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A Journey to Israel 
Part II
Have you heard of a Fish Spa?
These little fish will clean your dead 
skin off for 5 euros!
The Dead Sea, " 
a very interesting place!
My roommate Debbie
Some friends floating!
Me too!
Camels for hire!
We visited a rug maker in Turkey.
So many beautiful patterns" 
made by hand!
Some of our group, " 
So serious and contained
until the owner told us the only way to 
really enjoy the rugs was to touch them!
We traveled to Masada
Map of Dead Sea showing Masada
The fortress Masada from a 
Cable Car to the top of Masada
After arriving at the top of Masada " 
by cable car
Model of Herods residence " 
on the cliff of Masada
One of the levels of Herods palace
Part of Herods residence, looking 
down from the top of Masada.
Here you can see the layers 
beneath the Bath House.
Standing in Herods Patio
The Synagogue at Masada
Masada cistern " 
an important water source
Types of Pottery found in Masada
Masada, the Last Holdout 
After the Jews rebelled against their Roman 
occupiers in 66 AD, a group of Zealots fled 
to the fortress Masada. 
Rather than be captured and tortured by 
the Romans, they chose to commit suicide. 
More than 900 men, women, and children 
died at Masada.
The Zealots in Masada chose 10 men to slay the 
rest. ( about 900 people) Casting lots for 
themselves, the first was to kill the other 9.
One of the lots had Eleazar Ben Ya-irs 
name on it. He was the zealot leader.
Later a Byzantine Church was built 
atop Masada.
Drawing of Byzantine church
Today, all Israeli 
soldiers are sworn 
in atop Masada, 
pledging that, " 
Masada shall not 
fall again.
Map of Dead Sea showing " 
Qumran on the north side
Qumran, where the Dead Sea 
Scrolls were found.
Some of the many caves at Qumran
The Essenes made pottery in this room.
Many of the Dead Sea Scrolls were 
found in caves. This is cave 4.
The first English translators read, I was ready to 
be sought by those who did not ask for me. I was 
ready to be found by those who did not seek me. 
Isaiah 65:1
Up to Jerusalem
The Shrine of the Book
The scrolls now rest in the Shrine of 
the Book in Jerusalem
Madaba map of Jerusalem, " 
found in Jordan
Time Periods of Jerusalems history 
 2000 BC - 1400BC Canaanites, Jebusites 
 1400 BC - 70 AD Israelites 
 70 AD - 325 AD 
Romans (pagan) 
 326 AD  638 AD 
Romans (Byzantine 
 638 AD  1099 AD 
 1099 AD  1187 AD 
Crusaders (Christian) 
 1187 AD  1917 AD 
 1917 AD  1948 AD 
 1948 AD  present 
The Damascus Gate
Jewish boys and their teachers 
outside the walls of Jerusalem
Jewish Orthodox dress
The Zion Gate, " 
scarred from 1948 artillery fire
Fiddler inside the Zion Gate
Herods Gate or the Flower Gate"
Our guide teaches about the gates 
and walls of Jerusalem
The Lions Gate in the Old City" 
Stephen was martyred outside this gate
A slit in the wall for arrows
And this is what it looks like from 
the inside of the wall
Entrance to the City of David
The Oldest part of Jerusalem
At the Temple Institute" 
Reproduction of Davids harp
Golden model of the Temple
Narrow streets of Jerusalem
Marketplace in Old Jerusalem
Greek Monastery
Israeli soldiers and tourist " 
from our group
Bar Mitzvah celebration in the 
Jewish Quarter
The Jerusalem Model
Journey to Israel, Part 2, M. Brown
Temple Mount in the" 
Jerusalem Model
Journey to Israel, Part 2, M. Brown
The Gihon Spring
Hezekiahs Tunnel, built in 701 BC" 
under the City of David, pulsating with water 
from the spring.
Hezekiahs Tunnel" 
1,750 feet long, ceiling 5 feet high
Mikvah  Jewish ritual bath," 
go in on one side, out of the other
Modern excavation of the steps to 
the Pool of Siloam
Newly excavated steps at the pool" 
where Jesus healed many.
Another part of the pool was found 
nearby recently.
Model of the Temple " 
in the time of Jesus
The Southern Steps
The far edge is the " 
Precipice of the Temple where James, the brother 
of Jesus, was thrown down and then stoned.
Southern Steps by which Jesus 
walked up to the Temple Mount.
Huge Herodian ashlars on the 
southern wall
Triple Gates
The Beautiful or Golden Gate, " 
now sealed
The Muslims have many graves located 
just outside the Golden Gate.
The Wailing Wall (womens side)
Huge gathering at the Wailing Wall 
for one of the Jewish feast days
Steps to the Temple Mount
Going up to the Temple Mount
The Dome of the Rock (left) and the Dome 
of the Ascension of Mohammed (right)
One of the rock slabs on " 
the Dome of the Rock.
What does it look like to you?
The Temple Mount is now under Muslim 
control. Al Aqsa Mosque
Bedrock of Mount Moriah. Abraham, 
David, and Melchizedek would have walked 
The Mount of God 
 1005 BC David purchased Mount Moriah,for 600 
shekels of silver from Araunah the Jebusite. (Abraham 
offered Isaac here) 
 In 940 BC , Davids son, Solomon, began to build the 
Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. 
 721-701 BC Assyrian destruction and invasion of 
 586 BC Babylonian destruction of the city 
 538 BC Persian Cyrus gave orders to rebuild the city 
 445 BC Exiles return to rebuild the Temple and city 
under Nehemiah 
 167-40 BC Maccabees Revolt and independence- 
Hasmonean Dynasty 
 Herod rebuilt the Temple 37-64 AD 
 Destruction of the Temple 70 AD
View of the Temple Mount " 
from the Mount of Olives
Rabbinic tunnels " 
under the Temple Mount
Largest Herodian ashlar " 
under the Temple Mount
Under Wilsons Arch " 
(below the Temple Mount)
A 2,000 year old street of shops
Looking up to the layer above
Jesus would have walked on this 
2,000 year old original pavement!
The Garden of Gethsemane
Ancient olive tree at Gethsemane
Journey to Israel, Part 2, M. Brown
Olive wood carving of the agony " 
in the Garden
The Church of the Nations
Painting of the arrest of Jesus
This stone is believed to be " 
the stone of agony
Ossuaries and graves in the garden
Tombs on the Mount of Olives
When Jesus comes again,the Mount 
of Olives will split from east to west.
Narrow old Jerusalem streets
St. Annes Church" 
great acoustics for Amazing Grace
Convent of the Sisters of Sion
The Lithostrotos, believed to be where 
Pilate sat Jesus at the judgment seat.
View under the street of the 
Spider and game graffiti on the 
The Sacred Pit
A deep dank pit where the Lord stayed 
during the night before His Crucifixion
Jesus would have been bound hanging 
with arms up in this pit.
The Way of Sorrows
Walking the Via Dolorosa or " 
Way of the Cross
The 5th Station" 
Simon of Cyrene carries Jesus cross
Double entrance to the Church of 
the Holy Sepulcher
Church of the Holy Sepulcher" 
showing the domes
Floor plan of the church
The Rock of Calvary
Another view of the " 
Rock of Calvary
Greek altar in the " 
Greek Chapel of Calvary
Table of Anointing
The Anointing Stone
Greek mosaic of Jesus being 
anointed after His death.
Chapel next to cave where Helena, 
(Constantines mother) is said to have found 
fragments of the cross.
Under the Rotunda in the aedicule" 
is the Tomb of Jesus
Earlier church over burial and 
Resurrection spot
Large dome over Jesus tomb"
Tombs and cross graffiti
In the words of our Guide, Peach: 
 We dont worship the PLACE! 
 We worship God!
Tombs under the Holy Sepulcher
Drawing of abandoned quarry, a 
perfect place to carve a new tomb
1st c. tomb of the type of Jesus
He is risen, He is risen, indeed!
Whats Underneath the " 
Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Latin inscription, circa 135-200AD," 
DOMINE IVIMUS, (Lord, we came.)
