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JPEG 2000 at the Wellcome
Christy Henshaw
Digitisation Programme Manager  Wellcome Library
JP2 Summit
12-13 May 2011
Library of Congress
The Wellcome Trust
A global charitable foundation
Achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health
Supporting the brightest minds in biomedical research and the
medical humanities
Exploring medicine in historical and cultural contexts
The Wellcome Library
The Wellcome Library
Collections of books, manuscripts, archives, films and pictures on the
history of medicine from the earliest times to the present day .
The Wellcome Digital Library pilot,
Genetics and its Modern Foundations
A new online resource for everyone interested in the history of
human and animal health.

 build sustainable/expandable mechanism  foundation stone
for WDL
 digitise key library holdings - relating to a major Trust
challenge area
 digitise important third party content  linked to theme
 use innovative content and tools  to encourage discovery and
 explore commercial partnerships  enhance access to nontheme material
JPEG 2000 conversion  scope
Wellcome Images  image library, legacy images, 300,000
images in the archive
Current projects  pilot digitisation projects, 7m images 2010 2014

 Long-term plans  digitisation of large proportion of our
collections (mainly special collections), 15m  25m images 2014
and beyond
Type of content
Printed books  early printed books, modern books
(monographs), pamphlets, reports
Archives  personal papers, institutional papers, unpublished
works, mostly 20th century
 Manuscripts  unpublished, handwritten manuscript books and
related materials, mostly 17th, 18th and 19th century, can be fragile

 Artworks  prints, paintings, posters, drawings, glass slides, etc.
The Francis Crick Archive
Books related to genetic research
Early printed books
Artworks, manuscripts
Decision to adopt JP2
JPEG 2000 was found to answer the following needs:
Storage costs 20/30m TIFFs stored on online, backed-up
storage = multiple petabytes. Needed something cost-effective.
Quality  needed a high-quality compressed format that would
cover a wide range of content types.
 Robustness  needed a well-established image format with a
high chance of long-term support.
 Practical  feasible to use in a Library digitisation workflow.
Finding our way
Working with JP2 opened up a whole new world  reading
specifications, finding conversion software, so many choices.

Commissioned the report:
JPEG 2000 as a Preservation and Access Format for the Wellcome Trust Libr
Goal to find a single version of JPEG 2000 that would meet the
needs of both long-term preservation and flexible delivery needs.
The result


File format

Part 1 (.jp2)


Lossy (6:1, 10:1)


1024 x 1024

Progression order


Decomp levels


Quality layers


Code block size

6, 64x64

Regions of interest


TLM markers



Embedding JP2
Chose LuraWave command line tool
 Some issues (bugs, or inconvenient implementations) arose, and
all have been successfully addressed by LuraTech
 Created a firm consensus to use JP2 as the format for all stillimage digital imaging (with one or two exceptions)
 No plans to use JP2 for digital video  but never say never
 Internal information sharing  digital archivists, systems
administrators, IT department, programme board members
 External communication and networking
Current status, future plans
 Conversion of all new digital images is now carried out as
 Nearing the final stages of a project to convert 450k image
backlog to JP2 (reducing current footprint from 20 Tb to 5.5 Tb)
 Large projects use lossy JP2, legacy picture library uses lossless
 Developed a strategy to determine compression levels
 Currently using the GUI, but will use the command line interface
with our new workflow system, streamlining conversion and QA
 Medium term, will look at automating compression level selection
Quality control for compression
 Visual inspection
 Color shifts, loss of detail, halo effects, pixelation, blurring, etc.
 Collection-based, representative sample
 Test range of compressions with intervals such as 2:1, 4:1, 6:1
 Once artefacts are discovered, step back to previous
compression ratio
 Worst-performing image rules, for any particular collection
 Efficient for homogenous collections  less so for heterogenous
collections with wide variety of content
 Archives particularly difficult  black and white compresses very
well  colour drawings and photographs, not so well
Establishing the JP2K-UK group
 Unknown who in the UK were using JPEG 2000, or considering it
 Unknown who was even interested in JPEG 2000
 No one wants to work in a vacuum
 Discovered a high level of interest: British Library, The National
Archives, Oxford, Kings College London, Cambridge and
Southampton Universities, Digital Preservation Coalition,
commercial companies/consultants
 Loose affiliation of the like-minded  a user group
Remit of the JP2K-UK group
 Initial meeting in December 2009
 Everyone had a little knowledge  no one knew enough
 Agreed the need to approach JP2 implementation from
practitioners point of view
 Practitioner meaning those who manage digital imaging
strategies and implementation
 Agreed need to share information and collaborate
 Discussed ideas for a conference, and creating some guidelines
for the user community
 Wellcome encouraged to write a blog about specific experiences
working with JP2
 JPEG 2000 Seminar, held in London in November 2010
> 80 attendees
> UK and European speakers and delegates
> mostly non-technical audience
 Advocacy for practitioners needs
> discussing and airing the needs and concerns of
practitioners has influenced software developers, and even the
JPEG Committee

2000 at the Wellcome Library blog
Future plans for JP2K-UK
 Guidance for practitioners
> Human readable
> Focus on practicalities
> Enable practitioners to make informed choices
> Advice on implementation
 Community building
> Case studies
> Lessons learned
> Networking (nationally and internationally)

