and CSR, and outlines how INet has implemented policies and practices around human resources, community involvement, transparency, and environmental sustainability. The company has received several awards for its CG and CSR efforts. Implementing CG and CSR has provided benefits to INet such as increased employee motivation, efficiency, and reputation.
Presentation held by Ms.Nadezda Dimitrovska as a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
2nd BIG IoT Webinar
The webinar will provide a general overview of the BIG IoT project, the technical solution and the application form of the 1st Open call.
The document discusses various ways in which digital technologies are disrupting businesses and society. It describes how the internet and computer revolutions have led to a networked information economy. Key aspects of digital disruption include information and goods becoming digitized and manipulatable, the rise of non-proprietary and participatory production/sharing, and an increasing role for experiences over tangible products. The document also examines new realities blending physical and virtual worlds, the growing power of social media, and different industries being transformed through new digital platforms.
Presentation held by Ms. Rozalija Vasilevska as a part of the Public Private Partnership Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
The document discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) and provides guidance on what CSR is, why it is important, who should practice it, and how to implement it. Specifically, it defines CSR as responsible business practices that contribute to sustainable development. It argues that CSR benefits companies through increased competitiveness, customer loyalty, and long-term profits. Additionally, the document asserts that CSR should be practiced by all companies regardless of size. It advises consulting stakeholders and experts to integrate CSR into core business operations in a way that can be effectively monitored and measured.
Digital divide and broadband territorial coverageMASIT MACEDONIA
Presentation held by Ms.Katica Neceva as a part of The Digital Divide Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Goran Mitreski as a part of the Digital Divide Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Violeta Atanasovska- Ministry of education and science as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Information Security for increased usage of e-services - Masit Open Days 2010Ana Meskovska
Presentation on the 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference.
Mobile World Congress 2014 will feature a conference program across four days with keynote speeches and sessions focused on major industry trends and transformations enabled by mobile technology. Some of the key topics to be addressed include mobile strategies, connected lifestyles, mobile payments, big data, the battle for multi-screen homes, innovation, emerging markets, M2M applications, and the future of mobile technology. The conference will provide insights on business opportunities and challenges across industries being impacted and transformed by increasing mobile connectivity.
Presentation held by Mr.Anastas Mishev as a part of the - Cooperation between academia and ICT businesses Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Anita Nikova-as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Guest Lecture on IOT for Taylor's University (April 15, 2015) - Things that are connected to the Internet can be smarter than you think. There can be embedded intelligence to the device but there are time, a higher processing power is required in the cloud. But when you aggregate various kinds of data from multiple sources, it will bring better insights that you might not have the ability to find out if its data resides in silos. To build smarter world, we need smarter people to make it work.
IoT, Zeno's Paradox, Reductio Ad Absurdum, and Driving Fast 04092014Joseph Biron
IoT is becoming many different things to different people. For some, instead of IoT's uprising being a motivator, it is causing analysis paralysis.
This presentation is meant to be a confidence pill for those afflicted with this paralysis.
IoT has been happenin'. Your competition is doing it. Get off your butt and take the first step.
From the April 2014 IoT Meetup in Boston, MA.
The document discusses CSR activities in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia. It outlines the institutional setup for CSR coordination including a national coordinating body. The Ministry of Economy acts as the coordinator of CSR activities for state institutions and has established a Social Responsibility Unit. This unit monitors the national CSR agenda and implementation of projects like the Macedonian CSR Project, which aims to promote CSR through activities, capacity building and raising awareness. Future CSR plans by the Ministry include establishing a national CSR award and further developing related laws and strategies.
The document discusses the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) and its major events. WITSA is a global consortium of 81 ICT industry associations representing over 90% of the global ICT market. Its two major events are the biennial World Congress on IT and the annual Global Policy Action and Trade Summit. The World Congress on IT is a premier global conference that has been held since 1978 in various locations and brings together over 2,000 industry leaders. It focuses on facilitating business partnerships and discussions around the role of ICT in society and the global economy.
1st BIG IoT Webinar
The webinar will provide a general overview of the BIG IoT project, the technical solution and the application form of the 1st Open call.
