2. Covered in this session:
Krashens Hypotheses
Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory - ZPD
Blooms Taxonomy
3. Krashens Hypotheses
Have you heard about Input Hypothesis / i+1? What do
you know?
Have you heard about Affective Filter Hypothesis? What
do you know?
Lets find out,
4. Krashens Hypotheses
Input Hypothesis / i+1?
Understanding spoken and written language input is seen as the only
mechanism that results in the increase of underlying linguistic
Affective Filter Hypothesis?
(Affective Filter is an impediment to learning or acquisition caused by
negative emotional ("affective") responses to one's environment.)
learning is seen to be heavily dependent on the mood of the learner, with
learning being impaired if the learner is under stress or does not want to
learn the language.
6. Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory - ZPD
Have you heard about this ZPD? What kind of food is that?
ZPD stands for Zone of Proximal Development
Now, lets find out,
7. Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory - ZPD
According to Vygotsky we cant just look at what the
students are capable of doing on their own, but we also
have to look at what they are capable of doing with the
help of an adult or a more competent peer.
Teachers job is to move the childs mind forward step by
step. Teachers cant teach all children equally, they must
determine the readiness of the learners first.
8. Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory - ZPD
So, whats the implication of this into lesson planning?
Vygotskys theory does not mean that anything can be taught to any
child (as they have different levels of ZPD). Only instructions and
activities that fall within the zone can promote development.
What can teachers do?
- Provide scaffolding
- Use differentiated teaching
- Use cooperative learning techniques
11. Blooms Taxonomy
Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the
leadership of educational psychologist Dr Bloom in order
to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as
analyzing and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures,
and principles, rather than just remembering facts (rote
learning). It is most often used when designing
educational, training, and learning processes.
12. The Three Domains of Learning
The committee identified three domains of educational
activities or learning (Bloom, et al. 1956):
Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)
Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas
(attitude or self)
Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)
Blooms Taxonomy
13. The Three Domains of Learning
The committee identified three domains of educational
activities or learning (Bloom, et al. 1956):
Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)
Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas
(attitude or self)
Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)
Blooms Taxonomy
16. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly.
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
17. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly.
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
18. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly.
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
19. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly.
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
20. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly.
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
21. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
22. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
23. a. Brainstorm vocabulary about holiday activities
b. Brainstorm vocabulary about adjectives to describe places and feelings
c. Teach how to form and use simple past tense and past progressive tense
d. Give Ss an exercise to use the verbs of the tenses learned and discuss
e. Provide an example of a narrative text and highlight its features;
the topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, transitional markers, the use of the tenses and
adjectives, etc.
f. Give Ss a text with some mistakes in it for them to analyse and correct. Provide a
checklist to examine if all the components have been included and used correctly
g. Get Ss to make a conclusion on how to create a good narrative text
h. Get Ss to create a nnarative text on their own incorporating all the learned
Blooms Taxonomy
24. Over to you, how will you apply these in your subjects?