Mozilla's mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web. They make products like Firefox to keep power in the hands of users. Mozilla aims to increase developer awareness and adoption of technologies like the web, Firefox and Mozilla. Participant observation involves researchers immersing themselves in a social setting for an extended period of time, living as members of that society to directly observe and interview people about their social lives.
Mozilla's mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web by making products like the Firefox browser that keep the power of the web in the hands of users everywhere. The document discusses Mozilla's mission and provides information on developing virtual reality experiences using the WebVR API and tools like A-Frame for building VR scenes and interfaces in HTML. It includes code samples and links to documentation for using the WebVR API in Firefox and other browsers.
This presentation is based on the blog post at . Please refer it for the details. It contains the links to the live demos and their source codes.
asm.js x emscripten: The foundation of the next level Web gamesNoritada Shimizu
Game requires high performance to its run times. asm.js brings Web browsers high performance JavaScript processing and allows us to build heavy games on the top of Web browsers. In this talk, we can see 1 )the background of asm.js 2) asm.js details and 3) overview of emscripten, a compiler which emits asm.js formatted JavaScript code from C/C++.
asm.js の詳細と emscripten の簡単な使い方について解説します。
Mozilla が力を入れているゲームに関する活動をテクノロジの面からまとめています。各種 API、特にWeb Workers、Typed Arrayと asm.js、WebAssembly のような JavaScript の高速化手法について概観します。
This slide describes Mozilla's Web Game initiative from technological perspective. We can overview technologies for Web Game: Web Workers, Typed Array, asm.js and WebAssembly. Please refer Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) for each technologies' details.
A tutorial of Firefox OS Apps' development. It consists of 3 parts: the development tools' installation, evolving Hello world app to an illuminometer app and development of IC recorder app on Firefox OS. You can acquire an overview of Firefox OS apps and their development with this slide.
The document discusses new developer tools that were presented at the Firefox Developers Conference 2015 in Tokyo. These tools allow developers to inspect and tweak the DOM, CSS, JavaScript, audio, and network requests of a web page to help debug and optimize their code. New tools introduced include an audio filter, canvas editor, style editor, animation tools, and improvements to the debugger, performance monitor, and memory profiler.
The document contains code snippets and instructions for setting up and configuring a B2G (Boot to Gecko) development environment. It includes commands to clone the B2G source code repository, configure the target device, sync and build the code, and flash the build to a device.
This slide explains how to create Firefox OS apps. It explains procedure to setup apps' development environment, apps structure by evolving Hello World app, and how to create privileged app with a sample ic-recorder app.
The document contains an example of a web app manifest file used to define metadata for a Progressive Web App. The manifest includes the app's name, description, launch path, icons, developer information, and default locale. It also provides examples of using the Camera API to control the flashlight and TCP sockets API to create a server socket and handle incoming connections and data.
Firefox OS アプリ開発で利用できる開発ツールについてご紹介します。なおベースにしている Firefox は Firefox Developer Edition (Firefox 41) です。
This slide will give us an overview of Firefox's latest development tools, which are useful to develop Firefox OS apps as well. This presentation is based on Firefox Developer Edition at Firefox 41.
WebVR / MozVR is a technology which enables us to play VR contents on Web browsers without any plugin. Now we can use it on Firefox nightly. This short presentation summarizes the background why WebVR is created and its current status.
Application submission, management and manetization in Firefox MarketplaceNoritada Shimizu
This slide explains key points of application submission to Firefox Marketplace. Also we can overview monetization options.
Firefox Marketplace へのアプリ登録の注意点と、収益化の手段についてまとめてあります。
Mozilla's mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web. They make products like Firefox to keep power in the hands of users. Mozilla aims to increase developer awareness and adoption of technologies like the web, Firefox and Mozilla. Participant observation involves researchers immersing themselves in a social setting for an extended period of time, living as members of that society to directly observe and interview people about their social lives.
