The document provides safety statistics and information from May 2010, including details on personal injuries. It also covers topics like heat stress prevention, skin cancer awareness, tick and bee safety, hazardous plants, and slip, trip and fall prevention. Guidelines are given for work/rest cycles in different heat conditions, skin self-examinations, tick removal, and first aid for bee stings. Common causes and behaviors leading to slips, trips and falls are identified along with preventative measures.
BrandU: 7 top secrets for creative entrepreneurs Zlinhthao Th畉o
Presentation @BarCamp Saigon 2015
A million thanks to all my teachers - mentors + the BarCamp Saigon 2015 organizers - sponsors - speakers - participants and volunteers
This document provides information about the Fall 1997 course "EEL 5840: Elements of Machine Intelligence" at the University of Florida. The course will provide an in-depth look at machine learning theories and their implementation on real and simulated robots. Students will complete homework assignments applying machine learning concepts and a semester-long project implementing a learning algorithm on a real or simulated robot. The course will have exams, homework, and a project, and aims to further students' understanding of both classical and modern machine learning approaches and their limitations.
La rob坦tica es la ciencia y tecnolog鱈a detr叩s del dise単o, manufactura y aplicaci坦n de robots. Incluye disciplinas como la mec叩nica, electr坦nica, inform叩tica e inteligencia artificial. A lo largo de la historia, los humanos han construido m叩quinas que imitan partes del cuerpo humano y mu単ecos mec叩nicos ingeniosos con caracter鱈sticas similares a los robots. Un robot se define como un manipulador reprogramable multifuncional dise単ado para mover materiales y herramientas a trav辿s de movimientos programados para
Este documento describe las actuaciones de INTECO en materia de seguridad y calidad TIC. INTECO trabaja en 叩reas como e-Confianza, seguridad de la informaci坦n, calidad del software, promoci坦n de est叩ndares y normalizaci坦n. Ofrece servicios como el CERT para pymes y ciudadanos, la Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta, y el Centro Demostrador de Tecnolog鱈as de Seguridad. El objetivo es fomentar la confianza en las TIC y minimizar los riesgos de incidentes de seguridad.
Owasp Ireland - The State of Software SecurityTyler Shields
This document summarizes the key findings from an analysis of application security data by Veracode. Some of the main findings include:
1) Most software applications were found to be insecure, with over 50% receiving high or critical risk ratings.
2) Third-party software applications and components make up a significant percentage of enterprise infrastructure and applications, but were found to have the lowest security quality.
3) Open source projects had faster remediation times and fewer vulnerabilities than commercial or outsourced software.
The document discusses these and other findings around languages used, differences between industries, and the need for multiple testing techniques to adequately assess application security.
The FMCG firm decided at its annual strategy meeting to enter the healthy foods segment based on its SWOT analysis. The CEO appointed a category director to analyze the firm's current capabilities, needed new capabilities, and develop a phased implementation plan to launch the new business in 2 years. The category director and team need to identify business analysis opportunities, including business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements, to classify into enterprise and IT business analysis categories.
Business and management short courses handbookjbeardhousing
This degree programme consists of 2 stages with 4 modules each worth 20 credits, plus a work-based learning project worth 40 credits completed over 12-24 months. The programme is designed for first/front line managers and supervisors to gain new knowledge and skills while using previous experience. Modules cover topics like reflection on professional practice, managing people, managing change, managing organizations, and managing finance. The final stage focuses on managing projects and completing a work-based learning project using research methods.
JPG Hawaii is a full-service design and print company located in Honolulu, Hawaii that was founded in 2001 by three brothers. They provide various print, design, marketing, and promotional products and services to help brands stand out from the competition. In addition to traditional print services, they also offer large format signage, vehicle wraps, uniforms, apparel, and mobile billboard advertising options to bring brands to life.
Don Hazelwood is a financial consulting firm founded in 2013 in South Africa that aims to create value from every transaction. [1] It offers various services including business startups, turnaround strategies, business analysis, tax solutions, and project management. [2] The founders have extensive experience and want to empower Africans through economic opportunities. [3]
A HFMS Szabadegyetem 2015. november 18-i ISO 55000 Vagyongazd叩lkod叩s szemin叩rium叩nak elad叩sa.
