Journal Club 'Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) covering urethroplasty versus dartos flap in distal hypospadias repair: A prospective randomized study'
This study compared using autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) versus a dartos flap for covering the urethra after distal hypospadias repair using the Snodgrass technique. The randomized study of 180 patients found no significant difference in operative time between the PRP and dartos flap groups. Post-operative complication rates and cosmetic results were also similar between the two covering methods. The study concluded that PRP could be a low-cost alternative to other tissue grafts for urethral coverage after hypospadias repair.
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Journal Club 'Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) covering urethroplasty versus dartos flap in distal hypospadias repair: A prospective randomized study'
1. Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) covering
urethroplasty versus dartos flap in distal hypospadias
repair: A prospective randomized
Abdelaziz Yehya Mahmoud, Samir Gouda, Ibrahim Gamaan and
Mohamed A Baky Fahmy
Pediatric Surgery Department, Al-Azhar University Hospitals,
Cairo, Egypt
Presenter: Dr Mujtuba Pervez Khan
Resident Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
2. Literature
? Soft tissue coverage over the urethra, important factor
affecting the outcome
? Protective layer between the neo-urethra and the skin
reduces fistulas and overall complications
? Despite the use of covering flaps in hypospadias surgery, it is
still a matter of debate by some authors.
? PRP is an autologous concentrate of platelets in a small
volume of plasma containing biologically active factors
responsible for hemostasis, synthesis of new connective
tissue and revascularization
6. Discussion
? >250 techniques have been reported
? Fistula rate varies from 3 to 10%
? Different techniques for second layer coverage
? No accordance among pediatric urologists on the most
effective technique
10. Aim
? To evaluate and to compare the use of PRP covering layer
and dartos flap layer in regard to complication rates in
Snodgrass (TIP) hypospadias repair.
11. Methods
? October 2011 to December 2016
? Total 180 patients
? Mean age 27.9 months
? Randomization was achieved through sealed envelopes
12. ? Group A (n= 90)
? PRP layer group
? Lost to follow up = 3
? Group B (n= 90)
? Dartos flap group
? Lost to follow up = 5
13. Inclusion Criteria
? Primary cases
? Sub coronal, distal and mid penile with minimal chordee
Exclusion Criteria
?Proximal hypospadias
?Moderate to severe chordee
?Previous topical androgen therapy
15. Operative Procedure
? 10cc blood drawn
? PRP extracted by double centrifuge
? Calcium chlorate was added
? Incubated at 37C for 3 mins until red clot
was obtained
17. Operative Procedure
? PRP sheet was applied (vicryl 7/0)
after tubularization (vicryl 6/0)
? Skin was closed
? 8 -12 F catheter was used
? Dressing removed on 4th P.O.D
? Catheter kept for 7-10 days
? Urinary stream was observed in all
18. Statistical Analysis
? 95% confidence interval
? 80% power of the study
? 5% error
? Chi squared test was applied
? P <0.050 was considered significant
20. Results
? A, PRP group = 124.6 minutes
? B, Dartos group = 136.4 minutes
? P >0.10, statistically insignificant
Operative time
22. Results
? A slit-like neo-meatus on the tip of the glans was obtained
in most of the cases.
? Parents were asked to evaluate the cosmetic appearance
of the penis as good, acceptable, bad or indifferent. The
cosmetic result was reported as good in 73% of group A
and 69% of group B.
Cosmetic appearance