Kambo is a secretion from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog that is used in traditional medicine by indigenous Amazonian tribes. It contains powerful peptides that can purge the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. When administered, small burns are made on the skin and kambo secretion is applied, causing sweating, nausea, and vomiting as toxins are eliminated. While it has various potential health benefits and is used to treat illnesses, kambo can also have dangerous side effects for those with heart conditions or other health issues and is not recommended for pregnant women.
Kambo is the name given to the traditional Shamanic frog poison
cleanse that is used to strengthen and heal mind, body and spirit.
The scientific name for this frog is Phyllomedusa bicolor or
Giant Monkey Frog. This froglives in the Northwestern part of the
Amazon Rainforest, namely Colombia and on the border between Brazil
and Peru and isused by indigenous tribes there to gain strength, immunity
and hunting magic. This cute frog secretes a poisonous waxy poison from its
skin, the potency of which repels all predators.
The poison from the Giant
Monkey Frog is applied to
the skin after small
burns are made with the
tip of a glowing stick.
Once applied, Kambo
stimulates a strong physical
purge while toxins and
bad luck or panama
are eliminated from body
and spirit.
3. Kambo is a secretion from the bright green globe monke
one of the strongest natural antibiotics and
found in the world and one of the strongest,
natural ways to empower our immune
There is a kaxinawa legend that tells that the Indians of the village were
very ill and the Shaman Kampu, had done everything that was possible to
cure them. All medicinal herbs known were used, but none helped his
peoples agony. Kampu then entered the forest and, under the effect of
ayahuasca, received the visit of the Great God. He brought in His hands a
frog, from which He took a white secretion, and taught Kampu how to
apply. Returning to the tribe and following the guidelines that he had
received, the Shaman Kampu was able to cure his people. After Kampus
death, it is believed that his spirit has started living in the frog and the
indigenous began to use its secretion to stay active and healthy. From
Kamb担, The Spirit of the Shaman.
Kambo is made up of many different substances, all of which have their own
effect on the human body. It contains a large number of peptides (proteins),
such as the peptide families:
SAUVAGINE, (which stimulates the adrenal cortex, causes a
long lasting fall in blood pressure, and causes intense tachycardia. )
ADENOREGULIN( acts on the adenosine receptors)
DERMORPHIN, (a potent mu-opioid receptor agonist)
DELTORPHIN (a very potent delta-opioid receptor agonist.
(Dermorphin and Deltorphin are 4000 times stronger than
morphine and 40 times stronger than endogenic b-endorphines.)
PHYLLOCAERULEIN ( which stimulates the adrenal cortex
and the pituitary gland, causes a fall in blood pressure, causes
tachycardia, and has a potent action on the gastrointestinal smooth
muscle, and stimulates gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions. )
The frog is not harmed during the harvesting of kambo. In order to
harvest the poison from the frog, they must be collected very early in
the morning often after a good rain. The shaman will often be the one
that goes on the frog hunt. He calls out the phyllomedusa mimicking
its natural song.
When the frog calls back, thinking he is talking to a mate, the
shaman knows where they are located. The frog is often found in a
tree and sometimes, after a rain, they will be on the rainforest floor.
The frog is gently collected and brought back to the village where the
poison is harvested in a couple of ways.
The indians use kambo in their rituals, which are led by a shaman,
also called a medicine man.
7. The frog is stretched by all four legs, his big toe massaged and then he
secretes his poison. The poison is then collected and put onto a stick.
The poison dries on the stick and then it can be saved for later use.
The frog is then released unharmed. I have also heard that the
yawanawa tribe collects the frog venom by simply collecting the frog
who naturally secretes his poisonous sweat from the excitement of
being captured.
The sticks must be kept dry and free of mold by keeping them
over a fire. It is important that the kambo sticks come from reputable
sources in good condition.
Sapo (toad),
Vacina do Sapo (toad vaccine),
Leite do Sapo (toad milk),
A Kambo Stick is a small wooden stick Frog venom is collected on a
small bamboo stick, then dried and wrapped in corn leaf. Each 1 Kambo
stick comes with 1 separate burning stick for burning the points. (They
are traditional burning sticks, which the Peruvian Matses tribe use
for burning the points called Tambshi). This sticks come directly from
the Matses indigenous tribe from Peru in the Amazon jungle.
There are approximately 50-90 points on each 1 kambo stick. The
number of applications will vary depending upon the size of the points,
and number of points applied per 1 session. Each Kambo stick is
uniquely handmade by indigenous tribesmen, so therefore the number
of points will vary slightly with each individual stick.
Kambo is also applied to superficial burns on the skin. A small stick is
made red hot and just the top layer of the skin is burned. Kambo is
then applied onto the burn and thus absorbed into the body.