Asset Management vs. Facilities Management
HFMS Free University 18.11.2015
Treballar amb dades per prendre decisions i crear contingutsFundaci坦 Bit
El curs s'emmarca dintre de la formaci坦 que ofrereix la Fundaci坦 Bit, a trav辿s del projecte Dr.TIC, en col揃laboraci坦 amb el Consell de Menorca, dintre del Pla+TIC dirigit a empreses.
Sculpture is a three-dimensional art form created by shaping hard materials like stone, metal, glass, or wood. There are three main types of sculpture: subtractive, which involves removing material like in carving; additive, which is most common today and involves adding material; and kinetic, containing moving parts. Sculpture is created through four basic processes - carving, modeling, casting, and construction - and can also involve assemblage, relief, or kinetic elements.
This document discusses the importance of financial planning and healthcare. It notes that according to scripture, one must provide for their health and finances today for tomorrow. It then discusses various risks like sickness, disability, or loss of income that can negatively impact lifestyle. The document advocates adopting a "save first, spend later" approach to savings and daily savings and investments of $2 and $1.50 respectively to prepare for contingencies. It also promotes a plant-based diet of fruits and vegetables for health and avoiding sickness.
This document discusses heat stress and heat-related illnesses. It notes that over 30,000 people have died from heat-related illnesses since 1936, with an average of 384 deaths from heat stroke each year. It describes how the body generates and loses heat through various mechanisms, and conditions like temperature, humidity, and clothing that can affect the body's cooling system. Potential heat-related health problems are outlined like heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. The document concludes with recommendations for preventing heat-related illnesses through acclimation, fluid intake, rest, diet, dress, and adjusting work schedules based on temperature and heat index guidelines.
Lameness, Hoof, and Leg Issues in Dairy Cattle- Part 2DAIReXNET
This document discusses factors that can lead to interrupted production of sole tissue in cattle, resulting in lameness issues. It notes that poor hygiene, defective soles, and other external factors can play a role. It also describes how excessive pressure on the corium from issues like claw shape, flooring, and prolonged standing can reduce blood flow and cause bruising. Left untreated, problems like sole abscesses and ulcers can develop. The document emphasizes the importance of cow comfort, proper trimming and foot care, and early treatment of lame cows to prevent problems from worsening.
Create a successful business with FGXpress and greenxpress.orggxpress
FGXpress PowerStrips are the only energy and pain relief strips in the world which is listed by the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device. Come join us at and help spread the word in your country!
The document discusses field safety guidelines for field work. It outlines several potential hazards in the field including injury, heat and cold stress, wildlife encounters, and vehicle incidents. It provides tips to prevent issues like bringing adequate supplies, proper clothing, staying hydrated, and working in pairs. Specific hazards covered in more detail include ticks, hypothermia, sun exposure, and ensuring underground utilities are located before digging. The document emphasizes thinking safety and having the well-being of the field team as top priorities for any field work.
Owasp Ireland - The State of Software SecurityTyler Shields
This document summarizes the key findings from an analysis of application security data by Veracode. Some of the main findings include:
1) Most software applications were found to be insecure, with over 50% receiving high or critical risk ratings.
2) Third-party software applications and components make up a significant percentage of enterprise infrastructure and applications, but were found to have the lowest security quality.
3) Open source projects had faster remediation times and fewer vulnerabilities than commercial or outsourced software.
The document discusses these and other findings around languages used, differences between industries, and the need for multiple testing techniques to adequately assess application security.
The FMCG firm decided at its annual strategy meeting to enter the healthy foods segment based on its SWOT analysis. The CEO appointed a category director to analyze the firm's current capabilities, needed new capabilities, and develop a phased implementation plan to launch the new business in 2 years. The category director and team need to identify business analysis opportunities, including business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements, to classify into enterprise and IT business analysis categories.
Business and management short courses handbookjbeardhousing
This degree programme consists of 2 stages with 4 modules each worth 20 credits, plus a work-based learning project worth 40 credits completed over 12-24 months. The programme is designed for first/front line managers and supervisors to gain new knowledge and skills while using previous experience. Modules cover topics like reflection on professional practice, managing people, managing change, managing organizations, and managing finance. The final stage focuses on managing projects and completing a work-based learning project using research methods.
JPG Hawaii is a full-service design and print company located in Honolulu, Hawaii that was founded in 2001 by three brothers. They provide various print, design, marketing, and promotional products and services to help brands stand out from the competition. In addition to traditional print services, they also offer large format signage, vehicle wraps, uniforms, apparel, and mobile billboard advertising options to bring brands to life.
Don Hazelwood is a financial consulting firm founded in 2013 in South Africa that aims to create value from every transaction. [1] It offers various services including business startups, turnaround strategies, business analysis, tax solutions, and project management. [2] The founders have extensive experience and want to empower Africans through economic opportunities. [3]
A HFMS Szabadegyetem 2015. november 18-i ISO 55000 Vagyongazd叩lkod叩s szemin叩rium叩nak elad叩sa.
Asset Management vs. Facilities Management
HFMS Free University 18.11.2015
Treballar amb dades per prendre decisions i crear contingutsFundaci坦 Bit
El curs s'emmarca dintre de la formaci坦 que ofrereix la Fundaci坦 Bit, a trav辿s del projecte Dr.TIC, en col揃laboraci坦 amb el Consell de Menorca, dintre del Pla+TIC dirigit a empreses.
Sculpture is a three-dimensional art form created by shaping hard materials like stone, metal, glass, or wood. There are three main types of sculpture: subtractive, which involves removing material like in carving; additive, which is most common today and involves adding material; and kinetic, containing moving parts. Sculpture is created through four basic processes - carving, modeling, casting, and construction - and can also involve assemblage, relief, or kinetic elements.
This document discusses the importance of financial planning and healthcare. It notes that according to scripture, one must provide for their health and finances today for tomorrow. It then discusses various risks like sickness, disability, or loss of income that can negatively impact lifestyle. The document advocates adopting a "save first, spend later" approach to savings and daily savings and investments of $2 and $1.50 respectively to prepare for contingencies. It also promotes a plant-based diet of fruits and vegetables for health and avoiding sickness.
This document discusses heat stress and heat-related illnesses. It notes that over 30,000 people have died from heat-related illnesses since 1936, with an average of 384 deaths from heat stroke each year. It describes how the body generates and loses heat through various mechanisms, and conditions like temperature, humidity, and clothing that can affect the body's cooling system. Potential heat-related health problems are outlined like heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. The document concludes with recommendations for preventing heat-related illnesses through acclimation, fluid intake, rest, diet, dress, and adjusting work schedules based on temperature and heat index guidelines.
Lameness, Hoof, and Leg Issues in Dairy Cattle- Part 2DAIReXNET
This document discusses factors that can lead to interrupted production of sole tissue in cattle, resulting in lameness issues. It notes that poor hygiene, defective soles, and other external factors can play a role. It also describes how excessive pressure on the corium from issues like claw shape, flooring, and prolonged standing can reduce blood flow and cause bruising. Left untreated, problems like sole abscesses and ulcers can develop. The document emphasizes the importance of cow comfort, proper trimming and foot care, and early treatment of lame cows to prevent problems from worsening.
Create a successful business with FGXpress and greenxpress.orggxpress
FGXpress PowerStrips are the only energy and pain relief strips in the world which is listed by the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device. Come join us at and help spread the word in your country!
The document discusses field safety guidelines for field work. It outlines several potential hazards in the field including injury, heat and cold stress, wildlife encounters, and vehicle incidents. It provides tips to prevent issues like bringing adequate supplies, proper clothing, staying hydrated, and working in pairs. Specific hazards covered in more detail include ticks, hypothermia, sun exposure, and ensuring underground utilities are located before digging. The document emphasizes thinking safety and having the well-being of the field team as top priorities for any field work.
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and
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This document from the Operating Engineers National Hazmat Program discusses heat stress and provides information on heat-related illnesses like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. It notes that heat stroke can be fatal and that hundreds die from heat-related illnesses in the United States each year. The document outlines risk factors for heat illness, signs and symptoms, and treatment recommendations. It also briefly discusses cold stress and hypothermia.
This document discusses several global threats including global warming, recession, annihilation, terrorism, and hypoxia. It links these threats to the issues of contraception, abortion, and the pollution of the environment with estrogen from menstrual blood and aborted fetal blood. Specifically, it claims that contraception and abortion lower estrogen levels which can lead to degenerative diseases and changes in brain function that promote behaviors like promiscuity, abuse, and terrorism. It argues that population decline due to these practices is causing economic crisis and that reversing contraception and abortion could help address issues like climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
This document discusses various medical terminology, patient care procedures, and observations related to caring for residents in long-term care facilities. It covers terminology for activities of daily living, body systems, elimination, bathing procedures, oral hygiene, nail and hair care, and important observations to report. The main points are providing routine care, proper documentation of observations, and ensuring safety and privacy during care activities.
This document outlines InCare DME's diabetic footcare program. It discusses Medicare coverage of therapeutic shoes and inserts, risks factors for diabetic foot complications, proper foot assessment and care, the fitting process for therapeutic shoes, and follow up with patients. Key points include that Medicare covers one pair of therapeutic shoes and 3 pairs of inserts per year to help prevent foot complications for diabetics, which can include ulcers, infection, and amputation. A proper fitting process assesses foot risks and ensures shoes and inserts are properly fitted to support high-risk feet.
1. The document provides guidance on basic first aid procedures including securing the scene, chain of survival, universal precautions, ABCs of first aid, controlling bleeding, treating shock, burns, fractures, head injuries, and spinal injuries.
2. Key steps outlined include checking for hazards, activating EMS, providing early CPR/first aid, controlling bleeding through direct pressure, treating for shock by keeping the victim lying down and warm, cooling burns with water, splinting suspected fractures, and maintaining spinal alignment for head/neck injuries.
3. Precautions are described to prevent disease transmission such as using gloves and masks, cleaning up properly, and disposing of contaminated materials correctly.
The document discusses post-mortem changes that occur after death. Immediate changes include cessation of brain and circulatory functions and respiration. Early changes are cooling of the body, lividity/hypostasis, and rigor mortis. Rigor mortis occurs when muscles lose contractility and become rigid due to chemical changes, typically setting in 3-6 hours after death in temperate climates. Late changes include decomposition of tissues over time. The post-mortem changes provide clues for determining the time of death.
Dead bodies must be managed carefully after disasters to identify victims, respect cultural practices, and prevent disease transmission. Proper equipment, coordination of recovery efforts, storage, identification methods, and burial or cremation according to standards are needed. While corpses do not generally pose epidemic risks, universal precautions and rapid burial or cremation help reassure communities. The priority is to honor the dead while protecting public health.
The document discusses physiotherapy for burn rehabilitation. It begins by defining burns and explaining their global impact, causing over 180,000 deaths annually. It then covers burn classification based on depth and extent, as well as the anatomy and functions of skin layers. Key goals of physiotherapy include wound healing, preventing complications through splinting and positioning, restoring range of motion and strength. The full rehabilitation process aims to maximize function and independence while minimizing scarring over time.
This document discusses principles of patient assessment in EMS, including taking vital signs and assessing other signs and symptoms. It defines signs and symptoms, and lists common vital signs including mental status, respirations, pulse, blood pressure, and temperature. Additional signs covered include pupil response and pulse oximetry. The document describes how to assess each vital sign and provides normal ranges. It also discusses taking baseline versus serial vital signs to monitor a patient's condition over time by examining trends.
Safety, Personnel, Environment, and CommunicationSafety, Personnel, Environment, and Communication
June 21, 2010June 21, 2010
Safety StatisticsSafety Statistics
May 2010May 2010
Del Davis SurveyDel Davis Survey
Heat StressHeat Stress
Poisonous PlantsPoisonous Plants
Ticks, Bees/WaspsTicks, Bees/Wasps
2. SpecPro Safety StatisticsSpecPro Safety Statistics
May 2010May 2010
(Last LTI: 5 Oct 09 Doug Jeske)
SpecProSpecPro BTSBTS SubsSubs MonthlyMonthly CombinedCombined
6 31 Oct 096 31 Oct 09 18,58518,585 1,4341,434 3,1833,183 23,20223,202 23,20223,202
1 30 Nov 091 30 Nov 09 17,79017,790 1,4711,471 5,8435,843 25,10425,104 48,30648,306
1 31 Dec 091 31 Dec 09 12,85812,858 1,4171,417 3,0313,031 14,27514,275 65,61265,612
1 31 Jan 101 31 Jan 10 10,311.510,311.5 1,4771,477 736736 12,524.512,524.5 78,136.578,136.5
1 28 Feb 101 28 Feb 10 8,908.58,908.5 1,5091,509 867867 11,284.511,284.5 89,42189,421
1 31 Mar 101 31 Mar 10 15,71615,716 1,8831,883 822822 18,42118,421 107,842107,842
1 30 Apr 101 30 Apr 10 20,28220,282 1,7081,708 1,6831,683 23,67323,673 131,515131,515
1 31 May 101 31 May 10 22,01822,018 1,6681,668 1,8241,824 25,51025,510 157,025157,025
3. May Safety StatisticsMay Safety Statistics
Strain / Sprain:Strain / Sprain: 2 (hole, pipe)2 (hole, pipe) 55
Cut / Laceration:Cut / Laceration: 00 11
Fracture:Fracture: 00
Contusion:Contusion: 1 (ribs)1 (ribs) 22
Allergic Reaction:Allergic Reaction: 00
Avulsion:Avulsion: 00
Puncture:Puncture: 00
Foreign Body (eye):Foreign Body (eye): 00
Loss of Consciousness:Loss of Consciousness: 00
Bee Sting:Bee Sting: 11 11
4 personal / 04 personal / 0
vehicularvehicular 20102010
7. Name:Name: Jonathan JP PatlakJonathan JP Patlak
Previous Employment:Previous Employment: LVI Environmental Services,LVI Environmental Services,
Waylon Jennings vs Willie Nelson =Waylon Jennings vs Willie Nelson =
Zeppelin vs The Who =Zeppelin vs The Who =
Coke vs Pepsi =Coke vs Pepsi =
McDonalds vs Burger King =McDonalds vs Burger King =
Walleye Fishin vs Salmon fishin =Walleye Fishin vs Salmon fishin =
Great Taste vs Less Filling =Great Taste vs Less Filling =
Willie NelsonWillie Nelson
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin
Diet Coke w/LimeDiet Coke w/Lime
Michigan CohoMichigan Coho
Great TasteGreat Taste
8. What keeps me safe?What keeps me safe?
What keeps YOU safe?What keeps YOU safe?
10. Where the heat comes fromWhere the heat comes from
We generate some by our metabolism byWe generate some by our metabolism by
converting our food to energy and usingconverting our food to energy and using
it to do workit to do work
Some may be added by the environmentSome may be added by the environment
Some may be taken away by theSome may be taken away by the
Clothing can trap the heatClothing can trap the heat
12. Our Body RespondsOur Body Responds
-the bodys temperature-the bodys temperature
control centercontrol center
Blood FlowBlood Flow
Circulation (2)
13. Heat Related IllnessesHeat Related Illnesses
Heat CrampsHeat Cramps
Reason:Reason: Lack of proper fluids in bodyLack of proper fluids in body
Sign and Symptoms:Sign and Symptoms:
Muscle spasmsMuscle spasms
Pain in extremities and abdomenPain in extremities and abdomen
Move person to cool placeMove person to cool place
Give water / liquidsGive water / liquids
14. Heat Related IllnessesHeat Related Illnesses
Heat ExhaustionHeat Exhaustion
Mild form of shock causing stress on variousMild form of shock causing stress on various
Sign and SymptomsSign and Symptoms
Fatigue, dizziness,Fatigue, dizziness, profuse sweatingprofuse sweating, moist, moist
skin, shallow breathing, palenessskin, shallow breathing, paleness
Move person to cool placeMove person to cool place
Give water / liquidsGive water / liquids
15. Heat Related IllnessesHeat Related Illnesses
Heat StrokeHeat Stroke
Most SEVERE form of heat stressMost SEVERE form of heat stress
Sign and SymptomsSign and Symptoms
Red, hot,Red, hot, DRY skin without sweatDRY skin without sweat
Body temp 105*+Body temp 105*+
Dizziness, confusion, strong rapid pulseDizziness, confusion, strong rapid pulse
Apply cool packsApply cool packs
17. WWetet BBulbulb GGlobelobe TTemperatureemperature
Wet Sensor assesses evaporationWet Sensor assesses evaporation
(humidity & air movement)(humidity & air movement)
- as distilled water evaporates- as distilled water evaporates
from cup, it cools the sensorfrom cup, it cools the sensor
Globe Sensor assessesGlobe Sensor assesses
radiant componentradiant component
Bulb Sensor assessesBulb Sensor assesses
ambient temperatureambient temperature
18. SpecPro Heat Categories and Work/Rest Cycles (Acclimatized)
Revised: 3 AUG 06
(Managers Discretion)
(Managers Discretion)
(Managers Discretion)
Water Intake
Water Intake
1 78 81.9 No limit to
work time
遜 No
他 40 Work
20 Rest
82 84.9 No limit to
work time
遜 50 Work
10 Rest
他 30 Work
30 Rest
85 87.9 No limit to
work time
他 40 Work
20 Rest
他 30 Work
30 Rest
88 89.9 No limit to
work time
他 30 Work
30 Rest
他 20 Work
40 Rest
> 90 50 Work
10 Rest
1 20 Work
40 Rest
1 10 Work
50 Rest
Wearing Tyvec and respirator adds 5 degrees Fahrenheit to the wet bulb globe thermometer (WBGT) index.
Operating in air conditioned vehicles can work continuously (normal scheduled rest breaks apply)
Rest: Minimal physical activity, which should be accomplished in the shade if possible; however, any activity
requiring only minimal physical activity can be performed during rest periods (safety meetings, minor
maintenance of equipment, personal hygiene activities, decon).
Acclimatized: The employee has worked in given heat conditions for 10 14 days.
Adapted from the Department of the US Army Field Hygiene and Sanitation FM 21-10, dated 21 June 2000.
20. Skin CancerSkin Cancer
Most common form of cancer in the USMost common form of cancer in the US
One in five Americans will develop skinOne in five Americans will develop skin
cancer in the course of a lifetimecancer in the course of a lifetime
More than 1 million cases of non-melanomaMore than 1 million cases of non-melanoma
skin cancer a year / 60,000 melanoma casesskin cancer a year / 60,000 melanoma cases
Outdoor workers are 2x as likely to develop skinOutdoor workers are 2x as likely to develop skin
cancer as indoor workerscancer as indoor workers
Cases are on the riseCases are on the rise
21. Skin CancerSkin Cancer
How to Protect YourselfHow to Protect Yourself
Seek shade between 10am and 4pmSeek shade between 10am and 4pm
Light weight, long sleeve shirtLight weight, long sleeve shirt
Neck protectionNeck protection
Sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher)Sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher)
Self ExaminationSelf Examination
Search for ticksSearch for ticks
at the same time!at the same time!
