This document discusses the evolution of Kafka clusters at AppsFlyer over time. The initial cluster had 4 brokers and handled hundreds of millions of messages with low partitioning and replication. A new cluster was designed with more brokers, replication across availability zones, and higher partitioning to support billions of messages. However, this led to issues like uneven leader distribution and failures. Various solutions were implemented like increasing brokers, splitting topics, and hardware upgrades. Ongoing testing and monitoring helped identify more problems and improvements around replication, partitioning, and automation. Key lessons learned included balancing replication and leaders, supporting dynamic changes, and thorough testing of failure scenarios.
2. Today's Menu
Quick Kafka Overview
Kafka Usage At AppsFlyer
AppsFlyer First Cluster
Designing The Next Cluster: Requirements And Changes
Problems With The New Cluster
Changes To The New Cluster
Traffic Boost, Then More Issues
More Solutions
And More Failures
Splitting The Cluster, More Changes And The Current Configuration
Lessons Learned
Testing The Cluster
Collecting Metrics And Alerting
3. "A first sign of the beginning of
understanding is the wish to die."
Franz Kafka
5. An open source, distributed,
partitioned and replicated commit-log
based publish- subscribe messaging
Kafka Overview
6. Kafka Overview
Topic: Category which messages are published by the message
Broker: Kafka server process (usually one per node)
Partitions: Topics are partitioned, each partition is represented by the
ordered immutable sequence of messages. Each message in the partition
is assigned a unique ID called offset
8. AppsFlyer First cluster
Traffic: Up to few hundreds millions
Size: 4 M1.xlarge brokers
~8 Topics
Replication factor 1
Retention 8-12H
Default number of partitions 8
Vanilla configuration
Main reason for migration: Lack of storage capacity,
limited parallelism due to low partition count and forecast
for future needs.
9. Requirements for the Next Cluster
More capacity to support
Billions of messages
Messages replication to
prevent data loss
Support loss of brokers up
to entire AZ
Much higher parallelism to
support more consumers
Longer retention period
48 hours on most topics
10. The new Cluster changes
18 m1.xlarge brokers, 6 per AZ
Replication factor of 3
All partitions are distributed between AZ
Topics # of partitions increased (between 12 to 120 depends on
parallelism needs)
4 Network and IO threads
Default log retention 48 hours
Auto Leader rebalance enabled
Imbalanced ratio set to default 15%
* Leader: For each partition there is a leader which serve for writes and reads and the other brokers are replicated from
* Imbalance ratio: The highest percentage of leadership a broker can hold, above that auto rebalance is initiate
12. Problems
Uneven distributions of
leaders which cause
high load on specific
brokers and eventually
lag in consumers and
brokers failures
Constantly rebalanced
of brokers leaders which
caused failures in
python producers
13. Solutions
Increase number of
brokers to 24 improve
broker leadership
Rewrite Python
producers in Clojure
Decrease number of
partitions where high
parallelism is not
15. Problems
High Iowait in the brokers
Missing ISR due to leaders overloaded
Network bandwidth close to thresholds
Lag in consumers
* ISR: In Active Replicas
16. More Solutions
Split into 2 clusters: launches which contain
80% of messages and all the rest
Move launches cluster to i2.2xlarge with local
Finer tuning of leaders
Increase number of IO and Network Threads
Enable AWS enhanced networking
17. And some few more...
Decrease Replication
factor to 2 in Launches
cluster to reduce load
on leaders, reduce disk
capacity and AZ traffic
Move 2nd cluster to
i2.2xlarge as well
Upgrade ZK due to
performance issues
18. Lessons learned
Minimize replication factor as possible to avoid
extra load on the Leaders
Make sure that leaders count is well balanced
between brokers
Balance partition number to support parallelism
Split cluster logically considering traffic and
business importance
Retention (time based) should be long enough
to recover from failures
In AWS, spread cluster between AZ
Support cluster dynamic changes by clients
Create automation for reassign
Save cluster-reassignment.json of each topic for
future needs!
Don't be to cheap on the Zookeepers
19. Testing the cluster
Load test using &
Broker failure while running
Entire AZ failure while running
Reassign partitions on the fly
Kafka dashboard contains: Leader election rate,
ISR status, offline partitions count, Log Flush time,
All Topics Bytes in per broker, IOWait, LoadAvg,
Disk Capacity and more
Set appropriate alerts
20. Collecting metrics & Alerting
Using Airbnb plugin for
Kafka, sending metrics to
Internal application that
collects Lag for each Topic
and send values to graphite
Alerts are set on Lag (For
each topic, Under replicated
partitions, Broker topic
metrics below threshold,
Leader reelection