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Pascal Naujoks | pn012@hdm-stuttgart.de | November 2011
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
   High market share
   Supports media queries
   Actively tested

   Low market share
   Supports media queries
   Tested sometimes

   Does not support media queries
   No jQuery at all
   Fallback to simple HTML and CSS
   High market share
   Supports media queries
   Actively tested

   Low market share
   Supports media queries
   Tested sometimes

   Does not support media queries
   No jQuery at all
   Fallback to simple HTML and CSS
jQuery mobile
   Semantic         Borders             all the magic!
   WAI ARIA         Shadows
   Input-types      Round corners
   data-roles       Gradients
jQuery mobile
<body>                           <body>
 Page                             Page 1

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit            Lorem ipsum dolor sit
 amet, consectetur                amet, consectetur
 adipiscing elit. Nunc id nibh    adipiscing elit...
 tellus, vel malesuada
 sapien. Mauris eget nunc         Page 2
 ligula, condimentum mattis
 velit. Vivamus erat              Phasellus at justo augue.
 augue, consectetur id            Sed sit amet lorem risus.
 malesuada vitae, dignissim       In lacus ipsum
 ac dui. Ut eu nisi lorem.
 Donec id lacus mauris.           Page 3
 Named sed lacus di ninc
                                  Praesent et magna sit
</body>                           amet eros bibendum



 Page Title


 Page content goes here


 Page Footer
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
   data-role="page"              data-transition="pop "
   data-role="header"            data-position="fixed"
   data-role="content"           data-rel="dialog"
   data-role="footer"            data-title="Page Title Foo"
   data-role="navbar"            data-prefetch="true"
   data-role="controlgroup"      data-url="foo.html"
   data-role="button"            data-theme="b"
   data-role="list-divider"      data-fullscreen="true"
   data-role="listview "         data-icon="delete"
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
   tab             tabhold

   swipe           scrollstart
   swipeleft       scrollstop

 Page 1

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur    pagebeforechange
 adipiscing elit...

 Page 2
 Phasellus at justo augue. Sed sit amet
 lorem risus. In lacus ipsum

 Page 1

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
 adipiscing elit...

 Page 2

 Phasellus at justo augue. Sed sit amet
 lorem risus. In lacus ipsum

 Page 3

 Praesent et magna sit amet eros
 bibendum imperdiet
jQuery mobile
   Amherst College - https://www.amherst.edu/mobile/                 Kennesaw State University - http://m.kcc.edu/
   Austin Peay State University - http://m.apsu.edu/                 Keuka College - http://m.keuka.edu/
   Baylor University - http://m.baylor.edu/                          Lawrence Technological University - http://m.ltu.edu/
   Bellarmine University - http://m.bellarmine.edu/                  Lehigh University - http://www4.lehigh.edu/mobile/default.aspx
   Butler University - http://www.butler.edu/mobile/                 Lynchburg College - http://m.lynchburg.edu/
   Cal State Monterey Bay - http://m.csumb.edu/                      Mary Baldwin College - http://www.mbc.edu/m/
   Columbia University - http://m.columbia.edu/                      Marywood University - http://mobile.marywood.edu/
   Dallas Theological Seminary - http://mobile.dts.edu/              Mount Olive College - http://m.moc.edu/
   Delaware Valley College - http://www.delval.edu/mobile            Pennsylvania State University World Campus -
   Eastern Washington University - http://m.ewu.edu/                  http://m.worldcampus.psu.edu/
   EckerdCollege - http://m.eckerd.edu/                              Pittsburg State University - http://m.pittstate.edu/
   Edison State College - https://www.edison.edu/m/                  Providence College - http://m.providence.edu/
   Fort Lewis College - http://explore.fortlewis.edu/mobile/         St. Mary's College of Maryland - http://mobile.smcm.edu/
   George Fox University - http://m.georgefox.edu/                   St. Olaf College - http://m.stolaf.edu/
   Hamilton College - http://www.hamilton.edu/mobile/index.html      Stanford University - http://m.stanford.edu/
   Hampden-Sydney College - http://m.hsc.edu/                        University of Florida - http://m.ufl.edu/
   Harding University - http://mobile.harding.edu/                   University of Michigan - http://m.umich.edu/
   Houghton College - http://m.houghton.edu/                         University of North Texas - http://m.unt.edu/
   Indiana University - https://m.iu.edu/kme-prd/home                University of Scranton - http://m.scranton.edu/
   Istanbul Bilgi University SIS / Turkey -                          University of South Florida - http://m.usf.edu/
    https://register.bilgi.edu.tr/m                                   University of Southern Mississippi - http://m.usm.edu/
   Istanbul Bilgi University BilgiOnline / Turkey -                  Vanderbilt University - http://m.vanderbilt.edu/
    https://register.bilgi.edu.tr/mdl                                 Wayne State University - http://mobile.wayne.edu/
   Kankakee Community College - http://m.kcc.edu/                    Weber State University - http://m.weber.edu/
                                                                      West Chester University - http://m.wcupa.edu/
jQuery mobile
jQuery mobile
   Quickly built usable and accessible           Does not use new HTML5 semantic
    sites for all kind of mobile devices           tags (<div data-role=header>
   Very easy to learn                             instead of <header>)
   Known jQuery based framework                  No 100% complete HTML  only
                                                   fallback without enabled JavaScript
   Great and huge community
                                                  IMHO a bit too addicted to the
   Expandable with plugins and themes
   Very lightweight (31KB for jQuery +
    24KB for jQuery Mobile) compared to           Not quite as fast as native Apps
    other frameworks                              Limited capabilities (DOM-Size etc.)
   No f****ng Appstore or something when         Still beta with some bugs
    you build Apps with jQuery Mobile
   Use your existing and favorite
    IDE, Repository, etc. for building sites
    with jQuery Mobile
Sincerely, your jQuery 韓温稼恢看霞

