The document recaps the week's news, including: BP being accused of risky cost-cutting practices leading to the Gulf oil spill; BP potentially owing billions in fines; a viral video helping a man's campaign to be Oprah's next TV star; a type of immortal jellyfish; statistics on internet and social media usage; Nike's World Cup ad creating more buzz than sponsor brands; Smirnoff shutting down a viral video site for policy reasons; Starbucks announcing free WiFi; a Whole Foods partnership for street food; and the USA tying England in the World Cup due to a missed catch.
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June 12
2. Week in Review (June 12)
Presented by
Derek Dillon
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
3. For your viewing pleasure.
Arrested Developement??
Welcome to the 80's
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
4. BP needs to learn how to cover up their leaks
The Committee on Energy and Commerce has uncovered documents
written by BP employees discussing that the operation was a
¡°nightmare¡±. It appears in several instances, described by
employees and contractors, that BP violated industry guidelines and
initiated risky procedures to reduce costs and save time.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
5. Oil spills pay¡.the Government
BP could owe up to $62.9 billion dollars including criminal
fines. Based on the latest estimates, the civil fines alone
could add up to $280 million a day.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
6. Dreams do come true
This is a picture of Zach Anner, who is the current leader for
Oprah¡¯s Next TV Star contest. He gained popularity from the
video he made to pitch an idea for a TV show he wants to do.
A TV show "designed to inspire people who never thought
they could travel,"
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
7. There can be only one!!!
Yes, this jellyfish is immortal, just like a Highlander. This
jellyfish is capable of cycling from a mature adult stage to an
immature polyp stage, and back again. So there is no natural
limit to its life span.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
8. Time well spent
These findings were published in a report by Nielson this Tuesday.
? 22% of the time spent on the Internet is for social purposes
? 13 billion YouTube videos viewed a month
? 82% of the worlds Internet users visit Google each month
? 6 hrs spent on Facebook a month by 54% of the worlds Internet users
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
9. Write the future
Based on an analysis of blogs, message boards and social
networking websites, the 3 min Nike World Cup commercial
has created more buzz on the internet and association with
the World Cup than any other brands efforts to date. This is
astounding considering that Nike isn¡¯t an official sponsor of
the World Cup.
Date of publication ? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
10. gets iced
It has been confirmed that Smirnoff had nothing to do with Smirnoff, as it seems, actually played a
hand in the shutdown of the site. In a statement that was
released, Diageo (Smirnoff parent) said the viral did not
comply with their marketing code. Now in place of the site,
is a simple line, ¡°We had a good run Bros.¡±
Date of publication ? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
11. Get me a chicken sandwich and WiFi, FO FREE!!
At Wired¡¯s Business Conference this past week, Starbucks
announced that it will have free WiFi starting July 1st.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
12. Organic Street Food
Whole Foods Market is partnering with local street-food
vendors in the Bay Area in San Francisco, with the aim to
create a line of food called ¡°Street Eats¡± that can be
purchased from grab and go perishable fridge cases or as
nonperishable shelf items. These will be found in some of
the 30 stores in Northern California.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
13. Robert Green¡.you are the weakest link!
Thanks to Robert ¡°Butter Fingers¡± Green, USA tied England
1-1 in the USA¡¯s opening game in Group C of the World Cup.
Next up on USA¡¯s hitlist: Slovenia
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.
14. Champions¡again
The LA Lakers won the NBA Championship last night
83-79. 16th in the franchise history.
? 2010 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved.