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                    Jos Huizer, Ing., MBA, RM
                SCTE representative for the Balkans

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
        SMS game
        The SCTE
              How to achieve
       Trained people Perform better
       The Broadband future
              Facts and Figures
              Over the Top TV
       The winners profile

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Your Broadband Association
  Raise the standard of broadband engineering in the
    telecommunications industry.
  How to Achieve
  Training and career advancement of technical
  Organizing conferences, exhibitions and lecture
    meetings all around the world
  provide accreditation and certification for its members,
    giving them professional standing within the industry
8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Trained people Perform better
                how about the others?

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
The Broadband Future
  Facts and figures
  Over the top TV
  Zie Vefica

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
The Broadband Future
                                                    Facts and figures
                                           FACEBOOK USAGE AND INTERNET STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 31, 2010

       Geographic       Population             Facebook                           Facebook              Internet               Internet
        World Regions      ( 2010 Est.)             Users                             Index(*)               Users               Penetration

Asia                       3,834,792,852            93,584,580           2.4 %         11.3 %                   828,930,856            21.6 %

Africa                     1,013,779,050            17,607,440           1.7 %         15.9 %                   110,948,420            10.9 %

Europe                       813,319,511           162,104,640          19.9 %         34.1 %                   475,121,735            58.4 %

Latin America                550,924,250            68,189,920          12.4 %         35.0 %                   195,042,230            30.4 %

North America                344,124,450           149,054,040          43.3 %         56.0 %                   266,224,500            77.4 %

Middle East                  212,336,924            11,698,120           5.5 %         18.5 %                    63,240,946            29.8 %

The Caribbean                 41,632,722             3,925,060           9.4 %         39.0 %                    10,055,240            24.2 %

Oceania / Australia           34,700,201            11,596,660          33.4 %         54.5 %                    21,272,470            61.3 %

WORLD TOTAL                6,845,609,960           517,760,460           7.6 %         26.3 %                  1,970,837,003           28.8 %

 8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
The Broadband Future
                                       Facts and figures

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
The Broadband Future
               TV                              driven                       PC



8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Where are we?

                         Live TV                   Live TV                   Live TV

                      Long form                 Long form                  Long form
                     On demand TV              On demand TV               On demand TV

                       Short form                Short form                 Short form
                         Video                     Video                      Video

                    Communication             Communication               Communication
                     Social media              Social media                Social media

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Substantial Differences will exists

Live TV


                                                                                1 to 1


8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Broadband Future
                                  Over the Top Television

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
The Broadband Future
                           Social Media
  Driving Broadband
  Driving YOUR Business

  But what is it?

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
So What?
  Broadband drivers:
    Internet applications
    Consumer technology (devices)
    Changes in our social behavior

       What does this mean for the provider?

8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org

                             The winners profile
               Always connected, either mobile of fixed

               Not a loyal club member but is organized around the issue

               Moves from one group to the other and disappears again

               Watches television anywhere, everywhere at any time

               Combines mobile, laptop and television technologies

               Social poor and network rich

               Can force suppliers to change:

     8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
     14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Dia 23

         omschrijf zodanig dat in het eind een consument ontstaat:
         gezin als individuelen
         gezien als groep
         gezin in de sociale context (moving mobs, issue related groups)

         de winnaar is diegeine bediennt
         HMConsult; 5-10-2010

                    Milk or Drown the Winner
       DO                                     DONT
        Offer services asked for              Offer only what is in your
     Now that we know how the Winner looks like, it is time to we know how to win him
        Against an stakeholders value            catalogue
     over and createdacceptable price beyond believe
        At any location where he wants                       Try to be creative, show the price
                                                               as it is
        With only those ads that he cares
         for                                                  Tell him where to go as
        Process requests the most
         effective way                                        Hire cheap young untrained staff
        Service customers with trained                       Dont worry about your shop
         staff who understand the Name                        environment, thats only a waste
         of the Game
        Create store environment
         enhancing the service level


     8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
     14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org
Dia 24

H2       vlotte filmpje, marketing boodschap
         HMConsult; 5-10-2010

H3       filmpje startbucks lets fly away......
         HMConsult; 5-10-2010
8th SEEITA  7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference
14-15 October 2010, Ohrid            www.seeita.org

