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The Worlds Leading Online Travel News Service for the Media!

  Boston | Sydney | London
Auckland | Hong Kong | Dubai

                      If you are not already a member, go to www.travmedia.com - and ensure you never miss out on the latest news!

Journalists Guide to TravMedia
This guide will show you how to use the following features of TravMedia:
-    Email Alerts                 -    Photo Library
-    News Room                    -    Press Centre
-    Press Releases               -    Other Essential Features
-    Journalist Alert

TravMedia is the only dedicated travel industry   Our community ensures that communication
news distribution service, supplying you with     between organisations and journalists is as
the latest news wherever you are, at whatever     streamlined as possible.
time of the day.
                                                  Whether you are a news-based journalist,
Created exclusively for journalists, TravMedia    features writer, researcher or you work in any
offers you free access to breaking press          other area of the media, TravMedia is here to
releases, together with photographs, company      help.
information and PR contact details from over
1300 travel industry organisations.

                         airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
    tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


The news you need ... straight to your Inbox
TravMedia supplies          DIRECT ACCESS
registered journalist       Email alerts allow you to scan all
                            breaking news for stories of interest.
users with breaking news    From the alert you can:
via email alerts,           - Click through to the site to read,
delivered on an hourly,       download or print press releases
daily or weekly basis, to   - Send an email or place a call
suit your requirements.       directly to the relevant PR contact
                            - Go straight to the photo library
                              of that organisation and
                              download high-resolution images

                            TAILORED TO EACH USERS NEEDS
                            At TravMedia, we understand the
                            information overload that email can
                            bring, so we developed the Edit User
                            Profile feature. This allows you to
                            tailor email alerts to your specific
                            requirements. Alerts can be tailored by:
                            - Fields of interest
                            - Frequency
                            - Browser requirements

                          airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
     tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


All the industrys news in one place
TravMedias News Room          BREAKING NEWS
is the hub of our service      TravMedia distributes press
                               releases from organisations across
where youll find the latest   the travel industry.
news from organisations
worldwide, including           FINDING ORGANISATIONS
national & international       TravMedias user-friendly menu bar
                               (located on the left-hand side of the
tourist boards, tour           webpage) places all our customers
operators, attractions,        into appropriate categories.
hotels & resorts, airlines,
car rental companies and       NEED TO BE MORE SPECIFIC?
                               Use our search facility to find
online travel organisations.
                               specific stories or to research by
                               subject area. You can search within
                               an individual organisation or the
                               whole of TravMedia.

                           airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
      tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


The centre of TravMedias service
You can access releases         DOWNLOAD
                                Once you have found a press
either from our email           release of interest you can view
alerts, or by visiting the site or download it from the site.
directly. Releases appear       TravMedia allows you to print,
with company logos, images copy and paste as you wish.
and PR contact details.         PHOTOGRAPHY
                                   The majority of press releases on
                                   TravMedia, feature accompanying
                                   From any press release, you can
                                   click into an organisations image
                                   library and download free-for-use,
                                   pre-captioned, high-resolution


                            airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
       tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


Searching for the bigger picture?
TravMedia hosts high-        HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES
resolution (300dpi)          When you click on a thumbnail,
                             a window will pop up giving you
photographs and logos and    the option to download the high-
videos from companies and    resolution image. From here just
organisations across the     follow the link and save to your
travel industry, which you
can download for free.       VIDEO

                                                                1. Click on the image that
                                                                you would like to download

                                                                                   2. Click on Click here to
                                                                                   download the full size photo

                                                                                                         3. Click on Save to save the
                                                                                                         image to your computer

                          airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
     tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


Logo, pictures, information and more in a dedicated area
Each registered company       INFORMATION TAB
                              The information page provides
on TravMedia is given a       you with an overview of a specific
dedicated press centre      organisations operation.
on the site.
                              CURRENT NEWS TAB
                              Allows you to view and download
Youll find each companys    recent press releases.
press centre by selecting
the company through the       NEWS ARCHIVE TAB
                              Allows you to view and download
sites left-hand navigation   past press releases.
panel (airlines, cruising
hotels & resorts etc)         PHOTOS TAB
                              Provides a library of high-resolution
                              free-to-use images provided by the

                              CONTACT TAB
                              Clicking this will automatically fire
                              up an email to the PR contact.

                              WEBSITE TAB
                              This link will take you directly to the
                              companys own news room on their
                              corporate website.

                           airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
      tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


The ultimate tool for the media to communicate their needs to PR professionals
This feature allows the       HOW JOURNALIST ALERT WORKS
                              Whether youre writing a news
media to instantly tell       story or researching a feature or a
hundreds of PRs about         trip, Journalist Alert enables you to
their story needs.            issue an email to PRs industry-wide
                              about your needs.

