A slide deck covering basic interviewing techniques for journalists presented to level 2 students at Zhekiang University of Media and Communications. The content of the slide deck was adapted from: http://www.schooljournalism.org/interviewing-tips/
4. Interviewing
the right source can often be the
hardest part of telling a story
You also need to be able to ask the right
5. Interviewing
your goal is to get accurate and interesting
information for your story
There are several strategies available to get
your subject to talk
6. Before the Interview
might need to do some preparation for
the interview
What do you already know about the person
or the subject you want to talk about
What else can you find out about the person
or the subject before the interview
7. Before the Interview
need to become a mini-expert
Don't expect the person you are interviewing
to do all the work for you
You need to know as much as possible
before you decide what questions to ask
9. During the Interview
the person you are interviewing feel
A source will give you better answers if they
feel comfortable
Be relaxed and conversational about your
11. During the Interview
open-ended questions
Avoid questions with yes or no answers
Be prepared to ask follow-up questions
13. Open vs Closed Questions
Do you get on with
your classmates?
What colour shirt are
you wearing?
Will you tell me
about how you get
on with your
Why are you
wearing a red shirt?
15. During the Interview
about experiences
Ask about anecdotes
Try and get some quotes you can use in
your story
Remember to ask questions that your
readers might want to ask
16. During the Interview
giving your own opinions about a topic
Direct your source towards the topics you
want to discuss
Remember to use follow-up questions to
go deeper into the story
17. During the Interview
notes while you are doing the interview
Try recording the interview as well
You will find it easier to understand your
notes after the interview if you have already
recorded it
19. Ending the Interview
the interview by asking the source if
there is anything they would like to add
This is not only polite but shows the source
you care about what they have to say
21. After the Interview
your note to computer as soon as
possible afterwards
Do some writing while the interview is still
fresh in your mind
23. After the Interview
about your headline
Think about your lead paragraph
What will be the heart of your story
24. After the Interview
the pyramid i.e. the most
important information comes first
Try ranking the 5W's and 1H in order of
27. Brainstorm Your Questions
a list of open-ended questions to ask
another classmate
What kind of questions might illicit a story
from them that you can then write about
30. Write up your article
write up the interview including a
headline and lead paragraph
31. Read out your article
read out your article headline and lead
paragraph to the class
32. Thanks to...
The contents of this slide deck was adapted from
Images taken from the interweb
And some of my own ideas were utilised in the
making of this slide deck as well
Feel free to adapt, edit and rewrite as you need