Presentation for BI forum, 11.12.2009, at IBM Chemnitz.
By Martin B旦hringer, Chemnitz University of Technology.
Twitter : Comprendre les gazouilleurs - Journ辿e infopresse nouveaux outils WebAdviso Strat辿gie Internet
Conf辿rence donn辿e lors de la journ辿e Infopresse - Nouveaux outils Web. Par Jean-S辿bastien Chouinard et Marie-lodie Molle.
Avec une croissance de plus de 300% du nombre de ses adh辿rents au cours des derniers mois, Twitter est ind辿niablement un outil web ne pas n辿gliger pour une marque. Les opportunit辿s sont importantes tant en termes de service la client竪le que daide la vente.
La pr辿sentation a pour objectif dillustrer les diff辿rents comportements, attitudes et sp辿cificit辿s de la communaut辿 sur Twitter. laide dexemples concrets, nous illustrons les comportements adopter lorsquon utilise cet outil.
Pour t辿l辿charger la pr辿sentation:
Presentation for BI forum, 11.12.2009, at IBM Chemnitz.
By Martin B旦hringer, Chemnitz University of Technology.
Twitter : Comprendre les gazouilleurs - Journ辿e infopresse nouveaux outils WebAdviso Strat辿gie Internet
Conf辿rence donn辿e lors de la journ辿e Infopresse - Nouveaux outils Web. Par Jean-S辿bastien Chouinard et Marie-lodie Molle.
Avec une croissance de plus de 300% du nombre de ses adh辿rents au cours des derniers mois, Twitter est ind辿niablement un outil web ne pas n辿gliger pour une marque. Les opportunit辿s sont importantes tant en termes de service la client竪le que daide la vente.
La pr辿sentation a pour objectif dillustrer les diff辿rents comportements, attitudes et sp辿cificit辿s de la communaut辿 sur Twitter. laide dexemples concrets, nous illustrons les comportements adopter lorsquon utilise cet outil.
Pour t辿l辿charger la pr辿sentation:
Human Performance Consulting es una consultora especializada en gesti坦n del cambio. Ofrece servicios como capacitaci坦n, comunicaci坦n, dise単o de imagen corporativa, gesti坦n de proyectos y soluciones web. Aborda la gesti坦n del cambio a trav辿s de un an叩lisis de impactos, dise単o de planes de comunicaci坦n y capacitaci坦n, involucramiento de actores clave y creaci坦n de redes de soporte. Est叩 conformada por dos licenciadas con experiencia en empresas nacionales e internacionales.
Una mujer rubia sufre un accidente. Llora y grita tras el accidente y llama por tel辿fono posiblemente para pedir ayuda. El documento contiene lenguaje ofensivo y no proporciona m叩s detalles sobre c坦mo la mujer maneja la situaci坦n despu辿s del accidente.
Este documento presenta el syllabus de la asignatura de Bioqu鱈mica para estudiantes de Enfermer鱈a. El syllabus describe la justificaci坦n, objetivos, competencias y contenidos de la asignatura. La asignatura busca proporcionar a los estudiantes conocimientos bioqu鱈micos esenciales para comprender cambios moleculares y su proyecci坦n cl鱈nica, as鱈 como aspectos de nutrici坦n. El programa consta de 6 unidades tem叩ticas que cubren conceptos como composici坦n qu鱈mica, metabolismo, l鱈quidos y electrolitos, regulaci坦n del
The document provides information on records and information management. It defines what constitutes a record, outlines the lifecycle of a record from creation to disposition, and discusses the benefits of effective records management programs. It also covers topics such as records values, legal requirements, international standards, and related professional organizations. The document is intended to educate attendees on best practices for organizing, storing, and retaining organizational records and information.
Protection des indications g辿ographiques et commerce des biens questions lega...Susan Isiko
This document discusses key legal issues and implications of geographical indications (GIs) for African countries that are members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). It provides an overview of the international legal framework for GIs, including definitions and standards in TRIPS and other agreements. It outlines opportunities for African ACP countries in promoting and protecting GIs, but also challenges in setting up GI legal frameworks. These include lack of evidence on costs and benefits, difficulty identifying and marketing eligible products, and compliance with foreign market rules and systems. The document advises African ACP countries to carefully consider economic and social impacts and identify tradable products before developing GI standards and strategies.
Review of implementation of trips flexibilities on patents in comesaSusan Isiko
The document reviews the implementation of TRIPS flexibilities regarding patents in COMESA countries. It finds that while many countries have incorporated flexibilities into their laws, there is a lack of uniformity and the laws are not always followed in practice. It recommends that COMESA countries further promote access to medicines by extending transitional periods for pharmaceutical patents, implementing guidelines on compulsory licensing processes, allowing parallel imports, and enabling regional trade of generics between members. Adopting these measures could help COMESA countries better utilize TRIPS flexibilities to address health issues.
Copyright and related rights balance between ip and public policy swazilandSusan Isiko
This document discusses balancing intellectual property protection with public interest for development. It outlines that development can take economic, capabilities, and cultural forms, and the appropriate balance depends on a country's level and type of development. Flexibilities in IP laws, like limitations and exceptions, allow access to education, research, libraries, and digital technologies which is important for building human capacity and innovation that drives development. The document argues countries should use policy space flexibilities to access knowledge for capacity building and should later strengthen protection of areas where they have gained innovative abilities.