A group of 12 aspiring superheroes came together to form a new team but had problems deciding how to redesign their building. They were asked to compete in a contest by famous superhero judges Mr. Jason, Mr. Fryer, and Ms. Amy to design the best space. The heroes split into three teams - Team Iron4, Team Trio, and Team Hyper - and worked for 10 weeks on their designs. In the end, the judges couldn't choose just one team so they combined the best elements from each design to create the greatest superhero headquarters, allowing the heroes to live together as a true team.
2. On a cold, dark day in February, In the depths of Bedichek Middle School…
3. A group of12 Aspiring superheroesHad a visionOf greatnessAnd came together To form a new team.
4. But there were problems. . . Not all of the superheroes got along Some weren’t even good! Pow!And no one could decide how to redesign the old building they were all supposed to live in.
5. We will have a contest! So Mr. Jason,Mr. Fryer, and Ms. Amy, the most famous superhero trio of all time, had to step in! Whichever team can design the best space… Gets to live in the new space!
6. And got to work.So they formed alliances, Broke into teamsAfter 10 long, hard weeks of work, they were ready to present their designs to the super trio of judges…
18. The super Trio of judges evaluated all the designs…But every team had such great ideasThat they couldn’t decide on just one.So in the end, they did the only thing that any leaders of a great team could do…
19. By pooling their resources, the heroes became greater together than they were alone. They combined the best work from each team.Reunited as a true team, they built the greatest superhero headquarters of all time… And they all lived happily ever after together.