More Related Content

jQuery mobile

  • 1. Pascal Naujoks | pn012@hdm-stuttgart.de | November 2011
  • 4. High market share Supports media queries Actively tested Low market share Supports media queries Tested sometimes Does not support media queries No jQuery at all Fallback to simple HTML and CSS
  • 5. High market share Supports media queries Actively tested Low market share Supports media queries Tested sometimes Does not support media queries No jQuery at all Fallback to simple HTML and CSS
  • 7. Semantic Borders all the magic! WAI ARIA Shadows Input-types Round corners data-roles Gradients
  • 9. <body> <body> Page Page 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc id nibh adipiscing elit... tellus, vel malesuada sapien. Mauris eget nunc Page 2 ligula, condimentum mattis velit. Vivamus erat Phasellus at justo augue. augue, consectetur id Sed sit amet lorem risus. malesuada vitae, dignissim In lacus ipsum ac dui. Ut eu nisi lorem. Donec id lacus mauris. Page 3 Named sed lacus di ninc Praesent et magna sit </body> amet eros bibendum imperdiet </body>
  • 10. Page Header Page Title Content Page content goes here Footer Page Footer
  • 14. data-role="page" data-transition="pop " data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-role="content" data-rel="dialog" data-role="footer" data-title="Page Title Foo" data-role="navbar" data-prefetch="true" data-role="controlgroup" data-url="foo.html" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-role="list-divider" data-fullscreen="true" data-role="listview " data-icon="delete"
  • 24. tab tabhold swipe scrollstart swipeleft scrollstop swiperight
  • 25. orientationchange portrait landscape
  • 26. <body> Page 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur pagebeforechange adipiscing elit... pagechange Page 2 pagechangefailed Phasellus at justo augue. Sed sit amet lorem risus. In lacus ipsum </body>
  • 27. <body> Page 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit... Page 2 Phasellus at justo augue. Sed sit amet lorem risus. In lacus ipsum pagebeforeload Page 3 Praesent et magna sit amet eros bibendum imperdiet pageload pageloadfailed </body>
  • 29. Amherst College - https://www.amherst.edu/mobile/ Kennesaw State University - http://m.kcc.edu/ Austin Peay State University - http://m.apsu.edu/ Keuka College - http://m.keuka.edu/ Baylor University - http://m.baylor.edu/ Lawrence Technological University - http://m.ltu.edu/ Bellarmine University - http://m.bellarmine.edu/ Lehigh University - http://www4.lehigh.edu/mobile/default.aspx Butler University - http://www.butler.edu/mobile/ Lynchburg College - http://m.lynchburg.edu/ Cal State Monterey Bay - http://m.csumb.edu/ Mary Baldwin College - http://www.mbc.edu/m/ Columbia University - http://m.columbia.edu/ Marywood University - http://mobile.marywood.edu/ Dallas Theological Seminary - http://mobile.dts.edu/ Mount Olive College - http://m.moc.edu/ Delaware Valley College - http://www.delval.edu/mobile Pennsylvania State University World Campus - Eastern Washington University - http://m.ewu.edu/ http://m.worldcampus.psu.edu/ EckerdCollege - http://m.eckerd.edu/ Pittsburg State University - http://m.pittstate.edu/ Edison State College - https://www.edison.edu/m/ Providence College - http://m.providence.edu/ Fort Lewis College - http://explore.fortlewis.edu/mobile/ St. Mary's College of Maryland - http://mobile.smcm.edu/ George Fox University - http://m.georgefox.edu/ St. Olaf College - http://m.stolaf.edu/ Hamilton College - http://www.hamilton.edu/mobile/index.html Stanford University - http://m.stanford.edu/ Hampden-Sydney College - http://m.hsc.edu/ University of Florida - http://m.ufl.edu/ Harding University - http://mobile.harding.edu/ University of Michigan - http://m.umich.edu/ Houghton College - http://m.houghton.edu/ University of North Texas - http://m.unt.edu/ Indiana University - https://m.iu.edu/kme-prd/home University of Scranton - http://m.scranton.edu/ Istanbul Bilgi University SIS / Turkey - University of South Florida - http://m.usf.edu/ https://register.bilgi.edu.tr/m University of Southern Mississippi - http://m.usm.edu/ Istanbul Bilgi University BilgiOnline / Turkey - Vanderbilt University - http://m.vanderbilt.edu/ https://register.bilgi.edu.tr/mdl Wayne State University - http://mobile.wayne.edu/ Kankakee Community College - http://m.kcc.edu/ Weber State University - http://m.weber.edu/ West Chester University - http://m.wcupa.edu/
  • 32. Quickly built usable and accessible Does not use new HTML5 semantic sites for all kind of mobile devices tags (<div data-role=header> Very easy to learn instead of <header>) Known jQuery based framework No 100% complete HTML only fallback without enabled JavaScript Great and huge community IMHO a bit too addicted to the Expandable with plugins and themes Apple-Lock Very lightweight (31KB for jQuery + 24KB for jQuery Mobile) compared to Not quite as fast as native Apps other frameworks Limited capabilities (DOM-Size etc.) No f****ng Appstore or something when Still beta with some bugs you build Apps with jQuery Mobile Use your existing and favorite IDE, Repository, etc. for building sites with jQuery Mobile
  • 33. Sincerely, your jQuery 韓温稼恢看霞