The document provides a formula to convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures. It shows the steps to solve the formula for Fahrenheit and calculates that 6 degrees Celsius is equal to 42.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
Actividad 1 taller de expresiones algoritmicasleikgm
The document contains 14 math or logic expressions with variables a, b, c, and d assigned values. Each expression is followed by "R/ta" which likely stands for the result or target answer of evaluating that expression. The expressions include operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, modulo, Boolean logic, and comparisons using symbols like =, <, >, and, or, not.
This document contains a 10 question mathematics exam on indices from the 2014 SPM Modul Enrichment. The questions test simplifying expressions with indices, evaluating expressions with indices, and solving equations involving indices. The answers are provided at the end in a multiple choice format from A to D.
This document contains notes from a math class that covered various topics:
- Warm-up exercises solving equations for variables.
- Khan Academy stats showing over 38 hours spent on problems over the weekend.
- Continued work on solving equations for variables and formulas for perimeter, area, distance, and temperature conversions.
- Explanations and examples of solving equations with absolute values.
1. The document discusses algebra rules including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and transformation of radicals.
2. Examples are provided of reducing and performing operations with radicals.
3. The document contains practice problems for working with radicals and their operations.
The document outlines pseudocode for 5 algorithms: 1) multiplying two numbers, 2) calculating the area of a circle, 3) finding the lowest common multiple and highest common factor of two numbers, 4) determining the larger of two numbers, and 5) converting temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Each algorithm follows the standard structure of starting, performing a calculation, and printing or returning the result.
The document contains three flowcharts that take in inputs, perform calculations or comparisons, and output results. The first flowchart converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. The second computes the area of a circle given the radius. The third determines if an input age is qualified to vote by comparing it to 18 and printing the result.
The document shows mathematical equations being solved: 21=(21+C)/2 is solved for C=21. Then C=42-21 is solved for C=21. It also shows addition problems being solved: a + b + c + d= 41 is broken down with A=9, B=9, C=15, D=7 for a total of 41. Finally, it shows various numbers being added or multiplied such as 10+12=22 and 2x5x3=30.
This document discusses the calculation of shear forces and bending moments for a structure. It contains:
1) A diagram of a framed structure with loads and dimensions labeled.
2) Calculations showing the determination of internal forces at different points of the structure using equations of equilibrium.
3) Calculation of the shear force and bending moment over the first span of the structure by considering the cut between points A and B.
This document discusses winding calculations for three windings - Winding A spanning poles 1-13, Winding B spanning poles 1-11, and Winding C spanning poles 1-10. Each winding forms one pole-phase group. The document also provides an email address for questions.
This document discusses winding calculations for three windings - Winding A spanning poles 1-13, Winding B spanning poles 1-11, and Winding C spanning poles 1-10. Each winding forms one pole-phase group. The document also provides an email address for questions.
The document provides a formula and example for calculating the inverse of a matrix. It shows that to find the inverse of a 2x2 matrix A, you calculate the determinant of A as (ad-bc). The adjugate matrix is then calculated as [d -b; -c a]. Finally, the inverse is calculated by dividing the adjugate matrix by the determinant. For the example matrix provided, the inverse is calculated to be 0.9 -0.4; -0.4 0.2.
The document provides a summary of Khan Academy work completed over the weekend, including time spent and subjects covered. It then lists topics covered in today's Khan Academy session, including: warm-up exercises; solving equations for variables; formulas like perimeter and area of shapes, temperature conversions, and absolute value equations; and class work problems.
Topological sort is an algorithm that finds an ordering of tasks that respects their dependencies. It works by performing a depth-first search (DFS) on a directed graph where vertices represent tasks and edges represent dependencies. During DFS, each vertex is assigned a finishing time. The topological sort orders the tasks according to decreasing finishing time, so that all dependencies are satisfied. The algorithm runs in O(V+E) time, where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
This document contains notes and instructions for homework and a quiz. It lists homework problems from page 749 numbers 2 through 12 in even numbers and 15 through 20. It also notes that there will be a quiz on Friday covering sections 11.1 through 11.3. The notes also review circle terminology like circumference, diameter, radius, arc, chord, and central angle.
This document provides an overview of T端pra, Turkey's largest oil refining company. It discusses T端pra's history dating back to 1965, its operations including four oil refineries with a total annual processing capacity of 28.1 million tons. The document also outlines T端pra's mission, vision, strategies, risks, competitors, human resources policies, social responsibilities, sales, marketing strategy, production, refineries, research and development activities, and provides a brief financial snapshot.