You simply log your need      HOW TO SEND AN ALERT
within the TravMedia site,    You can access Journalist Alert
                              either from the Journalist Alert icon
and the technology then       at the top of any TravMedia email,
instantly generates a         or from within the TravMedia site
Journalist Alert email to   (youll see Journalist Alert half-way
                              down the left-hand toolbar once
TravMedia PR users, telling   youre in the site). Simply fill in a
them how they                 few simple boxes, and well issue
can help.                     the alert as soon as weve checked
                              it complies with our conditions.

                              CHOOSE YOUR DISTRIBUTION
                              Our default settings mean that your
                              Journalist Alert will only be sent to
                              PRs in your country. However, you
                              can have it sent to PRs in other
                              worldwide TravMedia regions and
                              you can even include journalists in
                              the distribution, if you so wish.

                           airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
      tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions


If you move company or address,
its incredibly easy to keep your
details updated, ensuring you dont
miss out on any breaking news.
Just click the Edit User Details
button towards the bottom of the
sites left-hand navigation bar and
change your details as required.

TravMedia provides hundreds of
useful links to food, restaurant,
airlines and wine industry
organisations and beyond. Here
you can search within categories,
alphabetically or using key words.

                             airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
        tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
The Worlds Leading Online Travel News Service for the Media!
          Boston | Sydney | London
        Auckland | Hong Kong | Dubai

                                             TravMedia - the complete resource for travel journalists

          Found TravMedia useful?
          Why not recommend us to a colleague?
          TravMedia exists purely for the use of journalists and
          the distribution of travel industry news. We want any
          journalist to benefit from the service we offer whether
          you write specifically within the industry or just write the
          occasional piece that requires some research. So if you
          have any colleagues that might find the service useful,
          please let them know about the site.


AUSTRALIA                   UNITED KINGDOM                        NEW ZEALAND                   HONG KONG                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA    DUBAI

Nick Wayland                Howard Salinger                       Shane Boocock                 Gary Kitckening                 Mark OToole                Sharon Garrett
Phone: +61 (0)2 9953 1914   Phone: +44 (0)20 7559 6616            Phone: +64 (0)9 372 2525      Phone: +85 (0)2281 00 532       Phone: +1 617 399 8900      Phone: (9714) 346 1763
nick@travmedia.com          howard.salinger@travmedia-uk.com      shane.boocock@travmedia.com   gary.kitckening@travmedia.com   mark.otoole@travmedia.com   sharon.garrett@travmedia.com

                             airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire
        tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions

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Journalists Guide To TravMedia