Automatski Corporation provides an audio video conferencing solution that allows for conferencing across different devices like mobiles, tablets, computers, and smart devices. The solution uses a central cloud service for registration, authentication, initiating connections, and hosting super nodes. The cloud service establishes direct peer-to-peer connections between participants using voice, audio, and video codecs. The solution is hardware and network agnostic to work across different environments and crises situations.
CG and CSR Accomplishments and Awards INetSkopjeMASIT MACEDONIA
This document discusses INet's implementation of corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). It provides definitions of CG and CSR, and outlines how INet has implemented policies and practices around human resources, community involvement, transparency, and environmental sustainability. The company has received several awards for its CG and CSR efforts. Implementing CG and CSR has provided benefits to INet such as increased employee motivation, efficiency, and reputation.
Presentation held by Ms.Nadezda Dimitrovska as a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
2nd BIG IoT Webinar
The webinar will provide a general overview of the BIG IoT project, the technical solution and the application form of the 1st Open call.
The document discusses various ways in which digital technologies are disrupting businesses and society. It describes how the internet and computer revolutions have led to a networked information economy. Key aspects of digital disruption include information and goods becoming digitized and manipulatable, the rise of non-proprietary and participatory production/sharing, and an increasing role for experiences over tangible products. The document also examines new realities blending physical and virtual worlds, the growing power of social media, and different industries being transformed through new digital platforms.
Presentation held by Ms. Rozalija Vasilevska as a part of the Public Private Partnership Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
The document discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) and provides guidance on what CSR is, why it is important, who should practice it, and how to implement it. Specifically, it defines CSR as responsible business practices that contribute to sustainable development. It argues that CSR benefits companies through increased competitiveness, customer loyalty, and long-term profits. Additionally, the document asserts that CSR should be practiced by all companies regardless of size. It advises consulting stakeholders and experts to integrate CSR into core business operations in a way that can be effectively monitored and measured.
Presentation held by Mr. Vladimir Ristevski as a part of the WINS ICT Call7 Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Zoran Aleksov as a part of the Specific e-Government solutions for better business environment Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Elena Stamatovska as a part of the Specific e-Government solutions for better business environment Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Vision of registry infrastructure for progressive societiesMASIT MACEDONIA
This document discusses the vision for developing progressive registry infrastructure. It outlines key components including starting a business, maintaining operations, and closing a business. The infrastructure should evolve from basic registry to interoperability and value-added services. The layers include pan-European, national, and local functions. Key components are e-filing, e-documents, e-payment, and business process management. Developing this infrastructure supports measuring the business environment and providing necessary information.
Presentation held by Mr. Dejan Damjanovic as a part of the Specific e-Government solutions for better business environment Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr. Andon Rumenov as a part of the Specific e-Government solutions for better business environment Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms. Valentina Nushkova as a part of the ICT - the enabler for business development in the region Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
The document discusses the development of an export promotion strategy for Macedonia's software and IT services industry. It describes how MASIT led the creation of a working group with government and educational institutions to develop the strategy over several workshops from 2008-2010. While waiting to be adopted as an official government strategy, MASIT has begun implementing aspects of the operational plan with support from GTZ. The strategy aims to increase coordination, communication, and information sharing between industry and government to better promote the country's software exports.
Presentation held by Prof. Oliver Iliev as a part of the - Cooperation between academia and ICT businesses Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Ms.Hristina Dzambazoska as a part of the - Cooperation between academia and ICT businesses Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Goce Bogatinov and Mr. Jordan Tikvesanski as a part of the - Cooperation between academia and ICT businesses Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Milan Davidovic as a part of the Certification Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
This document discusses finding cost-effective models for certifying and implementing international standards in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macedonia. It presents a SWOT analysis of SMEs implementing standards and outlines different certification standards. It then describes the three processes involved: implementing a management system, certifying and surveilling the system, and maintaining the system long-term. The goal is to help Macedonian SMEs improve competitiveness by providing affordable paths to certification.