El documento explica conceptos fundamentales de computaci坦n como programas, software, hardware y la jerarqu鱈a de computadoras. Define programas como algoritmos codificados que una computadora interpreta, y software y hardware como los elementos l坦gicos y f鱈sicos de una computadora respectivamente. Adem叩s, clasifica las computadoras en microcomputadoras, minicomputadoras, mainframes y supercomputadoras dependiendo de su potencia y capacidad.
El documento presenta el cronograma de ejecuci坦n de obras para la comunidad de Pa単acocha del Milenio. En septiembre se entregar叩n los planos para las viviendas de dos dormitorios de 74 m2 y en octubre se iniciar叩 la construcci坦n de la primera casa modelo. De noviembre 2011 a mayo 2012 se construir叩n la escuela del nuevo milenio, el centro de salud y el sistema de saneamiento, transporte y comunicaci坦n. En abril 2012 se construir叩n las viviendas, hoteles y mercados, con una inversi坦n
O documento resume a 88a Reuni達o Ordin叩ria do CBH Rio das Velhas, realizada em 18 de fevereiro de 2016. A reuni達o discutiu projetos hidroambientais na bacia do Rio Itabirito, a crise h鱈drica no Alto Rio das Velhas e planos de saneamento b叩sico de Itabirito. O CBH 辿 composto por representantes dos munic鱈pios de Itabirito, Ouro Preto e Rio Acima, al辿m de usu叩rios, poder p炭blico e sociedade civil.
O documento relata as etapas e resultados do Semin叩rio Legislativo "guas de Minas III", realizado pela Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais em 2015-2016 para debater a gest達o dos recursos h鱈dricos no estado. Foram discutidos seis temas em comiss探es t辿cnicas e encontros regionais, resultando em 72 propostas, das quais 36 foram priorizadas. Um Comit棚 de Representa巽達o foi formado e elaborou sugest探es de encaminhamento para viabilizar as propostas priorizadas.
processo de outorga n 28.859_2014_anglo_gold ashanti - alteamente barragem cu...CBH Rio das Velhas
Este documento aprova o Processo de Outorga n属 28.859/2013 para aumentar a altura da barragem Cuiab叩 de 889m para 904m. A AngloGold Ashanti dever叩 apresentar anualmente relat坦rios de monitoramento da qualidade da 叩gua e auditorias de estabilidade da barragem ao CBH Rio das Velhas. Recomenda-se tamb辿m um plano de recupera巽達o de 叩reas degradadas na bacia do Ribeir達o Sabar叩.
El documento presenta estad鱈sticas sobre las demandas por injurias calumniosas en Ecuador entre 2006 y 2011, mostrando el n炭mero de demandas por provincia y por a単o. En total hubo 10,026 demandas por tr叩mite e inventario y 2,423 por inventario, para un total general de 12,449 demandas por injurias calumniosas en el per鱈odo.
This document discusses winding calculations for three windings - Winding A spanning poles 1-13, Winding B spanning poles 1-11, and Winding C spanning poles 1-10. Each winding forms one pole-phase group. The document also provides an email address for questions.
This document discusses winding calculations for three windings - Winding A spanning poles 1-13, Winding B spanning poles 1-11, and Winding C spanning poles 1-10. Each winding forms one pole-phase group. The document also provides an email address for questions.
The document provides a formula and example for calculating the inverse of a matrix. It shows that to find the inverse of a 2x2 matrix A, you calculate the determinant of A as (ad-bc). The adjugate matrix is then calculated as [d -b; -c a]. Finally, the inverse is calculated by dividing the adjugate matrix by the determinant. For the example matrix provided, the inverse is calculated to be 0.9 -0.4; -0.4 0.2.
The document provides a summary of Khan Academy work completed over the weekend, including time spent and subjects covered. It then lists topics covered in today's Khan Academy session, including: warm-up exercises; solving equations for variables; formulas like perimeter and area of shapes, temperature conversions, and absolute value equations; and class work problems.
Topological sort is an algorithm that finds an ordering of tasks that respects their dependencies. It works by performing a depth-first search (DFS) on a directed graph where vertices represent tasks and edges represent dependencies. During DFS, each vertex is assigned a finishing time. The topological sort orders the tasks according to decreasing finishing time, so that all dependencies are satisfied. The algorithm runs in O(V+E) time, where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
This document contains notes and instructions for homework and a quiz. It lists homework problems from page 749 numbers 2 through 12 in even numbers and 15 through 20. It also notes that there will be a quiz on Friday covering sections 11.1 through 11.3. The notes also review circle terminology like circumference, diameter, radius, arc, chord, and central angle.
This document provides an overview of T端pra, Turkey's largest oil refining company. It discusses T端pra's history dating back to 1965, its operations including four oil refineries with a total annual processing capacity of 28.1 million tons. The document also outlines T端pra's mission, vision, strategies, risks, competitors, human resources policies, social responsibilities, sales, marketing strategy, production, refineries, research and development activities, and provides a brief financial snapshot.
El documento explica conceptos fundamentales de computaci坦n como programas, software, hardware y la jerarqu鱈a de computadoras. Define programas como algoritmos codificados que una computadora interpreta, y software y hardware como los elementos l坦gicos y f鱈sicos de una computadora respectivamente. Adem叩s, clasifica las computadoras en microcomputadoras, minicomputadoras, mainframes y supercomputadoras dependiendo de su potencia y capacidad.
El documento presenta el cronograma de ejecuci坦n de obras para la comunidad de Pa単acocha del Milenio. En septiembre se entregar叩n los planos para las viviendas de dos dormitorios de 74 m2 y en octubre se iniciar叩 la construcci坦n de la primera casa modelo. De noviembre 2011 a mayo 2012 se construir叩n la escuela del nuevo milenio, el centro de salud y el sistema de saneamiento, transporte y comunicaci坦n. En abril 2012 se construir叩n las viviendas, hoteles y mercados, con una inversi坦n
O documento resume a 88a Reuni達o Ordin叩ria do CBH Rio das Velhas, realizada em 18 de fevereiro de 2016. A reuni達o discutiu projetos hidroambientais na bacia do Rio Itabirito, a crise h鱈drica no Alto Rio das Velhas e planos de saneamento b叩sico de Itabirito. O CBH 辿 composto por representantes dos munic鱈pios de Itabirito, Ouro Preto e Rio Acima, al辿m de usu叩rios, poder p炭blico e sociedade civil.
O documento relata as etapas e resultados do Semin叩rio Legislativo "guas de Minas III", realizado pela Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais em 2015-2016 para debater a gest達o dos recursos h鱈dricos no estado. Foram discutidos seis temas em comiss探es t辿cnicas e encontros regionais, resultando em 72 propostas, das quais 36 foram priorizadas. Um Comit棚 de Representa巽達o foi formado e elaborou sugest探es de encaminhamento para viabilizar as propostas priorizadas.
processo de outorga n 28.859_2014_anglo_gold ashanti - alteamente barragem cu...CBH Rio das Velhas
Este documento aprova o Processo de Outorga n属 28.859/2013 para aumentar a altura da barragem Cuiab叩 de 889m para 904m. A AngloGold Ashanti dever叩 apresentar anualmente relat坦rios de monitoramento da qualidade da 叩gua e auditorias de estabilidade da barragem ao CBH Rio das Velhas. Recomenda-se tamb辿m um plano de recupera巽達o de 叩reas degradadas na bacia do Ribeir達o Sabar叩.
El documento presenta estad鱈sticas sobre las demandas por injurias calumniosas en Ecuador entre 2006 y 2011, mostrando el n炭mero de demandas por provincia y por a単o. En total hubo 10,026 demandas por tr叩mite e inventario y 2,423 por inventario, para un total general de 12,449 demandas por injurias calumniosas en el per鱈odo.
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Management is a job that manages people. And a manager has 4 main jobs. These are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In each area, a manager is an important and irreplaceable type of work. And that's why I chose it. I'm going to work in a bank. I will make a further plan for the bank's work, the expected result, prepare and teach employees, and control the process.Management is a job that manages people. And a manager has 4 main jobs. These are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In each area, a manager is an important and irreplaceable type of work. And that's why I chose it. I'm going to work in a bank. I will make a further plan for the bank's work, the expected result, prepare and teach employees, and control the process.Management is a job that manages people. And a manager has 4 main jobs. These are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In each area, a manager is an important and irreplaceable type of work. And that's why I chose it. I'm going to work in a bank. I will make a further plan for the bank's work, the expected result, prepare and teach employees, and control the process.Management is a job that manages people. And a manager has 4 main jobs. These are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In each area, a manager is an important and irreplaceable type of work. And that's why I chose it. I'm going to work in a bank. I will make a further plan for the \
Studies Explore Factors Influencing Marathon Run PerformanceErin Scholtes
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1. ] The formula for degrees Celsius is: C = 59 (F 32), where F stands for degrees
Part 1: Solve the formula for F. Show all steps.
Part 2: Determine how many degrees Fahrenheit 6 degrees Celsius is.
Part 1: Solve the formula for F. Show all steps.
C = 5/9 (F 32)
9C = 5(F - 32)
F - 32 = 9C/5
F = 9C/5 + 32
Part 2: Determine how many degrees Fahrenheit 6 degrees Celsius is.
F = 9*6/5 + 32
F = 54/5 + 32
F = 10.8 + 32
F = 42.8