23. Trails andTrails and
Edge HabitatEdge Habitat
Blacklegged ticksBlacklegged ticks
live in woody, brushylive in woody, brushy
areas that provideareas that provide
food and cover forfood and cover for
hosts such as micehosts such as mice
and deerand deer
Exposure to theseExposure to these
ticks can be greatestticks can be greatest
along trails andalong trails and
edges of woodsedges of woods
24. Lyme DiseaseLyme Disease
Signs & SymptomsSigns & Symptoms
3 to 30 days after deer tick bite3 to 30 days after deer tick bite
Rash (often bulls-eye)Rash (often bulls-eye)
Muscle and joint painMuscle and joint pain
25. Rank State CasesRank State Cases
1 NY 7,7941 NY 7,794
2 MA 4,5822 MA 4,582
3 CT 3,8963 CT 3,896
4 PA 3,8184 PA 3,818
5 NJ 3,4855 NJ 3,485
6 MD 2,2186 MD 2,218
7 WI 2,0347 WI 2,034
8 NH 1,6018 NH 1,601
9 MN 1,2829 MN 1,282
10 VA 93310 VA 933
30. Hazardous Plants
BAAAP has four plants to considerBAAAP has four plants to consider
1)1) Poison IvyPoison Ivy
2)2) Poison SumacPoison Sumac
3)3) Wild ParsnipWild Parsnip
34. Bees, Wasp, Hornet StingsBees, Wasp, Hornet Stings
Sting First AidSting First Aid
- Remove the stinger GENTLY- Remove the stinger GENTLY
- Avoid squeezing the poison sack- Avoid squeezing the poison sack
- Apply ice or sting kit to affected area- Apply ice or sting kit to affected area
- If allergic reaction, seek- If allergic reaction, seek
medical attentionmedical attention
41. What are slips, trips & falls?What are slips, trips & falls?
A slip occurs when there is tooA slip occurs when there is too
little traction or friction betweenlittle traction or friction between
the shoe and walking surface.the shoe and walking surface.
A trip occurs when a persons footA trip occurs when a persons foot
contacts an object in their way orcontacts an object in their way or
drops to a lower level unexpectedly,drops to a lower level unexpectedly,
causing them to be thrown off-balance.causing them to be thrown off-balance.
A fall occurs when youA fall occurs when you
are too far off balance.are too far off balance.
42. STFsSTFs (Slips, Trips & Falls)(Slips, Trips & Falls) FactsFacts
STFs are second to vehicle accidents in causingSTFs are second to vehicle accidents in causing
personal injurypersonal injury
Industrial falls causeIndustrial falls cause 1000+ DEATHS/year1000+ DEATHS/year! In! In
2002,2002, 5100 died5100 died from work related falls!from work related falls!
Stairways falls alone result inStairways falls alone result in 2,000,0002,000,000
disabling injuries per yeardisabling injuries per year
Of 3.8 MILLION disabling injuries/year in theOf 3.8 MILLION disabling injuries/year in the
work place, 15% (work place, 15% (570,000570,000) are due to STFs.) are due to STFs.
43. Types of FallsTypes of Falls
Same-Level Falls:Same-Level Falls:
- High frequency- High frequency
low severitylow severity
Elevated Falls:Elevated Falls:
- Lower frequency- Lower frequency
high severityhigh severity
44. Causes of STF at BAAAPCauses of STF at BAAAP
Heavy EquipmentHeavy Equipment
Holes, Ruts, StumpsHoles, Ruts, Stumps
Steep GradeSteep Grade
Use of WaterUse of Water
Lack of ProperLack of Proper
Cords, HosesCords, Hoses
45. Behaviors leading to fallsBehaviors leading to falls
Walking too fast or runningWalking too fast or running
Rapid change of directionRapid change of direction
Not watching where walkingNot watching where walking
Carrying materials obstructing viewCarrying materials obstructing view
Failure to use handrailsFailure to use handrails
Wearing sunglasses in low-lightWearing sunglasses in low-light
46. Conditions creating fall hazardsConditions creating fall hazards
Unsafe stairsUnsafe stairs
Storing / leaving materials on stairsStoring / leaving materials on stairs
Unsafe / improper ladder useUnsafe / improper ladder use
Obstacles in walkwayObstacles in walkway
Poor lightingPoor lighting
Slippery / Uneven walking surfaceSlippery / Uneven walking surface
Unmarked / unknown holes or trenchesUnmarked / unknown holes or trenches
Improper footwearImproper footwear
47. Preventing STFsPreventing STFs
Learn to recognize hazardous areasLearn to recognize hazardous areas
Take steps to eliminate hazardsTake steps to eliminate hazards
Stay alertStay alert
Keep clutter picked up and area cleanKeep clutter picked up and area clean
Use 3-point mount/dismount techniqueUse 3-point mount/dismount technique
Clean up spills immediatelyClean up spills immediately
DoDo NOTNOT use chairs as laddersuse chairs as ladders
Inspect the work area regularly for hazardsInspect the work area regularly for hazards
48. If YouIf You DODO Find Yourself FallingFind Yourself Falling
Roll with the fall; dont reach out.Roll with the fall; dont reach out.
