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Scott Leberknight
Jshell & ki
Jshell & ki
interactive command-line tools
REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop)
useful for learning & experimenting
write Java code interactively
introduced in JDK 9
create "snippets" of code
$ jshell
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 19
| For an introduction type: /help intro
You type here :-)
jshell> import java.time.*
jshell> var now = Instant.now()
now ==> 2023-01-12T02:47:48.336715Z
jshell> now.plusSeconds(15 * 60)
$6 ==> 2023-01-12T03:02:48.336715Z
jshell> var later = $6
later ==> 2023-01-12T03:02:48.336715Z
scratch variable
Tab completion
<press tab again to see documentation>
jshell> ZonedDateTime.
class from( now( of( ofInstant( ofLocal( ofStrict( parse(
jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(
$6 later now
ZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant instant, ZoneId zone)
ZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(LocalDateTime localDateTime, ZoneOffset offset, ZoneId zone)
<press tab again to see documentation>
jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(
just keep pressing tab!
Show imports
jshell> /imports
| import java.io.*
| import java.math.*
| import java.net.*
| import java.nio.file.*
| import java.util.*
| import java.util.concurrent.*
| import java.util.function.*
| import java.util.prefs.*
| import java.util.regex.*
| import java.util.stream.*
| import org.kiwiproject.collect.*
| import com.google.common.collect.*
| import java.time.*
List snippets
jshell> /list
1 : import org.kiwiproject.collect.*;
2 : import com.google.common.collect.*;
3 : var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3);
4 : import java.time.*;
5 : var now = Instant.now();
6 : now.plusSeconds(15 * 60)
7 : var later = $6;
Rerun snippets
jshell> /list
1 : import org.kiwiproject.collect.*;
2 : import com.google.common.collect.*;
3 : var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3);
4 : import java.time.*;
5 : var now = Instant.now();
6 : now.plusSeconds(15 * 60)
7 : var later = $6;
jshell> /5
var now = Instant.now();
now ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z
jshell> /list 5
5 : var now = Instant.now();
jshell> now
now ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z
rerun snippet "5"
Many useful commands
work with snippets
(list, edit, drop, re-run, save to file, etc.)
open file as input source
list vars, methods, types, imports
set environment
(e.g. class & module path, configuration)
Accessing other code...
by default can access only JDK classes
use /env to set class and/or module path
Accessing other code...
jshell> /env -class-path .m2/repository/org/kiwiproject/kiwi/2.4.0/
| Setting new options and restoring state.
jshell> import org.kiwiproject.collect.*
jshell> var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3)
m ==> {a=1, b=2, c=3}
set class (or module) path
Beware: you must supply all transitive dependencies!
uses Guava's Preconditions
Use verbose feedback
jshell> /set feedback verbose
jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now, ZoneOffset.UTC)
$12 ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z
| created scratch variable $12 : ZonedDateTime
jshell> /set feedback normal
$ jshell -v
$ jshell --feedback verbose
start in verbose feedback mode
...or change within jshell
other feedback modes: concise, normal, silent
Just remember...
/help is really good in jshell
you can learn a ton using it
be sure to use its tab completion
Kotlin interactive shell
experiment with Kotlin or Java
much better than the default REPL
(i.e. kotlinc-jvm)
Accessing other code...
$ ki
ki-shell 0.5.2/1.7.0
type :h for help
[0] :dependsOn org.kiwiproject:kiwi:2.4.0
[1] import org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
[2] val m : MutableMap<String, Int> = KiwiMaps.newHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3)
[3] m.put("d", 4)
res3: Int = null
[4] m
res4: MutableMap<String, Int> = {a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4}
Use :dependsOn with artifact coordinates:
Yay!Transitive dependencies work!
Just remember...
(alas, ki help is not as helpful as jshell's)
now get exploring and
remember /help
(or :help in ki)
On the web...
