The JISC funded Rapid Innovation project JournalTOCs held a workshop at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh of Friday 20th November 2009. Lisa Rogers gives a presentation introducing the journalTOCs project, the API and feedback about the API.
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JournalTOCs - Introduction and Feedback
1. JournalTOCs Workshop 20/11/09 Introduction and Feedback Lisa Rogers, Santy Chumbe & Roger Rist Institute for Computer Based Learning - Heriot-Watt University
2. Background 6 months JISC Rapid Innovation Project Allows searching of the latest Tables of Contents of over 12,000 journals from over 420 publishers. Content in JournalTOCs collected using ticTOCs Data Set. Developing a freely available API. http:// /
4. Journals Examples List of Journals whose titles contain keyword(s) i.e. crystallography http:// /journals/crystallography List of latest articles from a journal given the ISSN i.e. 0906-4710 http:// /journals/0906-4710
5. Articles Examples Find recent articles by keyword(s) http:// /articles/Open Educational Resources Find recent articles published by an author http:// /articles/ Dorothy+Bishop Find recent articles from an Institution http:// /articles/Heriot Watt University
6. MyTOCs Examples List of Journals selected by a user i.e. Roddy MacLeod http:// / [email_address]
7. Institution Example Searches across articles that Heriot-Watt University has a subscription to http:// / HeriotWatt /corrosion
8. Results Format RSS 1.0 with: Dublin Core Module PRISM Module Content Module Based on RSS Recommendations from ticTOCs project + <dc:contributor> for affiliation
10. Use Case 1 Identifying new content for IRs Query by name of institution/author list Returns a list of articles What to do with the results? Could use the list to find the authors and ask to manually deposit Create a new (draft) entry in repository.
11. Use Case 2 Metadata Enhancement (i.e. to check/update published status) Query by title/keywords/author etc. Returns an article/list of possible matches What to do with the results? Manually check article to see if correct Correct/update metadata manually Automatically update entry?
12. Feedback Washington State University I just saw your message about the TOC API and added it to my iGoogle. I immediately had links to 31 articles recently published by WSU authors! I plan to contact each of the authors to see if we can add their articles to our repository, the WSU Research Exchange. I think I can set up a basic congratulatory message and personalize for each article. At least to begin with I will check each journals publishing agreement to see what the policies are regarding IRs. This seems like it will be a very useful tool.
13. Feedback (contd..) Oxford University The main way in which I would be using this type of service is in an automated fashion, drawing in the metadata to autosuggest/autocomplete certain fields for the user. API Now includes DC, PRISM and Content Modules to extract richer metadata.
14. Feedback (contd..) UNL Digital Commons Give instructions for getting beyond step 1. I mean real instructions. Don't assume I know what you are doing or how it works. There is a need to provide better API documentation.
15. Feedback (Contd) Sherpa/Romeo Some queries returning php errors Some queries (falsely) returning no hits May be better to offer the following ways to query API: Contains Starts With Exact Phrase Would be useful to query by publisher
16. Feedback (contd..) University of Warwick I hope to be able to use it as a way of becoming aware of what our authors are publishing, so that we can write and prompt them to deposit versions with us. Timeliness is important here, JournalTOCs provides alerts as soon as paper is published meaning authors still have copy of article to hand.
17. Other Use Cases Add RSS Feeds to your library catalogue. Researcher Current awareness: Keep up-to-date with articles containing particular keywords. Show others journals that you follow. Embed localised search results into library website. (Demo) http:// /library/
18. Issues We are reliant on publishers providing author affiliation. Rely on publishers providing structured metadata in their RSS Feeds. Discrimination: How to deal with authors with the same name.