Az OFI 2016-os F旦ldrajz 8. oszt叩ly sz叩m叩ra c鱈m撤 tank旦nyv t旦rzsanyag叩ra t叩maszkod坦 powerpoint. Csakis let旦ltve, megnyitva 辿s kattintgatva haszn叩lhat坦. M辿rete 215 MB. K端l旦n vide坦t tartalmaz, valamint Moszkv叩r坦l, Bajk叩lr坦l, a f旦ldg叩ztermel辿srl 辿s a Transzszibrl is tal叩lsz benne norm叩lis anyagot. K辿rlek, hogy az eredetmegjel旦l辿st ne szedd ki belle. Ingyenesen t旦lt旦ttem fel, haszn叩lhatja di叩k 辿s tan叩r egyar叩nt.
K旦sz旦n旦m, hogy haszn叩lod biol坦gia-f旦ldrajz t辿m叩j炭 anyagaimat, 辿s dolgozat-mint叩imat.
Megtal叩lsz a f辿szbukon is, 辿s itt is:
Ezt a powert az OFI 2016-os nyolcadikos tank旦nyv辿nek anyag叩ra t叩maszkodva 叩ll鱈tottam 旦ssze. Miut叩n ersen anim叩lt, ez辿rt sose errl a fel端letrl vet鱈tsd! T旦ltsd le, 辿s a f叩jl megnyit叩s叩t k旦veten a kattintgatva haladj elre. K旦sz旦n旦m, hogy haszn叩lod a munk叩imat. megk旦sz旦n旦m, ha vet鱈t辿s eltt vagy ut叩n megeml鱈ted a forr叩st, azaz engem.
Mieltt levet鱈ted a sulidban, n辿zd 叩t, 辿s ha kell, friss鱈tsd! Ez az anyag anim叩lt, azaz elbb t旦ltsd le, 辿s ut叩na vet鱈tsd! Itt megn辿zni nem sok 辿rtelme van az egym叩sra rakott, 辿s anim叩lt k辿pek miatt! Csimax
New Jersey was originally settled in 1623 by the Dutch and later granted to Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley in 1664. It was divided into East and West Jersey in 1676 and finally ratified the US Constitution in 1787, becoming the third state. Colonial life in New Jersey revolved around heavy farming with little concern for government. Settlers had good relations with local Native Americans and Puritan religious values were important. Entertainment was less emphasized than work.
Afrika term辿szeti k辿pe - Mozaik kiad坦 tank旦nyve feldolgozva, saj叩t sz旦veggel kieg辿sz鱈tve. K辿t teljes anyagr辿szt 旦lel fel.
A powerpoint ersen anim叩lt, ez辿rt csak let旦ltve haszn叩ld, ne itt a neten!
Amerika 旦sszefoglal叩sa (topogr叩fia, geol坦gia 辿s 辿ghajlatok) kifejezetten tan叩r koll辿g叩im sz叩m叩ra. Az anyag kiv叩l坦 lehets辿get ny炭jt arra, hogy a gyerekek begyakorolj叩k a topografikus nevek elhelyez辿s辿t a vakt辿rk辿pen. Mivel anim叩lt, ez辿rt felt辿tlen端l n辿zz辿tek 叩t let旦lt辿st k旦veten. Az utols坦 slide nyilai n辿ha el-elcs炭sznak, 鱈gy megtr辿f叩lj叩k a tan叩rt.
Tunisia is an independent republic located in North Africa with a population of over 10 million people. It has a diverse culture influenced by Roman, Arab, and European traditions. The majority of Tunisians are Muslim and speak Arabic, with some also speaking French. The economy relies on agriculture including barley, citrus fruits, and phosphates. Traditional Tunisian cuisine features dishes like couscous and brik.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n general sobre Argentina. Resume que Argentina tiene como capital Buenos Aires, limita con varios pa鱈ses de Sudam辿rica, y su relieve incluye la cordillera de los Andes y llanuras. Describe su hidrograf鱈a, flora y fauna que incluye grandes felinos en el norte. Tambi辿n resume que su econom鱈a se basa en la agricultura y recursos naturales, y el turismo incluye las cataratas del Iguaz炭 y glaciares patag坦nicos.
Norway is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe with a population of 5.3 million people. The capital and largest city is Oslo. Norway has a constitutional monarchy government and the official languages are Norwegian. Some key facts about Norway include that it has over 450,000 lakes, has been ranked the ideal country to live in by the UN, and is very successful at the Winter Olympics. The Sami people are an indigenous group who have lived in northern Norway for over 10,000 years herding reindeer. Major attractions include Vigeland Park sculpture garden in Oslo and Viking ship remains at the Viking Ship Museum.