  • 1. The Worlds Leading Online Travel News Service for the Media! Boston | Sydney | London Auckland | Hong Kong | Dubai If you are not already a member, go to www.travmedia.com - and ensure you never miss out on the latest news! Journalists Guide to TravMedia This guide will show you how to use the following features of TravMedia: - Email Alerts - Photo Library - News Room - Press Centre - Press Releases - Other Essential Features - Journalist Alert TravMedia is the only dedicated travel industry Our community ensures that communication news distribution service, supplying you with between organisations and journalists is as the latest news wherever you are, at whatever streamlined as possible. time of the day. Whether you are a news-based journalist, Created exclusively for journalists, TravMedia features writer, researcher or you work in any offers you free access to breaking press other area of the media, TravMedia is here to releases, together with photographs, company help. information and PR contact details from over 1300 travel industry organisations. airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 2. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA EMAIL ALERTS 1 The news you need ... straight to your Inbox TravMedia supplies DIRECT ACCESS registered journalist Email alerts allow you to scan all breaking news for stories of interest. users with breaking news From the alert you can: via email alerts, - Click through to the site to read, delivered on an hourly, download or print press releases daily or weekly basis, to - Send an email or place a call suit your requirements. directly to the relevant PR contact - Go straight to the photo library of that organisation and download high-resolution images TAILORED TO EACH USERS NEEDS At TravMedia, we understand the information overload that email can bring, so we developed the Edit User Profile feature. This allows you to tailor email alerts to your specific requirements. Alerts can be tailored by: - Fields of interest - Frequency - Browser requirements airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 3. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA NEWS ROOM 2 All the industrys news in one place TravMedias News Room BREAKING NEWS is the hub of our service TravMedia distributes press releases from organisations across where youll find the latest the travel industry. news from organisations worldwide, including FINDING ORGANISATIONS national & international TravMedias user-friendly menu bar (located on the left-hand side of the tourist boards, tour webpage) places all our customers operators, attractions, into appropriate categories. hotels & resorts, airlines, car rental companies and NEED TO BE MORE SPECIFIC? Use our search facility to find online travel organisations. specific stories or to research by subject area. You can search within an individual organisation or the whole of TravMedia. airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 4. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA PRESS RELEASES 3 The centre of TravMedias service You can access releases DOWNLOAD Once you have found a press either from our email release of interest you can view alerts, or by visiting the site or download it from the site. directly. Releases appear TravMedia allows you to print, with company logos, images copy and paste as you wish. and PR contact details. PHOTOGRAPHY The majority of press releases on TravMedia, feature accompanying photography. From any press release, you can click into an organisations image library and download free-for-use, pre-captioned, high-resolution images. VIDEO airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 5. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA PHOTO LIBRARY 4 Searching for the bigger picture? TravMedia hosts high- HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES resolution (300dpi) When you click on a thumbnail, a window will pop up giving you photographs and logos and the option to download the high- videos from companies and resolution image. From here just organisations across the follow the link and save to your computer. travel industry, which you can download for free. VIDEO 1. Click on the image that you would like to download 2. Click on Click here to download the full size photo 3. Click on Save to save the image to your computer airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 6. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA PRESS CENTRE 5 Logo, pictures, information and more in a dedicated area Each registered company INFORMATION TAB The information page provides on TravMedia is given a you with an overview of a specific dedicated press centre organisations operation. on the site. CURRENT NEWS TAB Allows you to view and download Youll find each companys recent press releases. press centre by selecting the company through the NEWS ARCHIVE TAB Allows you to view and download sites left-hand navigation past press releases. panel (airlines, cruising hotels & resorts etc) PHOTOS TAB Provides a library of high-resolution free-to-use images provided by the organisation CONTACT TAB Clicking this will automatically fire up an email to the PR contact. WEBSITE TAB This link will take you directly to the companys own news room on their corporate website. airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 7. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA JOURNALIST ALERT 6 The ultimate tool for the media to communicate their needs to PR professionals This feature allows the HOW JOURNALIST ALERT WORKS Whether youre writing a news media to instantly tell story or researching a feature or a hundreds of PRs about trip, Journalist Alert enables you to their story needs. issue an email to PRs industry-wide about your needs. You simply log your need HOW TO SEND AN ALERT within the TravMedia site, You can access Journalist Alert either from the Journalist Alert icon and the technology then at the top of any TravMedia email, instantly generates a or from within the TravMedia site Journalist Alert email to (youll see Journalist Alert half-way down the left-hand toolbar once TravMedia PR users, telling youre in the site). Simply fill in a them how they few simple boxes, and well issue can help. the alert as soon as weve checked it complies with our conditions. CHOOSE YOUR DISTRIBUTION Our default settings mean that your Journalist Alert will only be sent to PRs in your country. However, you can have it sent to PRs in other worldwide TravMedia regions and you can even include journalists in the distribution, if you so wish. airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 8. JOURNALISTS GUIDE TO TRAVMEDIA OTHER ESSENTIAL FEATURES 7 KEEP YOUR PROFILE UPDATED If you move company or address, its incredibly easy to keep your details updated, ensuring you dont miss out on any breaking news. Just click the Edit User Details button towards the bottom of the sites left-hand navigation bar and change your details as required. USEFUL LINKS TravMedia provides hundreds of useful links to food, restaurant, airlines and wine industry organisations and beyond. Here you can search within categories, alphabetically or using key words. airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions
  • 9. The Worlds Leading Online Travel News Service for the Media! Boston | Sydney | London Auckland | Hong Kong | Dubai TravMedia - the complete resource for travel journalists Found TravMedia useful? Why not recommend us to a colleague? TravMedia exists purely for the use of journalists and the distribution of travel industry news. We want any journalist to benefit from the service we offer whether you write specifically within the industry or just write the occasional piece that requires some research. So if you have any colleagues that might find the service useful, please let them know about the site. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OUR WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE PLEASED TO HELP. AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM NEW ZEALAND HONG KONG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DUBAI Nick Wayland Howard Salinger Shane Boocock Gary Kitckening Mark OToole Sharon Garrett Phone: +61 (0)2 9953 1914 Phone: +44 (0)20 7559 6616 Phone: +64 (0)9 372 2525 Phone: +85 (0)2281 00 532 Phone: +1 617 399 8900 Phone: (9714) 346 1763 nick@travmedia.com howard.salinger@travmedia-uk.com shane.boocock@travmedia.com gary.kitckening@travmedia.com mark.otoole@travmedia.com sharon.garrett@travmedia.com airlines | rail, coach & bus | cruising | hotels & resorts | car hire tourism boards | associations | skiing | tour operators | theme parks / adventure | online travel | attractions