(the end)

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JShell & ki

  • 2. Jshell & ki interactive command-line tools REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) useful for learning & experimenting
  • 3. JShell write Java code interactively introduced in JDK 9 create "snippets" of code
  • 4. $ jshell | Welcome to JShell -- Version 19 | For an introduction type: /help intro jshell> You type here :-)
  • 5. Basics... jshell> import java.time.* jshell> var now = Instant.now() now ==> 2023-01-12T02:47:48.336715Z jshell> now.plusSeconds(15 * 60) $6 ==> 2023-01-12T03:02:48.336715Z jshell> var later = $6 later ==> 2023-01-12T03:02:48.336715Z scratch variable
  • 6. Tab completion <press tab again to see documentation> jshell> ZonedDateTime. class from( now( of( ofInstant( ofLocal( ofStrict( parse( jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( $6 later now Signatures: ZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant instant, ZoneId zone) ZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(LocalDateTime localDateTime, ZoneOffset offset, ZoneId zone) <press tab again to see documentation> jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( just keep pressing tab!
  • 7. Show imports jshell> /imports | import java.io.* | import java.math.* | import java.net.* | import java.nio.file.* | import java.util.* | import java.util.concurrent.* | import java.util.function.* | import java.util.prefs.* | import java.util.regex.* | import java.util.stream.* | import org.kiwiproject.collect.* | import com.google.common.collect.* | import java.time.*
  • 8. List snippets jshell> /list 1 : import org.kiwiproject.collect.*; 2 : import com.google.common.collect.*; 3 : var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3); 4 : import java.time.*; 5 : var now = Instant.now(); 6 : now.plusSeconds(15 * 60) 7 : var later = $6;
  • 9. Rerun snippets jshell> /list 1 : import org.kiwiproject.collect.*; 2 : import com.google.common.collect.*; 3 : var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3); 4 : import java.time.*; 5 : var now = Instant.now(); 6 : now.plusSeconds(15 * 60) 7 : var later = $6; jshell> /5 var now = Instant.now(); now ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z jshell> /list 5 5 : var now = Instant.now(); jshell> now now ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z rerun snippet "5"
  • 10. Many useful commands work with snippets (list, edit, drop, re-run, save to file, etc.) open file as input source list vars, methods, types, imports set environment (e.g. class & module path, configuration)
  • 11. Accessing other code... by default can access only JDK classes use /env to set class and/or module path
  • 12. Accessing other code... jshell> /env -class-path .m2/repository/org/kiwiproject/kiwi/2.4.0/ kiwi-2.4.0.jar:.m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/31.1-jre/guava-31.1- jre.jar:.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons- lang3-3.12.0.jar | Setting new options and restoring state. jshell> import org.kiwiproject.collect.* jshell> var m = KiwiMaps.<String, Object>newLinkedHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3) m ==> {a=1, b=2, c=3} set class (or module) path Beware: you must supply all transitive dependencies! uses Guava's Preconditions
  • 13. Use verbose feedback jshell> /set feedback verbose jshell> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now, ZoneOffset.UTC) $12 ==> 2023-01-12T02:59:43.273136Z | created scratch variable $12 : ZonedDateTime jshell> /set feedback normal $ jshell -v $ jshell --feedback verbose start in verbose feedback mode ...or change within jshell other feedback modes: concise, normal, silent
  • 15. /help is really good in jshell you can learn a ton using it be sure to use its tab completion
  • 16. ki Kotlin interactive shell experiment with Kotlin or Java much better than the default REPL (i.e. kotlinc-jvm)
  • 17. Accessing other code... $ ki ki-shell 0.5.2/1.7.0 type :h for help [0] :dependsOn org.kiwiproject:kiwi:2.4.0 [1] import org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps [2] val m : MutableMap<String, Int> = KiwiMaps.newHashMap("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3) [3] m.put("d", 4) res3: Int = null [4] m res4: MutableMap<String, Int> = {a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4} Use :dependsOn with artifact coordinates: groupId:artifactId:version Yay!Transitive dependencies work!
  • 18. :help Just remember... (alas, ki help is not as helpful as jshell's)
  • 19. now get exploring and remember /help (or :help in ki)