Cuba is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea whose capital and largest city is Havana. The population of Cuba is approximately 11.5 million people, most of whom are Roman Catholic. The economy is largely state-controlled and centered around exports like sugar, tobacco, and coffee. Cuba has a long history dating back to indigenous peoples and Spanish colonization. It gained independence in the late 19th century but has had a tumultuous relationship with the United States, leading to the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s and establishment of a communist government under Fidel Castro.
The document summarizes the roots of Quebec nationalism from the 1930s to present day. It discusses key figures and events that shaped Quebec's pursuit of autonomy and sovereignty, including Maurice Duplessis' promotion of Quebec as a distinct society, the Quiet Revolution's modernization of Quebec, Ren辿 L辿vesque forming the Parti Qu辿b辿cois and advocating for independence, and the two sovereignty referendums in 1980 and 1995 that were rejected. It also outlines the impacts that Quebec's potential separation could have on both Quebec and the rest of Canada.
Mieltt levet鱈ted a sulidban, n辿zd 叩t, 辿s ha kell, friss鱈tsd! Ez az anyag anim叩lt, azaz elbb t旦ltsd le, 辿s ut叩na vet鱈tsd! Itt megn辿zni nem sok 辿rtelme van az egym叩sra rakott, 辿s anim叩lt k辿pek miatt! Csimax
New Jersey was originally settled in 1623 by the Dutch and later granted to Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley in 1664. It was divided into East and West Jersey in 1676 and finally ratified the US Constitution in 1787, becoming the third state. Colonial life in New Jersey revolved around heavy farming with little concern for government. Settlers had good relations with local Native Americans and Puritan religious values were important. Entertainment was less emphasized than work.
Afrika term辿szeti k辿pe - Mozaik kiad坦 tank旦nyve feldolgozva, saj叩t sz旦veggel kieg辿sz鱈tve. K辿t teljes anyagr辿szt 旦lel fel.
A powerpoint ersen anim叩lt, ez辿rt csak let旦ltve haszn叩ld, ne itt a neten!
Amerika 旦sszefoglal叩sa (topogr叩fia, geol坦gia 辿s 辿ghajlatok) kifejezetten tan叩r koll辿g叩im sz叩m叩ra. Az anyag kiv叩l坦 lehets辿get ny炭jt arra, hogy a gyerekek begyakorolj叩k a topografikus nevek elhelyez辿s辿t a vakt辿rk辿pen. Mivel anim叩lt, ez辿rt felt辿tlen端l n辿zz辿tek 叩t let旦lt辿st k旦veten. Az utols坦 slide nyilai n辿ha el-elcs炭sznak, 鱈gy megtr辿f叩lj叩k a tan叩rt.
Tunisia is an independent republic located in North Africa with a population of over 10 million people. It has a diverse culture influenced by Roman, Arab, and European traditions. The majority of Tunisians are Muslim and speak Arabic, with some also speaking French. The economy relies on agriculture including barley, citrus fruits, and phosphates. Traditional Tunisian cuisine features dishes like couscous and brik.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n general sobre Argentina. Resume que Argentina tiene como capital Buenos Aires, limita con varios pa鱈ses de Sudam辿rica, y su relieve incluye la cordillera de los Andes y llanuras. Describe su hidrograf鱈a, flora y fauna que incluye grandes felinos en el norte. Tambi辿n resume que su econom鱈a se basa en la agricultura y recursos naturales, y el turismo incluye las cataratas del Iguaz炭 y glaciares patag坦nicos.
Norway is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe with a population of 5.3 million people. The capital and largest city is Oslo. Norway has a constitutional monarchy government and the official languages are Norwegian. Some key facts about Norway include that it has over 450,000 lakes, has been ranked the ideal country to live in by the UN, and is very successful at the Winter Olympics. The Sami people are an indigenous group who have lived in northern Norway for over 10,000 years herding reindeer. Major attractions include Vigeland Park sculpture garden in Oslo and Viking ship remains at the Viking Ship Museum.
Cuba is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea whose capital and largest city is Havana. The population of Cuba is approximately 11.5 million people, most of whom are Roman Catholic. The economy is largely state-controlled and centered around exports like sugar, tobacco, and coffee. Cuba has a long history dating back to indigenous peoples and Spanish colonization. It gained independence in the late 19th century but has had a tumultuous relationship with the United States, leading to the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s and establishment of a communist government under Fidel Castro.
