Decorators are part of proposal TC39 (stage 2), this means that sooner or later decorators will become a part of the JS. However, there is no need to wait! We can use decorators in JavaScript (with babel) and in TypeScript. Let's see how decorators can extend the functionality of classes and methods in a clean and declarative fashion. And many other things which gives you more flexibility.
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JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Daniel Ostrovsky. Falling in love with decorators ES6/TypeScript
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Falling in Love With Decorators.
By Daniel Ostrovsky Web Team Lead at Kaltura
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What decorators is?
When do we need it and when not.
Property decorators
Method decorators
Class decorators
Arguments decorators (TS)
And many more
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What decorators is?
Design pattern.
One of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns.
Extend the functionality of classes and methods in a clean
and declarative fashion.
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Decorators are currently at
Stage II
as part of
TC39's process.
Angular, Nest.Js,
Stencil, MobX,
core-decorators, ember-decorators,
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A decorator is:
an expression
that evaluates to a function
that takes the target, name, and property descriptor as arguments
and optionally returns a property descriptor to install on the target object
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Common Use Cases
o Helpers
o Logger
o Performance measuring
Web Worker runner
Class mixing/composite
Code analysing
Access control and authentication
**Additional functionality
And many more
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Descriptor // Output:
value: 1602280800,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
value - actual property value
writable - is value of this property can be changed
enumerable - is this property is enterable, is it can be used
for (let key of todoObj) {} / Object.keys(todoObj)
configurable - is entire descriptor can be changed
13. The way we can call higher-order function.
Function that takes another functions, extends its behaviour (without
modifying it) and returns it.
@ indicator for parser, that we using decorator.
readOnly - name of our higher-order function.
Class member @Decorator (methods/properties)
export function readOnly(target, key, descriptor) {
descriptor.writable = false;
return descriptor;
class TodoObject{
14. target - class - TodoObject
key - decorated method/property name - timeLeft
descriptor - descriptor object of decorated method/property
Class member @Decorator (methods/properties)
export function readOnly(target, key, descriptor) {
descriptor.writable = false;
return descriptor;
class TodoObject{
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(TodoItem, 'timeLeft');
15. 舒亠 仂亟亳仆 舒亰 从仂亟于舒亳 仆亢 亳 舒亰于,
仍舒亳 仗仂 亠, 磻 舒仄亠.
A coding is worth a thousand words.
16. Class decorator accepts target (class) and returns
constructor - is nothing but a function which is used to add
prototype methods and define some initial values.
Class Decorators