Makedonski Telekom is working to bridge the digital divide in Macedonia through investments in infrastructure and community programs. They are expanding broadband access through ADSL and FTTH networks to reach 100% of the country by 2010. Traffic is also forecasted to rapidly increase, reaching 2.5 exabytes per month in Central and Eastern Europe by 2014. To address unequal access opportunities, Makedonski Telekom is donating computers to students through their "PC for every student" program and supporting education and civil society initiatives. Their goal is to provide equal opportunities for all people to participate in the digital economy and information society.
SEE ICT Forum activities april - october 2010 MASIT MACEDONIA
Presentation held by Mr.Toni Petreski as a part of the - SEE ICT Forum Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Vladimir Danilenko as a part of the Broadband Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Presentation held by Mr.Maciej Muzalewski as a part of the Broadband Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010
Jos Huizer, Ing., MBA, RM
SCTE representative for the Balkans
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
2. Agenda
SMS game
How to achieve
Trained people Perform better
The Broadband future
Facts and Figures
Over the Top TV
The winners profile
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
3. Your Broadband Association
Raise the standard of broadband engineering in the
telecommunications industry.
How to Achieve
Training and career advancement of technical
Organizing conferences, exhibitions and lecture
meetings all around the world
provide accreditation and certification for its members,
giving them professional standing within the industry
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
4. Trained people Perform better
how about the others?
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
5. The Broadband Future
Facts and figures
Over the top TV
Zie Vefica
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
6. The Broadband Future
Facts and figures
Geographic Population Facebook Facebook Internet Internet
World Regions ( 2010 Est.) Users Index(*) Users Penetration
Asia 3,834,792,852 93,584,580 2.4 % 11.3 % 828,930,856 21.6 %
Africa 1,013,779,050 17,607,440 1.7 % 15.9 % 110,948,420 10.9 %
Europe 813,319,511 162,104,640 19.9 % 34.1 % 475,121,735 58.4 %
Latin America 550,924,250 68,189,920 12.4 % 35.0 % 195,042,230 30.4 %
North America 344,124,450 149,054,040 43.3 % 56.0 % 266,224,500 77.4 %
Middle East 212,336,924 11,698,120 5.5 % 18.5 % 63,240,946 29.8 %
The Caribbean 41,632,722 3,925,060 9.4 % 39.0 % 10,055,240 24.2 %
Oceania / Australia 34,700,201 11,596,660 33.4 % 54.5 % 21,272,470 61.3 %
WORLD TOTAL 6,845,609,960 517,760,460 7.6 % 26.3 % 1,970,837,003 28.8 %
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
7. The Broadband Future
Facts and figures
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
8. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
9. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
10. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
11. The Broadband Future
TV driven PC
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
12. Where are we?
Live TV Live TV Live TV
Long form Long form Long form
On demand TV On demand TV On demand TV
Short form Short form Short form
Video Video Video
Communication Communication Communication
Social media Social media Social media
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
13. Substantial Differences will exists
Live TV
1 to 1
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
14. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
15. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
16. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
17. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
18. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
19. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
20. Broadband Future
Over the Top Television
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
21. The Broadband Future
Social Media
Driving Broadband
Driving YOUR Business
But what is it?
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
22. So What?
Broadband drivers:
Internet applications
Consumer technology (devices)
Changes in our social behavior
What does this mean for the provider?
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
23. H1
The winners profile
Always connected, either mobile of fixed
Not a loyal club member but is organized around the issue
Moves from one group to the other and disappears again
Watches television anywhere, everywhere at any time
Combines mobile, laptop and television technologies
Social poor and network rich
Can force suppliers to change:
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid
24. Dia 23
omschrijf zodanig dat in het eind een consument ontstaat:
gezin als individuelen
gezien als groep
gezin in de sociale context (moving mobs, issue related groups)
de winnaar is diegeine bediennt
HMConsult; 5-10-2010
25. H2
Milk or Drown the Winner
Offer services asked for Offer only what is in your
Now that we know how the Winner looks like, it is time to we know how to win him
Against an stakeholders value catalogue
over and createdacceptable price beyond believe
At any location where he wants Try to be creative, show the price
as it is
With only those ads that he cares
for Tell him where to go as
Process requests the most
effective way Hire cheap young untrained staff
Service customers with trained Dont worry about your shop
staff who understand the Name environment, thats only a waste
of the Game
Create store environment
enhancing the service level
8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid