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Joshua Project Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task
What is the Great Commission? Mahratta of India:  27.3 million, Hindu, unreached ¡° Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations ¡± Matthew 28:19 What is a nation? How many are there? Where are they? Which are the least-reached? Joshua Project  exists to help answer these questions.
What is Joshua Project? Shaikh of Bangladesh: 122.1 million, Muslim, unreached An  unreached peoples  research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­  in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­  to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
What are people groups? People groups = Nations ( ethne  in Greek)  Nations  is a key Biblical word:  ¡° in you all the nations of the earth will be blessed¡± ¡° as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come¡± ¡° for the healing of the nations¡± Definition:  ¡°For evangelization purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance."   Isaan of Thailand: 17.9 million, Buddhist, unreached
What is Joshua Project? Jat of Pakistan:  29.4 million, Muslim, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring  increased definition  to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­  in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­  to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
How does Joshua Project bring definition? Developed and continually update a comprehensive list of approximately 16,500 ethnic people groups. Specific focus on the 6,800 unreached (also called least-reached) people groups which have less than 2% followers of Jesus Christ. Koiri of India:  7.1 million, Hindu, unreached _____ 16,600 9,700 6,900
What is Joshua Project? Tajik of Tajikistan:  4.3 million, Sunni Muslim, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by  highlighting  the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­  in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­  to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
Extensive people profiles including photos, maps, text, statistics and links. Gathering and tracking progress of the Church for every people group primarily by tracking the percent of Christ-followers.  How do you highlight the unreached?  Tujia of China:  7.3 million, Animist, unreached
How is this information shared? Exposes nearly 4,500 people per day to the challenge of unreached peoples and the unfinished task of the Great Commission. Over 5.1 million page-views and 16,000 data downloads in last twelve months. Numerous data perspectives, unreached peoples materials and download capabilities. Extensive linking to online ministry tools, profiles and web audio / video recordings. www.joshuaproject.net Kashmiri   of India:  6.1 million, Muslim, unreached
What is Joshua Project? Burmese of Myanmar:  28.7 million, Buddhist, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­  in order to  catalyze pioneer church-planting  movements in their midst ¡­  to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
Who does Joshua Project impact? Global mission agencies and organizations  Local churches and whole denominations National church-planting movements Prayer movements Bible Colleges and Seminaries Rajput of India:  39.2 million, Hindu, unreached
What is Joshua Project? Sonar of India:  6.9 million, Hindu, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­  in order to stimulate pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­  to the end that there will be  worshipers  before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
What is the ultimate goal? ¡° And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a witness to  all the nations  and  then  the end shall come.¡±   Matthew 24:14 The King will not come until the job is done. ¡° You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from  every  tribe and tongue and people and nation¡±   Revelation 5:9 There will be worshippers from every people group. Moroccan Arab of Morocco:  14.5 million, Muslim, unreached
Joshua Project Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task

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Jp Overview

  • 1. Joshua Project Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task
  • 2. What is the Great Commission? Mahratta of India: 27.3 million, Hindu, unreached ¡° Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations ¡± Matthew 28:19 What is a nation? How many are there? Where are they? Which are the least-reached? Joshua Project exists to help answer these questions.
  • 3. What is Joshua Project? Shaikh of Bangladesh: 122.1 million, Muslim, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­ in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­ to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
  • 4. What are people groups? People groups = Nations ( ethne in Greek) Nations is a key Biblical word: ¡° in you all the nations of the earth will be blessed¡± ¡° as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come¡± ¡° for the healing of the nations¡± Definition: ¡°For evangelization purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance." Isaan of Thailand: 17.9 million, Buddhist, unreached
  • 5. What is Joshua Project? Jat of Pakistan: 29.4 million, Muslim, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­ in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­ to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
  • 6. How does Joshua Project bring definition? Developed and continually update a comprehensive list of approximately 16,500 ethnic people groups. Specific focus on the 6,800 unreached (also called least-reached) people groups which have less than 2% followers of Jesus Christ. Koiri of India: 7.1 million, Hindu, unreached _____ 16,600 9,700 6,900
  • 7. What is Joshua Project? Tajik of Tajikistan: 4.3 million, Sunni Muslim, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­ in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­ to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
  • 8. Extensive people profiles including photos, maps, text, statistics and links. Gathering and tracking progress of the Church for every people group primarily by tracking the percent of Christ-followers. How do you highlight the unreached? Tujia of China: 7.3 million, Animist, unreached
  • 9. How is this information shared? Exposes nearly 4,500 people per day to the challenge of unreached peoples and the unfinished task of the Great Commission. Over 5.1 million page-views and 16,000 data downloads in last twelve months. Numerous data perspectives, unreached peoples materials and download capabilities. Extensive linking to online ministry tools, profiles and web audio / video recordings. www.joshuaproject.net Kashmiri of India: 6.1 million, Muslim, unreached
  • 10. What is Joshua Project? Burmese of Myanmar: 28.7 million, Buddhist, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­ in order to catalyze pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­ to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
  • 11. Who does Joshua Project impact? Global mission agencies and organizations Local churches and whole denominations National church-planting movements Prayer movements Bible Colleges and Seminaries Rajput of India: 39.2 million, Hindu, unreached
  • 12. What is Joshua Project? Sonar of India: 6.9 million, Hindu, unreached An unreached peoples research initiative ¡­ seeking to bring increased definition to the unfinished task of the Great Commission ¡­ by highlighting the ethnic people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence ¡­ in order to stimulate pioneer church-planting movements in their midst ¡­ to the end that there will be worshipers before the Lord¡¯s throne from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.
  • 13. What is the ultimate goal? ¡° And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a witness to all the nations and then the end shall come.¡± Matthew 24:14 The King will not come until the job is done. ¡° You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation¡± Revelation 5:9 There will be worshippers from every people group. Moroccan Arab of Morocco: 14.5 million, Muslim, unreached
  • 14. Joshua Project Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task

Editor's Notes

  • #12: YWAM / SIL / Patrick Johnstone - VOW Grace Brethren / IMB-SBC MANI Vision 5:9, P3K Ethne Movement