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kalx 90.7 fm 
Operators Manual 
Berkeley, CA, USA 
Last updated: 30 September 2014 
KALX 90.7 FM 
26 Barrows Hall 
UC Berkeley, CA 94720 
(510) 642-1111 
Email: mail@kalx.berkeley.edu
kalx 90.7 fm 
KALX 90.7 FM 
26 Barrows Hall 
UC Berkeley, CA 94720 
(510) 642-1111 
Email: mail@kalx.berkeley.edu 
Document number 01-2014, Berkeley, CA, USA 
28 September 2014 
Copyright 息 2014, KALX 90.7 FM. The information contained in this document is the exclusive, 
confidential and proprietary property of KALX 90.7 FM and is protected under the trade secret 
and copyright laws of the U.S. and other international laws, treaties and conventions. No part of 
this work may be disclosed to any third party or used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or 
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any infor-mation 
storage or retrieval system, without first receiving expressed written permission of KALX 
90.7 FM. Except as otherwise noted, all trademarks appearing here are herein proprietary to 
KALX 90.7 FM.
iii KALX Operators Manual 
control room rules 
You may check out a copy of this 
manual from the Training Director 
or Program Director, or perhaps 
get it on line. 
Any questions or concerns about 
the content should be addressed 
to the station engineer. 
金 No Smoking 
This means tobacco, weed, 
incense, candles, or other 
smoke producing material. Any 
substance producing smoke 
could easily set off alarms and 
devices that will render the 
station unusable. 
金 No Liquids 
Coffee, Calistoga, beer, soda, 
vases of flowers, fish bowls, etc. 
Leave it on the floor or table 
outside the studios. 
金 No Food 
Leave it outside the studios on a 
counter, table, or floor. 
iv KALX Operators Manual 
table of contents 
control room rules iii 
table of contents iv 
emergency phone numbers 01 
glossary 02 
all programmers must know... 03 
block diagram - broadcast 04 
emergency preparedness procedures 06 
safety 12 
in case of an fcc inspection 14 
reading the dorrough meters 20 
obscenity, indecency & profanity 22
v KALX Operators Manual 
table of contents 
what to do if the next dj doesnt show up 27 
what is the eas? 29 
when you receive an eas signal 32 
to send a weekly test 37 
receiving & sending a monthly test 40 
logging an eas message 42 
transmitter status light chart 44 
how to take meter readings 46 
alarm conditions 49 
turning off the transmitter from the studio 52
vi KALX Operators Manual 
table of contents 
raising & lowering transmitter power 55 
air studio - phone-ins 57 
news - studio phone-ins 60 
production studio - phone-ins 63 
sports - broadcast [overview] 66 
sports - home games phone-ins 69 
sports - home games using campus loop 74 
sports - remote, on the road broadcasts 79
02 KALX Operators Manual 
CAPCON Common Alerting Protocol Converter 
DJ Disc Jockey 
EAS Emergency Alert System 
FCC Federal Communications Commission 
GM General Manager 
OC Operations Coordinator 
ID Identification 
RF Radio Frequency 
RFL PWR Reflected Power [in the antenna] 
RMT Required Monthly Test 
TX Transmit 
UCPD University of California Police Department 
VLT Voltage 
VU Volume Unit 
XMTR Transmitter
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the system whereby Federal, 
State, and Local authorities can send safety alerts to various 
geographic areas by way of public media. 
The EAS is a web-like system of communication interlinks utilizing 
both analog radio, and digital information via the internet. EAS 
signals come directly from KCBS (AM) and KQED (FM). The third 
source is from a computer in the engineering room that listens 
constantly for messages coming over the internet (CAPCON). 
For all alerts, our broadcast is interrupted and the official message 
is passed on from the originator of the message, through KALX to 
our listeners. Tests that are received are not re-broadcast by KALX, 
except for the Required Monthly Test (RMT), which happens only 
what is the eas?
KALX Operators Manual 
...the Required Monthly Test (RMT) which occurs 
on the second Tuesday of the month. 
on the second Tuesday of the 
The EAS signal begins with 
the buzzy burst of information 
repeated three times. If the signal 
is a test, there is the familiar 
two-tone attention signal, a short 
test message, and then the end 
tones. An alert follows the same 
program, but the voice message 
is specific to whatever the alert 
is about, a Child Abduction 
Emergency (CAE), a Shelter in 
Place, etc. 
When the signal is detected, the 
EAS receiver turns on, decodes 
the information, prints the log 
tape, and, if warranted, interrupts 
our broadcast with the alert or 
RMT message. 
.. TESTS .. 
We broadcast weekly tests on a 
random schedule. Once a month, 
these tests are coordinated with 
all the other participating radio, 
television and cable stations in 
the Bay Area; this is the RMT. All 
stations will re-broadcast this test 
within 15 minutes of receiving 
the test from KCBS, KQED, or 
CAPCON. These RMT tests 
received on a monthly basis are 
automatically forwarded by 
KALX. This is why your show 
may be interrupted in the middle 
of a cut.
KALX Operators Manual 
...an alert will immediately interrupt the show that is 
on the air. 
.. ALERTS .. 
The receiver in Air is 
programmed to receive alerts 
and digitally process the 
information that is received. The 
receiver filters the messages and 
automatically forwards the 
ones that apply to our local 
counties. Again, an alert will 
immediately interrupt the show 
that is on the air.
transmitter status 
light chart 
The layout of the Burk Technology (AKA The Burk) transmitter 
remote control system and the light chart status alarm descriptions 
are viewable on the next page. 