A typical Kambo ceremony lasts about 3 hours. The time
spent in the peak of the cleansing and purgative process can be
as short as 10 minutes and as long as a couple of hours.
Phyllomedusin is a new peptide of the
tachykinin family it strongly effects the
salivary glands, tear ducts, intestines and
bowels and contributes to violent purging.
Tachykinins are active peptides which
excite neurons, evoke behavioral responses.
They are potent vasodilators and
secretagogues and phyllomedusin
contract (directly or indirectly) many smooth
muscles. Phyllomedusin is secreted protein
and expressed by the skin glands.
Scientific studies show that Phyllomedusa bicolor poison is
made up of many peptides that are beneficial to the human
body. Some of these peptides traverse the blood-brain barrier
and stimulate the endocrine glands of the brain, resulting inan
immune effect and a deep cleanse of the body.
Kambo has antibiotic properties and strengthens the
immune system while physically destroyingpathogenic
microorganisms. Kambo is traditionally known to be anti
inflammatory, to heal eyesight, and to cure pain.
Sapo peptides and their effects are reported cover a wide
range of potential medical uses: treatment of brain diseases such
as Alzheimer and Parkinson, depression, migraines, blood
circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases,
cancer, fertility problems in women, AIDS, hepatitis and more.
Kambo has a detoxifying effect onthe
internal organs, including the liver (usually
one vomits up bile) and the intestines
(through evacuations) as well as the entire
digestive system. The Katakana natives
also use Kambo as theantidote forsnake
bite, as a medicine for many illness, and
as an overall health tonic. There are many
accounts of people using kambo and
bouncing back from fatigue, expression,
addiction, bad luck, sicknesses, and age
related symptoms.
The dosage differs greatly for each person. A shaman starts with three
dots to ascertain the reaction and determine sensitivity. For some this is
enough, while others may need a five fold increase. Shamans consider
a person very clean if a lot of kambo is required.
Kambo can easily be combined with other shamanic rituals.
Its often used prior to an ayahuasca ceremony, for example. In
such a case there are usually two kambo sessions during the day,
followed by an ayahuasca ceremony in the evening.
The ceremony will be much more powerful. Similarly, kambo
can be offered in combination with iboga or sweat lodge rituals.
Some Western shamans or therapists combine kambo with
acupuncture, by applying kambo on the acupressure points.
Applying kambo leads to increased body
temperature. You may experience a tingling sensation
going up your spine. Next your head becomes burning
hot. The pressure inside your head may reach
uncomfortable levels, although there are some who find
it a particularly pleasant feeling.
Blood pressure also increases, turning the face red.
This feeling will last some time before youre struck with
sudden extreme nausea
These include: sweating, shaking, nausea, cramps,
vomiting and an increase in body temperature.
It is not recommended to give kambo to anyone with heart
problems or anyone who has had bypass surgery. The reason
for this is that the heart rate will increase for about 5 minutes
and the heart must be healthy to accommodate this.
Kambo is not recommended for pregnant women or
women who are breast feeding, nor the elderly, people with
Addisons disease, anyone on chemotherapy, or with high
blood pressure treated with medication, those with very low
blood pressure, or the severely ill.
Kambo supports usin removing obstacles and long forgotten or suppressed
emotions. Kambo can bring these memories and emotions to the surface to be
acknowledged, cleared and transformed. When we start removing the layers we can
once again find our balance and be reminded of our true nature.The more we clear,
the more we reconnect with our true joy, happiness, ease and flow in life. Everything
in our lives becomes brighter
Kambo has antibiotic and anesthetic properties and strengthens the immune
system. Kambo is traditionally known to be anti-inflammatory, to heal eye sight and
to cure pain it is used in the treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer and
Parkinson, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular
insufficiency, organ diseases, cancer, fertility problems in women, AIDS and
At present this medicine is available in Colombia, Brazil and amazon rain forest.
And it is used traditionally but not officially or in dosage forms so it may develop
into a different dosage forms in future. As it is having less side effects and it is used
in treatment of many diseases. So it occurring is better to prefer this drug.
1. Kambo medicina / Traditional shamanic Kambo
Cleanse Kambo medicina.com/. Kambo: the sprit
of the shaman / ayahuasca.com./spirit/kombo-the-
2. kambo ceremony-medicine for healing treatment
(http://www.pulsetous.com//kambo information)
3. kambo encyclopedia-azarius (http/azarius.net/
Encyclopedia /84/Kambo.
4. Reil G, Barra D, Simmaco M, et al. (March 1989).
"Deltorphin, a novel amphibian skin peptide with
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residue". FEBS Letters. 255 (2): 26974.