Bend your elbows and knees andBend your elbows and knees and
use your legs and arms to absorb the fall.use your legs and arms to absorb the fall.
Protect the venerable parts of your body,Protect the venerable parts of your body,
like the head, neck and the head, neck and spine.
Dont move if you think youve hurtDont move if you think youve hurt
yourself. Wait for help.yourself. Wait for help.
Editor's Notes
#23: In the spring and summer of the ticks second year, primarily from May through August, the nymph becomes active and takes its second feeding from a mammal.油 If the tick received the bacteria from its first feeding in the larva stage, it can transmit the bacteria during this second feeding.油油
Nymph stage ticks often look like a speck of dirt or a freckle on a persons skin.
#24: Blacklegged ticks live in wooded, brushy areas that provide food and cover for white-footed mice, deer and other small or large mammals.
Exposure to ticks may be greatest in the woods (especially along trails) and the fringe area between the woods and border.
#25: The signs and symptoms of Lyme disease can vary among individuals.油
Three to 30 days after a bite from an infected deer tick, look for:
A distinctive rash (bulls-eye or erythema migrans)油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
Muscle and joint pain
Swollen lymph nodes
A person may not have all of these symptoms. People often feel like they have the flu.
#26: In 2002, nearly 24,000 cases of Lyme disease were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.油 While dated, it continues to represent current distribution of cases on a national level.
This map shows reported cases by state of residence that is, where people live who have this disease.油 The map does not necessarily demonstrate where people were exposed to blacklegged ticks, since some people are exposed to ticks when they travel.
Lyme disease occurs primarily in three regions of the United States:
in the Northeast (from Massachusetts to Maryland),
in the Midwest (Wisconsin and Minnesota), and
in the West (northern California and Oregon).油 油油油
Lyme disease is also widespread throughout much of Eurasia.
#27: The most common early sign of Lyme disease is a skin rash that has a bulls eye appearance.油 It begins as a reddened area near the tick bite.油 As the rash increases in size, it clears in the middle and develops a red ring around the outside.油
This rash:
May expand to a very large size,
Is usually not painful or itchy, and
Often appears on the thighs, groin, trunk, armpit, or back.
The rash has been reported in about 60 to 80 percent of adults and 50 percent of children.油油
The classic rash has central clearing as shown here, but not all rashes have this presentation.
#28: Sometimes the rash does not have a bulls eye appearance.油 It may appear as a reddened area without an outer ring.
Lyme disease is not transmitted from person to person.
Not everyone gets a rash with Lyme disease.
The early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease (fever, chills, headache, muscle/joint pain and fatigue) are similar to other ailments.油油 Therefore, it may be difficult to diagnose Lyme disease if a person does not have the rash.油
#29: Take preventive actions to protect yourself from tick bites, especially from May through July in Minnesota.
Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
Tuck pants into boots or socks and shirt into pants to create a barrier to ticks.
Wear light-colored pants and shirt so ticks can be easily seen.
We also recommend the use of repellents containing DEET (up to 30% for children and adults) or permethrin.
#30: Use these steps to remove a tick:
Use forceps or tweezers,
Grasp the tick close to the skin,
Pull the tick outward slowly, gently and steadily,
Do not squeeze the tick, and
Use an antiseptic on the bite.
Do not use Vaseline to smother the tick; you cant smother ticks that way. Also, dont try to burn the tick with a match; this will not cause the tick to pull out and you could get burned.
#42: Friction: The resistance encountered when an object (foot) is moved in contact with another (ground). Friction is necessary in order to walk without slipping.
#49: Slap the ground with your hand and extended fingers to absorb impact