KALX Operators Manual 

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  • 1. kalx 90.7 fm Operators Manual Berkeley, CA, USA Last updated: 30 September 2014 KALX 90.7 FM 26 Barrows Hall UC Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-1111 Email: mail@kalx.berkeley.edu
  • 2. kalx 90.7 fm Contact: KALX 90.7 FM 26 Barrows Hall UC Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-1111 Email: mail@kalx.berkeley.edu Document number 01-2014, Berkeley, CA, USA 28 September 2014 Copyright 息 2014, KALX 90.7 FM. The information contained in this document is the exclusive, confidential and proprietary property of KALX 90.7 FM and is protected under the trade secret and copyright laws of the U.S. and other international laws, treaties and conventions. No part of this work may be disclosed to any third party or used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any infor-mation storage or retrieval system, without first receiving expressed written permission of KALX 90.7 FM. Except as otherwise noted, all trademarks appearing here are herein proprietary to KALX 90.7 FM.
  • 3. iii KALX Operators Manual control room rules NEVER REMOVE THIS BINDER FROM THE AIR STUDIO You may check out a copy of this manual from the Training Director or Program Director, or perhaps get it on line. Any questions or concerns about the content should be addressed to the station engineer. STUDIO RULES 金 No Smoking This means tobacco, weed, incense, candles, or other smoke producing material. Any substance producing smoke could easily set off alarms and devices that will render the station unusable. 金 No Liquids Coffee, Calistoga, beer, soda, vases of flowers, fish bowls, etc. Leave it on the floor or table outside the studios. 金 No Food Leave it outside the studios on a counter, table, or floor. NEVER REMOVE THIS BINDER FROM THE AIR STUDIO
  • 4. iv KALX Operators Manual table of contents control room rules iii SECTION ONE - INTRO SECTION ONE - INTRO table of contents iv emergency phone numbers 01 glossary 02 SECTION TWO - ALL THINGS DJ all programmers must know... 03 block diagram - broadcast 04 emergency preparedness procedures 06 safety 12 in case of an fcc inspection 14 reading the dorrough meters 20 obscenity, indecency & profanity 22
  • 5. v KALX Operators Manual table of contents what to do if the next dj doesnt show up 27 SECTION ONE - INTRO SECTION THREE - EAS what is the eas? 29 when you receive an eas signal 32 to send a weekly test 37 receiving & sending a monthly test 40 logging an eas message 42 SECTION FOUR - TRANSMITTER CONTROL transmitter status light chart 44 how to take meter readings 46 alarm conditions 49 turning off the transmitter from the studio 52
  • 6. vi KALX Operators Manual table of contents raising & lowering transmitter power 55 SECTION ONE - INTRO SECTION FIVE - PHONE INS air studio - phone-ins 57 news - studio phone-ins 60 production studio - phone-ins 63 sports - broadcast [overview] 66 sports - home games phone-ins 69 sports - home games using campus loop 74 sports - remote, on the road broadcasts 79
  • 7. 02 KALX Operators Manual SECTION ONE - INTRO glossary CAPCON Common Alerting Protocol Converter DJ Disc Jockey EAS Emergency Alert System FCC Federal Communications Commission GM General Manager OC Operations Coordinator ID Identification RF Radio Frequency RFL PWR Reflected Power [in the antenna] RMT Required Monthly Test TX Transmit UCPD University of California Police Department VLT Voltage VU Volume Unit XMTR Transmitter
  • 8. KALX OPERATORS MANUAL 29 The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the system whereby Federal, State, and Local authorities can send safety alerts to various geographic areas by way of public media. The EAS is a web-like system of communication interlinks utilizing both analog radio, and digital information via the internet. EAS signals come directly from KCBS (AM) and KQED (FM). The third source is from a computer in the engineering room that listens constantly for messages coming over the internet (CAPCON). For all alerts, our broadcast is interrupted and the official message is passed on from the originator of the message, through KALX to our listeners. Tests that are received are not re-broadcast by KALX, except for the Required Monthly Test (RMT), which happens only SECTION THREE - EAS what is the eas?
  • 9. KALX Operators Manual 30 ...the Required Monthly Test (RMT) which occurs on the second Tuesday of the month. SECTION THREE - EAS on the second Tuesday of the month. The EAS signal begins with the buzzy burst of information repeated three times. If the signal is a test, there is the familiar two-tone attention signal, a short test message, and then the end tones. An alert follows the same program, but the voice message is specific to whatever the alert is about, a Child Abduction Emergency (CAE), a Shelter in Place, etc. When the signal is detected, the EAS receiver turns on, decodes the information, prints the log tape, and, if warranted, interrupts our broadcast with the alert or RMT message. .. TESTS .. We broadcast weekly tests on a random schedule. Once a month, these tests are coordinated with all the other participating radio, television and cable stations in the Bay Area; this is the RMT. All stations will re-broadcast this test within 15 minutes of receiving the test from KCBS, KQED, or CAPCON. These RMT tests received on a monthly basis are automatically forwarded by KALX. This is why your show may be interrupted in the middle of a cut.
  • 10. KALX Operators Manual 31 ...an alert will immediately interrupt the show that is on the air. SECTION THREE - EAS .. ALERTS .. The receiver in Air is programmed to receive alerts and digitally process the information that is received. The receiver filters the messages and automatically forwards the ones that apply to our local counties. Again, an alert will immediately interrupt the show that is on the air.
  • 11. transmitter status light chart KALX OPERATORS MANUAL 44 The layout of the Burk Technology (AKA The Burk) transmitter remote control system and the light chart status alarm descriptions are viewable on the next page. SECTION FOUR - TRANSMITTER CONTROL