The document discusses standards related to physical sciences and properties of materials. It specifically addresses three standards about water: that water can exist as a liquid or solid and change between the two forms, that water left in an open container will evaporate but water in a closed container will not, and that students should understand these concepts about water.
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K.2 water (physical sciences)
1. Standards
Standard Set 1. Physical Sciences
1. Properties of materials can be
observed, measured, and predicted. As
a basis for understanding this concept:
1.b. Students know water can be a
liquid or a solid and can be made to
change back and forth from one form
to the other.
Genre Comprehension Skill Science Content
Nonfi ction Classify and
Scott Foresman Science K.2
1.c. Students know water left in an
open container evaporates (goes into
the air) but water in a closed container
does not.
ISBN 0-328-23483-4 狸<(sk$m)=cdeidh< +^--U--U
Physical Sciences
by Tad Stevens
2. Vocabulary
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by Tad Stevens
3. Water is a liquid.
A liquid can change shape.
6. Some rainwater goes
back into the air.
Some rainwater goes
into the ground.
What did you learn?
Classify and Categorize Which things are
solid? Which things are liquid?