Javascript WebRTC APIs explained to make audio/video real-time communications: you will learn how to implement your video conference application from scratch. We will start from the basics, giving an overview of what WebRTC is and then we will explore the fundamental Javascript APIs to create performant real-time applications, no prior knowledge is required. WebRTC is used by all video conference platforms today and we will go under the hood to analyze it from a Javascript perspective: at the end, you will be able to easily develop your video conference application from scratch.
30. 1 2
1-2 Offer request to start a call
3-4 Answer to the offer
5 peer-to-peer communications
Signaling Server
31. Signaling Server
1. new RTCPeerConnection
2. get & share Network Info
(ICE candidate)
3. get & share local/remote description
1. new RTCPeerConnection
2. get & share Network Info
(ICE candidate)
3. get & share local/remote description