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Why Choose ABA?
  Applied Behavior Analysis pro-
 vides a scientific approach to un-
  derstanding and modifying be-
    ABA is the only approach to
 autism approved by both the Sur-
  geon General and the Food and
    Drug Administration (FDA).
                                         KAC is housed within a well-
 Experts recommend that children        established preschool, the Child
    with autism receive 30-40            Development Center on Cork
 hours/week of early intensive be-      Street between Westnedge Ave
       havioral instruction.             and Burdick St. (110 W Cork
                                            Kalamazoo, MI 49001)
                                          You can pick up and drop off
                                         your child at your convenience.   Kalamazoo
                                             The CDC is open from
                                                 6:30am-6pm                  Autism
                                            KAC offers services from
                                                   8am-6pm                   Center

                                      KAC Contact Information
                                         Kelly Stone: (269) 599-5769
                                      Jessica Korneder: (626) 676-7984
                                         Dick Malott: (269) 372-1268
Our History
                                   Dr. Richard Malott is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Western Michigan
                                   University. In 1996, he helped develop Croyden Avenue School兵s Early Childhood Devel-
                                   opmental Delay classroom, with graduate and undergraduate students from the Behavior
                                   Analysis program at WMU providing one-on-one behavioral services for the children. In
                                   2008, he started the Kalamazoo Autism Center to supplement the Croyden program but
                                   also found a need for affordable autism services for families from all over southwest
                                   Michigan. KAC started with just two students and has
                                   grown considerably since then.

                                     Services Provided
                                       We provide one-on-one, early, intensive
                                       behavioral services to all our students.
                                       We focus on helping children learn to talk
Parent Feedback:                       or sign, to verbally request what they          Costs:
                                       want, rather than to merely point or tan-
I love the one-on-one attention                                                       Our goal is to keep your costs as
                                       trum, to label everyday objects, to follow
  my child receives. I also love                                                       low as possible, $160 to $600 for
                                       directions, and to engage in conversa-
 that the tutors seem very com-                                                        a 40 hour week, proportionally
fortable and skilled when work-                                                        less for fewer hours. Typically
      ing with the children.          We also focus on:                               early, intensive behavioral serv-
                                          Pre-academic & academic skills              ices of this sort cost about $1,500
 Wonderful tutors, responsible                                                        per week.
                                          Social skills
                                          Play skills
 I don兵t know what I would do            Expanding food choices
       without the tutors!               Reduction of problem behavior
                                          Using eating utensils, toileting, and
My child has made tremendous              other activities of daily living
 progress since attending KAC.

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Kalamazoo Autism Center

  • 1. Why Choose ABA? Applied Behavior Analysis pro- vides a scientific approach to un- derstanding and modifying be- havior. ABA is the only approach to autism approved by both the Sur- geon General and the Food and Location Drug Administration (FDA). KAC is housed within a well- Experts recommend that children established preschool, the Child with autism receive 30-40 Development Center on Cork hours/week of early intensive be- Street between Westnedge Ave havioral instruction. and Burdick St. (110 W Cork Kalamazoo, MI 49001) You can pick up and drop off your child at your convenience. Kalamazoo The CDC is open from 6:30am-6pm Autism KAC offers services from 8am-6pm Center KAC Contact Information Kelly Stone: (269) 599-5769 Jessica Korneder: (626) 676-7984 Dick Malott: (269) 372-1268 DickMalott.com
  • 2. Our History Dr. Richard Malott is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Western Michigan University. In 1996, he helped develop Croyden Avenue School兵s Early Childhood Devel- opmental Delay classroom, with graduate and undergraduate students from the Behavior Analysis program at WMU providing one-on-one behavioral services for the children. In 2008, he started the Kalamazoo Autism Center to supplement the Croyden program but also found a need for affordable autism services for families from all over southwest Michigan. KAC started with just two students and has grown considerably since then. Services Provided We provide one-on-one, early, intensive behavioral services to all our students. We focus on helping children learn to talk Parent Feedback: or sign, to verbally request what they Costs: want, rather than to merely point or tan- I love the one-on-one attention Our goal is to keep your costs as trum, to label everyday objects, to follow my child receives. I also love low as possible, $160 to $600 for directions, and to engage in conversa- that the tutors seem very com- a 40 hour week, proportionally tion. fortable and skilled when work- less for fewer hours. Typically ing with the children. We also focus on: early, intensive behavioral serv- Pre-academic & academic skills ices of this sort cost about $1,500 Wonderful tutors, responsible per week. Social skills staff. Play skills I don兵t know what I would do Expanding food choices without the tutors! Reduction of problem behavior Using eating utensils, toileting, and My child has made tremendous other activities of daily living progress since attending KAC.