This document provides information about BIBFRAME, which is a model for bibliographic data using RDF and Linked Data principles. It discusses BIBFRAME tools available on the Library of Congress website, such as the BIBFRAME editor and transformation services. It also covers using SPARQL to query RDF data and provides some example SPARQL queries. Finally, it directs readers to use the available BIBFRAME tools and encourages experimenting with SPARQL.
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Joy Nelson - BIBFRAME: RDF syntax, BIBFRAME tools, and SPARQL
5. <> a bf:Instance.
<> a bf:Monograph.
<> bf:dimensions ¡°24cm.¡±.
<> a bf:Instance;
a bf:Monograph;
bf:dimensions ¡°24cm.¡±.
<> a bf:Instance, bf:Monograph;
bf:dimensions ¡°24cm.¡±.
6. <> a bf:Instance, bf:Monograph ;
bf:dimensions "12 in. viewing copy." ;
bf:extent "2 videodiscs of 2 (laser) :" ;
bf:instanceOf <> ;
bf:lccn [ a bf:Identi?er ;
bf:identi?erScheme <> ;
bf:identi?erValue "96503764" ] ;
bf:providerStatement "United States : Columbia Pictures, 1969" ;
bf:publication [ a bf:Provider ;
bf:providerDate "1969 ;" ;
bf:providerName [ a bf:Organization ;
bf:label "Columbia Pictures" ] ;
bf:providerPlace [ a bf:Place ;
bf:label "United States " ] ],
bf:soundContent "Sound on medium",
"Videodisc" ;
bf:titleStatement "Oliver!" .
SYNTAX, part 2
7. Create some Triples
Graph those Triples
Activity 1