Mozilla's mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web by making products like the Firefox browser that keep the power of the web in the hands of users everywhere. The document discusses Mozilla's mission and provides information on developing virtual reality experiences using the WebVR API and tools like A-Frame for building VR scenes and interfaces in HTML. It includes code samples and links to documentation for using the WebVR API in Firefox and other browsers.
This presentation is based on the blog post at . Please refer it for the details. It contains the links to the live demos and their source codes.
asm.js x emscripten: The foundation of the next level Web gamesNoritada Shimizu
Game requires high performance to its run times. asm.js brings Web browsers high performance JavaScript processing and allows us to build heavy games on the top of Web browsers. In this talk, we can see 1 )the background of asm.js 2) asm.js details and 3) overview of emscripten, a compiler which emits asm.js formatted JavaScript code from C/C++.
asm.js の詳細と emscripten の簡単な使い方について解説します。
Mozilla が力を入れているゲームに関する活動をテクノロジの面からまとめています。各種 API、特にWeb Workers、Typed Arrayと asm.js、WebAssembly のような JavaScript の高速化手法について概観します。
This slide describes Mozilla's Web Game initiative from technological perspective. We can overview technologies for Web Game: Web Workers, Typed Array, asm.js and WebAssembly. Please refer Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) for each technologies' details.
A tutorial of Firefox OS Apps' development. It consists of 3 parts: the development tools' installation, evolving Hello world app to an illuminometer app and development of IC recorder app on Firefox OS. You can acquire an overview of Firefox OS apps and their development with this slide.
The document discusses new developer tools that were presented at the Firefox Developers Conference 2015 in Tokyo. These tools allow developers to inspect and tweak the DOM, CSS, JavaScript, audio, and network requests of a web page to help debug and optimize their code. New tools introduced include an audio filter, canvas editor, style editor, animation tools, and improvements to the debugger, performance monitor, and memory profiler.
The document contains code snippets and instructions for setting up and configuring a B2G (Boot to Gecko) development environment. It includes commands to clone the B2G source code repository, configure the target device, sync and build the code, and flash the build to a device.
This slide explains how to create Firefox OS apps. It explains procedure to setup apps' development environment, apps structure by evolving Hello World app, and how to create privileged app with a sample ic-recorder app.
The document contains an example of a web app manifest file used to define metadata for a Progressive Web App. The manifest includes the app's name, description, launch path, icons, developer information, and default locale. It also provides examples of using the Camera API to control the flashlight and TCP sockets API to create a server socket and handle incoming connections and data.
Firefox OS アプリ開発で利用できる開発ツールについてご紹介します。なおベースにしている Firefox は Firefox Developer Edition (Firefox 41) です。
This slide will give us an overview of Firefox's latest development tools, which are useful to develop Firefox OS apps as well. This presentation is based on Firefox Developer Edition at Firefox 41.
WebVR / MozVR is a technology which enables us to play VR contents on Web browsers without any plugin. Now we can use it on Firefox nightly. This short presentation summarizes the background why WebVR is created and its current status.
Application submission, management and manetization in Firefox MarketplaceNoritada Shimizu
This slide explains key points of application submission to Firefox Marketplace. Also we can overview monetization options.
Firefox Marketplace へのアプリ登録の注意点と、収益化の手段についてまとめてあります。
21. 21
N. Shimizu ( / @chikoski)
var a, b, c; // a, b, c3つの名前を宣言
a = 10; // aに10を代入
b = a + 10; // bにa+10、つまり10+10の結果を代入
c = b * a; // cにb*a、つまり20*10の結果を代入
a = a + 10; // aにa+10つまり10+10の結果を代入
48. 48
N. Shimizu ( / @chikoski)
例:x , yとretはaddの中でのみ有効
function add(x, y){
var ret = x + y;
return ret;
49. 49
N. Shimizu ( / @chikoski)
function add(x, y){ function sub(x , y){
var s = x + y; var d = x - y;
return s; return d;
} }