Evidence of the destruction of the 
Temple Mount in 70 AD
The fallen Stone of Trumpeting
Emporer Hadrian built a temple to Jupiter 
and Venus in 135 AD over the site of the Holy 
Sepulcher and Jesus tomb
After the 2nd Jewish revolt 
(Masada), Hadrian rebuilt 
Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina. He 
also renamed Judea, as 
Palaestina(we call it Palestine). He 
built a huge platform over the earlier 
site in an effort to bury Calvary and 
the tomb of Jesus, an honored site 
of Christians. Herodian stones from 
the Temple Mount were used to 
build the retaining wall.
Jesus will come back again on the 
Mount of Olives.
Walking in the Footsteps of Paul" 
Ancient Ephesus 
 Located in western Turkey 
 Mary, John and Paul lived here 
 Center of the worship of Artemis 
 Practiced emporer worship also 
 Paul lived here for about 3 years 
 A community of Christians here 
 Timothy succeeded Paul
The goddess Artemis of the Ephesians" 
She promised fertility, eternal life.
Reproduction of the temple of Artemis" 
In May, the Ephesians paraded her statues 
to the harbor, and the people held orgies.
Remains of the " 
temple of Artemis today
Walking on the Cardo," 
the main street in Ephesus
Our guide
Temple of Domitian (emporer worship)" 
He was called Lord, savior, master.
The Varius Baths
The Marble Road
2 doorways, 2 styles
Painted walls in wealthy houses
The Grand Theater at Ephesus 
could hold 24,000 people.
Singing praises to Jesus Christ, 
where once the Ephesians " 
praised Artemis."
Mary and the column on Curetes 
Street or street of the priests
The magnificent library in Ephesus 
housed thousands of scrolls.
Inscriptions everywhere
The Agora with shops" 
To get into the shops, people had to 
light incense to Caesar.
Symbol of the cult of Esclepius, seen 
on modern day medical symbols
Nike, goddess of victory
Roman toilets
Pipes made for water for the bath 
houses and latrines
Place where Christians " 
may have met
What would Jesus do? 
Why did the Christians go to the trash 
heap in Ephesus? 
It was a sad place where the 
prostitutes would discard unwanted 
babies who would die from exposure. 
The Ephesian Christians were 
compelled to rescue like Jesus.
Icthus symbol on stone of the 
ICTHUS symbol carved " 
in several places in Ephesus
Jesus Christ Gods Son Saviour," 
the ICTHUSin Greek
Am I a follower of " 
the Lord Jesus Christ?
Then Jesus said to His 
disciples, If anyone desires to 
come after Me, let him deny 
Himself, and take up his cross, 
and follow Me. For what profit 
is it if a man gains the whole 
world, but loses his own soul?" 
Matthew 16: 24, 26
3 Laws of Discipleship 
1. The Law of Self-denial: 
Let him deny himself. 
2. The Law of Sacrifice: 
take up your cross 
3.The Law of Submission: 
Follow me 
Matthew 16:24
Commit My Heart to Jesus" 
from Chaundel Holladay, Soul Scape 
My sheep hear my voice: I know them, 
and they follow me. John 10:27 
 Remember Who He is. 
 Make Him the focal point. 
 Listen to His voice. 
 Trust His Care. 
 Follow His Word.
Changing My Head" 
from Chaundel Holladay 
 Choose Joy  Kay Warren 
 Pray First  Dont Worry, Pray 
 Be Thankful - always 
 Focus My Thoughts  
Fix your thoughts on what is true, 
honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable. 
Think about things that are excellent and 
worthy of praise. 
2 Cor. 10:5
Surrender My Hands" 
from Chaundel Holladau 
 Recognize that God owns it all! 
 Dedicate the first part of your time 
and money to Him. Serve others. 
 Save for the future  create margin 
 Plan your spending  set limits 
 Get out of debt  in time and money 
 Enjoy what you have - contentment
Then He who sat on the throne said, 
Behold, I make all things new.I am 
the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning 
and the End. I will give of the fountain 
of the water of life to him who thirsts. 
He who overcomes shall inherit all 
things, and I will be his God and he 
shall be My son." 
Revelation 21:5-6"

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Journey to Israel, Part 2, M. Brown