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Journalism and the
Burbank Community
Bryan Mahoney
February 2013
About Bryan
 Writes the Burbs Eye View column each Wednesday
 Moved to California in 2010
 Holds several awards from the New York and New
England Press Associations for investigative and
community engagement work
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But first  a Mad Lib
Words influence LANGUAGE,
LANGUAGE influences thought.
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The printing press.
Even Snooki wrote a book. Think about it.
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Alexis de Tocqueville
Wrote Democracy in
 Originally titled,
Hey America! You
Rock at Democracy
 French historian and
Keanu Reeves lookalike
5/23/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 11
The only authors whom I
acknowledge as American
are the journalists. They indeed
are not great writers, but they
speak the language of their
countrymen, and make
themselves heard by them.
-From Democracy in America
James Joyce
Wrote Finnegans Wake
 Big surprise: An Irish
book about whisky
 English wasnt good
enough, so he
made up words
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Finnegans Wake, Page One
Is this English, or an eye chart?
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Narrative Journalism
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The new news
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The New York Times
 One of the first newspapers to
go online
 Had a chance to charge for
content but didnt. Reversed its
policy 10+ years later.
 Represented unlimited real
estate; difficult to sell ads online
when space is unlimited
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How to be a Journalist
5/23/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 18
1. Grow a beard.
2. Learn how to ask questions
that cant be answered with
Yes or No.
3. Be an active listener.
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The central dilemma
in journalism is that you don't
know what you don't know.
A Broader Look at an Imperfect System
With enough time on your hands, you too can pore through
hundreds of property records on a Sunday afternoon.
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The Osorio Family
At the end of the day, a journalist gets to meet great people.
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Information overload.
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Traditional Service
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Service online
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A newspaper can only subsist on
the condition of publishing
sentiments or principles common
to a large number of men.  The
fact that the newspaper keeps
alive, is a proof that at least the
germ of such an association exists
in the minds of its readers.
-From Democracy in America
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Anatomy of a Newspaper
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Advertising Editorial
News Opinion
Letters OpEd Editorials
Money Money
Money Money Money
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A final Mad Lib
5/23/2013 Journalism and the Burbank Community 33
Journalism today is a(n) evolving profession, one that
requires more involvement from its audience in order to
work. Newsgathering and news sharing are participatory
activities and though the medium has changed the
message has not. Community journalism still has its place
in delivering stories to its readers  it must cement its role
in uncovering the unseen if it is to remain relevant.
Thank you.
I will now accept _____________
and also ______________.

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