Adobe MAX 2013で行った「Architecting a PhoneGap Application」セッションをベースにADC MEETUP 07イベント用に再構成したした内容になります。
Toru Yoshikawa highlights 10 awesome features of Chrome DevTools including the ability to pick colors from the screen in Elements, adjust animation speed in Elements, define animation timing in Elements, search by selector in Elements, take timeline screenshots in Timeline, show layers in Layout, enable network throttling in Network, display variable values inline in Sources, store variables as globals in Sources, manage framework blackboxing in Sources, and enable remote debugging of WebViews. Yoshikawa also provides links to resources on using Chrome DevTools and its official documentation.
2. Who?
吉川 徹/Toru Yoshikawa
C.A.Mobile Web先端技術フェローとか勉強会スタッフ
Google API Expert (Chrome)/Chrome API Developers JP
Sublime Text 2 Japan Users Group
allWebクリエイター塾/jQuery Mobile担当講師(6/23開催)
Twitter: @yoshikawa_t