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Joy Beck
Colorado Technical University Graduate
3420 S. Vickie CT, Visalia, CA 93277
To obtain a position in a fast-paced company.
 Proficient in Microsoft Word, Works, Excel and Power Point.
 An Associates & Bachelors of Science Degree with a concentration in general healthcare.
 Employed at Ozark Health Medical Center for 3 years.
 Worked in the Hospitality/Restaurant industry for more than thirteen years.
 Great communication skills.
 Fast learner.
 Excellent dedication.
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management Graduation Date: February, 2015
Colorado Technical University
GPA: 3.61/4.0
 Management of Human Resources,The Health Care Industry, Introduction to Marketing,
Management Principles in Health Care, Principles of Microeconomics, Financial Statement
Analysis, Economics of Health Care,Legal Issues In Human Resources Management,and
Quality Management.
 Computerized Accounting, organizational Behavior Principles, Administration in Health
Care Services,Human Resources Project Management,Fiscal Management in Health Care
Services, Global Health Systems, International Business Communication, and Health Care
Associate of Science in Health Administration ServicesGraduation Date: March, 2012
Colorado Technical University
GPA: 3.87/4.0
 Introduction to Health Care Delivery Systems, Medical Terminology, Anatomy &
Physiology, Accounting I & II, Psychology, and Concepts in Health Care Organizations.
 Fundamentals of Healthcare Reimbursement, Health Care Legal Concepts, Technological
Applications in Health Care Organizations, Spreadsheet Applications, Introduction to
Project Management, Health Care Statistics & Research, and Management Fundamentals.
Supportive Counselor  Northwood Health Systems, Wheeling, WV
September 2015  June 2016
 Conducted group therapy sessions.
 Helped clients to learn daily living skills.
 Counseled clients in One on One sessions.
 Completed medical documentation.
 Assisted clients in crisis.
 Maintained medical records and charts.
 Performed data entry.
 Completed assessments to determine possible admittance to the Crisis Unit.
 Created informational materials that would assist clients with understanding a variety of
learnings in order to perform every day functions independently.
 Monitored clients while documenting daily activities.
 Verified proper documentation in relation to billing requirements.
Administrations Clerk, BusinessOffice  Ozark Health Medical Center, Clinton, AR
January 2012  January 2015
 Executed training associated with patient registration well ahead of schedule and moved
forward with additional training for the process of insurance verification ahead of schedule
as well.
 Reviewed EOBs.
 Processed billing and payment transactions.
 Recommended an additional form which will assist the facility in completing financial
assistance approval processes. This ultimately generated additional charitable credit
allowing the facility to obtain the grants which require charitable services to be provided
by the facility.
 Performed patient registration and discharge services as well as payment collection
techniques at the time of service in the Emergency Department setting.
 Assessed medical situations in order to determine triage level or order of urgency based on
guidelines provided by ER clinical staff.
 Posted all charges for facility on a daily basis.
 Completed reports for the facility on a daily basis.
 Created,maintained, and updated patient records.
 Completed insurance verifications, obtained pre-authorization codes and reference
numbers for patient care visits.
 Performed as switchboard operator.
 Attended and participated in monthly & quarterly meetings.
 Documented patient care throughout ER visits when needed.
 Generated orders for clinical staff in regards to patient care.
 Evaluated and updated processes in order to ensure that OHMC had sufficient and effective
practices in place to support patient care to the fullest.
 Obtained DECON certification in accordance with OSHA and (Arkansas) OEM and
participated as a DECON emergency response member for Ozark Health Medical Center.
Manager/Master Grill Operator/Server  Waffle House,North Central  Central District, AR
July 2016  June 2017
February 1999  2010
 Manager  Managed restaurant,created schedules, conducted job interviews and completed
hiring processes, delegated job duties, encouraged team members to work cohesively,
supervised all employees on shift. Completed inventory processes,stocked products,
generated orders, received food truck orders, entered data and completed daily reports,
performed payroll duties, and trained new staff members.
 Master Grill Operator/Shift Supervisor  Prepared food, operated grill and two-eye burner,,
completed shift work, maintained cooking equipment,
 Head Server  Coached and trained new staff members, supervised server staff and
reported directly to shift supervisor and management, cleared/cleaned tables, operated cash
register, and constructed motivational techniques to engage employees.
Transferrable Skills
 Leadership and guidance skills.
 Communication skills.
 Computer skills.
 Professional writing skills.
 Project management skills.
 Exceptional power point or presentation creation skills.
 Microsoft Office efficient.
 Assessment/Interview Skills.
 Managing/creating schedules.

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Joy Beck - Resume

  • 1. Joy Beck Colorado Technical University Graduate 3420 S. Vickie CT, Visalia, CA 93277 USA 740-632-4963 joyb1281@gmail.com OBJECTIVE To obtain a position in a fast-paced company. QUALIFICATIONS Proficient in Microsoft Word, Works, Excel and Power Point. An Associates & Bachelors of Science Degree with a concentration in general healthcare. Employed at Ozark Health Medical Center for 3 years. Worked in the Hospitality/Restaurant industry for more than thirteen years. Great communication skills. Fast learner. Excellent dedication. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management Graduation Date: February, 2015 Colorado Technical University GPA: 3.61/4.0 Management of Human Resources,The Health Care Industry, Introduction to Marketing, Management Principles in Health Care, Principles of Microeconomics, Financial Statement Analysis, Economics of Health Care,Legal Issues In Human Resources Management,and Quality Management. Computerized Accounting, organizational Behavior Principles, Administration in Health Care Services,Human Resources Project Management,Fiscal Management in Health Care Services, Global Health Systems, International Business Communication, and Health Care Management. Associate of Science in Health Administration ServicesGraduation Date: March, 2012 Colorado Technical University GPA: 3.87/4.0 Introduction to Health Care Delivery Systems, Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, Accounting I & II, Psychology, and Concepts in Health Care Organizations.
  • 2. Fundamentals of Healthcare Reimbursement, Health Care Legal Concepts, Technological Applications in Health Care Organizations, Spreadsheet Applications, Introduction to Project Management, Health Care Statistics & Research, and Management Fundamentals. RELEVENT EXPERIENCE Supportive Counselor Northwood Health Systems, Wheeling, WV September 2015 June 2016 Conducted group therapy sessions. Helped clients to learn daily living skills. Counseled clients in One on One sessions. Completed medical documentation. Assisted clients in crisis. Maintained medical records and charts. Performed data entry. Completed assessments to determine possible admittance to the Crisis Unit. Created informational materials that would assist clients with understanding a variety of learnings in order to perform every day functions independently. Monitored clients while documenting daily activities. Verified proper documentation in relation to billing requirements. Administrations Clerk, BusinessOffice Ozark Health Medical Center, Clinton, AR January 2012 January 2015 Executed training associated with patient registration well ahead of schedule and moved forward with additional training for the process of insurance verification ahead of schedule as well. Reviewed EOBs. Processed billing and payment transactions. Recommended an additional form which will assist the facility in completing financial assistance approval processes. This ultimately generated additional charitable credit allowing the facility to obtain the grants which require charitable services to be provided by the facility. Performed patient registration and discharge services as well as payment collection techniques at the time of service in the Emergency Department setting. Assessed medical situations in order to determine triage level or order of urgency based on guidelines provided by ER clinical staff. Posted all charges for facility on a daily basis. Completed reports for the facility on a daily basis. Created,maintained, and updated patient records. Completed insurance verifications, obtained pre-authorization codes and reference numbers for patient care visits. Performed as switchboard operator. Attended and participated in monthly & quarterly meetings. Documented patient care throughout ER visits when needed. Generated orders for clinical staff in regards to patient care. Evaluated and updated processes in order to ensure that OHMC had sufficient and effective practices in place to support patient care to the fullest. Obtained DECON certification in accordance with OSHA and (Arkansas) OEM and participated as a DECON emergency response member for Ozark Health Medical Center. Manager/Master Grill Operator/Server Waffle House,North Central Central District, AR July 2016 June 2017
  • 3. February 1999 2010 Manager Managed restaurant,created schedules, conducted job interviews and completed hiring processes, delegated job duties, encouraged team members to work cohesively, supervised all employees on shift. Completed inventory processes,stocked products, generated orders, received food truck orders, entered data and completed daily reports, performed payroll duties, and trained new staff members. Master Grill Operator/Shift Supervisor Prepared food, operated grill and two-eye burner,, completed shift work, maintained cooking equipment, Head Server Coached and trained new staff members, supervised server staff and reported directly to shift supervisor and management, cleared/cleaned tables, operated cash register, and constructed motivational techniques to engage employees. ADDITIONALEXPERIENCE Transferrable Skills Leadership and guidance skills. Communication skills. Computer skills. Professional writing skills. Project management skills. Exceptional power point or presentation creation skills. Microsoft Office efficient. Assessment/Interview Skills. Managing/creating schedules.