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Your Broadband Society

  • 1. YOUR BROADBAND SOCIETY Jos Huizer, Ing., MBA, RM SCTE representative for the Balkans 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 2. Agenda SMS game The SCTE Goals How to achieve Trained people Perform better The Broadband future Facts and Figures Over the Top TV The winners profile 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 3. Your Broadband Association Goal Raise the standard of broadband engineering in the telecommunications industry. How to Achieve Training and career advancement of technical professionals Organizing conferences, exhibitions and lecture meetings all around the world provide accreditation and certification for its members, giving them professional standing within the industry 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 4. Trained people Perform better how about the others? 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 5. The Broadband Future Facts and figures Over the top TV 3DTV Zie Vefica 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 6. The Broadband Future Facts and figures FACEBOOK USAGE AND INTERNET STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 31, 2010 Geographic Population Facebook Facebook Internet Internet World Regions ( 2010 Est.) Users Index(*) Users Penetration Asia 3,834,792,852 93,584,580 2.4 % 11.3 % 828,930,856 21.6 % Africa 1,013,779,050 17,607,440 1.7 % 15.9 % 110,948,420 10.9 % Europe 813,319,511 162,104,640 19.9 % 34.1 % 475,121,735 58.4 % Latin America 550,924,250 68,189,920 12.4 % 35.0 % 195,042,230 30.4 % North America 344,124,450 149,054,040 43.3 % 56.0 % 266,224,500 77.4 % Middle East 212,336,924 11,698,120 5.5 % 18.5 % 63,240,946 29.8 % The Caribbean 41,632,722 3,925,060 9.4 % 39.0 % 10,055,240 24.2 % Oceania / Australia 34,700,201 11,596,660 33.4 % 54.5 % 21,272,470 61.3 % WORLD TOTAL 6,845,609,960 517,760,460 7.6 % 26.3 % 1,970,837,003 28.8 % 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 7. The Broadband Future Facts and figures 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 8. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 9. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 10. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 11. The Broadband Future Content TV driven PC Game Console Mobiel 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 12. Where are we? Mobiel Live TV Live TV Live TV Long form Long form Long form On demand TV On demand TV On demand TV Short form Short form Short form Video Video Video Communication Communication Communication Social media Social media Social media 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 13. Substantial Differences will exists Live TV Television: social Mobile: 1 to 1 Computer: individual Communication 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 14. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 15. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 16. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 17. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 18. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 19. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 20. Broadband Future Over the Top Television 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 21. The Broadband Future Social Media Influential Powerful Enforcing Growing Driving Broadband Driving YOUR Business But what is it? 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 22. So What? Broadband drivers: Internet applications Consumer technology (devices) Changes in our social behavior What does this mean for the provider? 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 23. H1 The winners profile Always connected, either mobile of fixed Not a loyal club member but is organized around the issue Moves from one group to the other and disappears again Watches television anywhere, everywhere at any time Combines mobile, laptop and television technologies Social poor and network rich Can force suppliers to change: 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 24. Dia 23 H1 omschrijf zodanig dat in het eind een consument ontstaat: gezin als individuelen gezien als groep gezin in de sociale context (moving mobs, issue related groups) de winnaar is diegeine bediennt HMConsult; 5-10-2010
  • 25. H2 Milk or Drown the Winner DO DONT Offer services asked for Offer only what is in your Now that we know how the Winner looks like, it is time to we know how to win him Against an stakeholders value catalogue over and createdacceptable price beyond believe At any location where he wants Try to be creative, show the price as it is With only those ads that he cares for Tell him where to go as alternative Process requests the most effective way Hire cheap young untrained staff Service customers with trained Dont worry about your shop staff who understand the Name environment, thats only a waste of the Game Create store environment enhancing the service level H3 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org
  • 26. Dia 24 H2 vlotte filmpje, marketing boodschap HMConsult; 5-10-2010 H3 filmpje startbucks lets fly away...... HMConsult; 5-10-2010
  • 27. 8th SEEITA 7th SEE ICT Forum Meeting & 7th MASIT Open Days Conference 14-15 October 2010, Ohrid www.seeita.org