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Jpeg2000 at Wellcome Library

  • 1. JPEG 2000 at the Wellcome Library Christy Henshaw Digitisation Programme Manager Wellcome Library JP2 Summit 12-13 May 2011 Library of Congress
  • 2. The Wellcome Trust A global charitable foundation Achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health Supporting the brightest minds in biomedical research and the medical humanities Exploring medicine in historical and cultural contexts
  • 4. The Wellcome Library Collections of books, manuscripts, archives, films and pictures on the history of medicine from the earliest times to the present day .
  • 5. The Wellcome Digital Library pilot, 2010-2013 Genetics and its Modern Foundations A new online resource for everyone interested in the history of human and animal health. Aims build sustainable/expandable mechanism foundation stone for WDL digitise key library holdings - relating to a major Trust challenge area digitise important third party content linked to theme use innovative content and tools to encourage discovery and use explore commercial partnerships enhance access to nontheme material
  • 6. JPEG 2000 conversion scope Wellcome Images image library, legacy images, 300,000 images in the archive Current projects pilot digitisation projects, 7m images 2010 2014 Long-term plans digitisation of large proportion of our collections (mainly special collections), 15m 25m images 2014 and beyond
  • 7. Type of content Printed books early printed books, modern books (monographs), pamphlets, reports Archives personal papers, institutional papers, unpublished works, mostly 20th century Manuscripts unpublished, handwritten manuscript books and related materials, mostly 17th, 18th and 19th century, can be fragile Artworks prints, paintings, posters, drawings, glass slides, etc.
  • 9. Books related to genetic research
  • 12. Decision to adopt JP2 JPEG 2000 was found to answer the following needs: Storage costs 20/30m TIFFs stored on online, backed-up storage = multiple petabytes. Needed something cost-effective. Quality needed a high-quality compressed format that would cover a wide range of content types. Robustness needed a well-established image format with a high chance of long-term support. Practical feasible to use in a Library digitisation workflow.
  • 13. Finding our way Working with JP2 opened up a whole new world reading specifications, finding conversion software, so many choices. Commissioned the report: JPEG 2000 as a Preservation and Access Format for the Wellcome Trust Libr Goal to find a single version of JPEG 2000 that would meet the needs of both long-term preservation and flexible delivery needs.
  • 14. The result Parameter Settings File format Part 1 (.jp2) Compression Lossy (6:1, 10:1) Tiling 1024 x 1024 Progression order RLCP Decomp levels 5 Quality layers 8 Code block size 6, 64x64 Regions of interest No TLM markers Yes Bypass N/A
  • 15. Embedding JP2 Chose LuraWave command line tool Some issues (bugs, or inconvenient implementations) arose, and all have been successfully addressed by LuraTech Created a firm consensus to use JP2 as the format for all stillimage digital imaging (with one or two exceptions) No plans to use JP2 for digital video but never say never Internal information sharing digital archivists, systems administrators, IT department, programme board members External communication and networking
  • 16. Current status, future plans Conversion of all new digital images is now carried out as standard Nearing the final stages of a project to convert 450k image backlog to JP2 (reducing current footprint from 20 Tb to 5.5 Tb) Large projects use lossy JP2, legacy picture library uses lossless Developed a strategy to determine compression levels Currently using the GUI, but will use the command line interface with our new workflow system, streamlining conversion and QA Medium term, will look at automating compression level selection
  • 17. Quality control for compression Visual inspection Color shifts, loss of detail, halo effects, pixelation, blurring, etc. Collection-based, representative sample Test range of compressions with intervals such as 2:1, 4:1, 6:1 Once artefacts are discovered, step back to previous compression ratio Worst-performing image rules, for any particular collection Efficient for homogenous collections less so for heterogenous collections with wide variety of content Archives particularly difficult black and white compresses very well colour drawings and photographs, not so well
  • 18. Establishing the JP2K-UK group Unknown who in the UK were using JPEG 2000, or considering it Unknown who was even interested in JPEG 2000 No one wants to work in a vacuum Discovered a high level of interest: British Library, The National Archives, Oxford, Kings College London, Cambridge and Southampton Universities, Digital Preservation Coalition, commercial companies/consultants Loose affiliation of the like-minded a user group
  • 19. Remit of the JP2K-UK group Initial meeting in December 2009 Everyone had a little knowledge no one knew enough Agreed the need to approach JP2 implementation from practitioners point of view Practitioner meaning those who manage digital imaging strategies and implementation Agreed need to share information and collaborate Discussed ideas for a conference, and creating some guidelines for the user community Wellcome encouraged to write a blog about specific experiences working with JP2
  • 20. Ouputs JPEG 2000 Seminar, held in London in November 2010 > 80 attendees > UK and European speakers and delegates > mostly non-technical audience Advocacy for practitioners needs > discussing and airing the needs and concerns of practitioners has influenced software developers, and even the JPEG Committee > JPEG 2000 at the Wellcome Library blog www.jpeg2000wellcomelibrary.blogspot.com
  • 21. Future plans for JP2K-UK Guidance for practitioners > Human readable > Focus on practicalities > Enable practitioners to make informed choices > Advice on implementation Community building > Case studies > Lessons learned > Networking (nationally and internationally)