The document summarizes the roots of Quebec nationalism from the 1930s to present day. It discusses key figures and events that shaped Quebec's pursuit of autonomy and sovereignty, including Maurice Duplessis' promotion of Quebec as a distinct society, the Quiet Revolution's modernization of Quebec, Ren辿 L辿vesque forming the Parti Qu辿b辿cois and advocating for independence, and the two sovereignty referendums in 1980 and 1995 that were rejected. It also outlines the impacts that Quebec's potential separation could have on both Quebec and the rest of Canada.
Amerika felszine 辿s 辿ghajlata 7. osztaly - dolgozat elk辿sz鱈t.Csimax
A 7. oszt叩lyos amerikai topogr叩fia 辿s 辿ghajlat feldolgoztat叩s叩ra 辿s a t辿maz叩r坦r dolgozatra t旦rt辿n felk辿sz端l辿sre alkalmas t辿tel. Tan叩roknak 辿s di叩koknak sz叩ntam. Anim叩ci坦t nem tartalmaz.
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2. Kanada n辿vjegye
llamforma: alkotm叩nyos monarchia
Ter端let: 9 984 670 km族
(szf.: 9 093 507 km族 + tenger: 891 163 km族 )
N辿pess辿g: 35 milli坦 f
Fv叩rosa: Ottawa
P辿nznem: kanadai doll叩r (CAD)
Hivatalos nyelvei: angol 辿s francia
II. Erzs辿bet kanadai kir叩lyn
Stephen Harper minisztereln旦k
4. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
slakos indi叩nok 辿s inuit hagyom叩nyok szerint - az idk
kezdete 坦ta lakott ter端let
r辿g辿szeti kutat叩sok alapj叩n
辿szaki Yukon ter端letein - 26 500 辿ve
d辿li Ontari坦 - 9500 辿ve 1000 vikingek els eur坦paiak
L'Anse aux Meadows (med炭z叩k-旦ble) : Helge Ingstad 辿s
archeol坦gus feles辿ge egy viking falu maradv叩nyait fedezt辿k
fel 1960-ban
slakosok l辿tsz叩ma (a ter端let m辿rete alapj叩n k辿sz端lt
becs端l辿s szerint) - 1400-as 辿vek v辿g辿n 200 000 - 2 milli坦
eur坦pai j叩rv叩nyok, az eur坦paiakkal val坦 kapcsolat
negat鱈v hat叩sai 8590%-os n辿pess辿gcs旦kken辿s
5. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
forr叩s :
forr叩s :
L'Anse aux Meadows
T旦rt辿nelmi Nemzeti Park
egy viking h叩z rekonstrukci坦ja
6. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
1497. Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) angol haj坦s
650km-es partszakasz
j-Fundland, Labrador, Breton-foki-sziget
1534-1542. Jacques Cartier francia felfedez
1603. Samuel de Champlain els 叩lland坦 eur坦pai
1605. Port Royal Acadia fv叩rosa
1608. Qu辿bec Kanada fv叩rosa
francia szrmekereskedk, hitt辿r鱈tk
Nagy-tavak vid辿ke, Hudson-旦b旦l
Mississippi ment辿n d辿lre
1610. jfundland angol hal叩szkik旦tk
d辿lebbre 13 gyarmat
7. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
1689-1763. gyarmatk旦zi h叩bor炭k
1713. utrechti b辿keszerzd辿s
j-Sk坦cia nagy r辿sze a britek辿 lesz
1763. p叩rizsi b辿kek旦t辿s
Fr.o. lemond Kand叩r坦l, j-Fr.o egy r辿sz辿rl a Brit Birodalom jav叩ra
1763.okt.7. kir叩lyi proklam叩ci坦
az slakosokkal val坦 viszony rendez辿se
szab叩lyozott pr辿mkereskedelem, leteleped辿s, NY-i f旦ldv叩s叩rl叩s
f旦ldv叩s叩rl叩si monopsz坦nia
Qu辿bec tartom叩ny l辿trej旦tte
Korl叩tozta a francia kanadaiak vall叩si 辿s nyelvi jogait
fesz端lts辿gQu辿bec t旦rv辿ny
+Nagy-tavak, Ohio-v旦lgye
francia nyelv
katolikus vall叩s
francia polg叩ri t旦rv辿nyek vissza叩ll鱈t叩sa
8. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
Qu辿bec t旦rv辿ny tov叩bbi fesz端lts辿g
amerikai f端ggetlens辿gi h叩bor炭hoz 1775.
1783. p叩rizsi b辿keszerzd辿s
amerikai f端ggetlens辿g
Nagy-tavakt坦l d辿lre Egyes端lt llamok
50.000 menek端lt Kanad叩ba
Als坦-Kanada francia
Fels-Kanada angol
1812. brit-amerikai h叩bor炭
eredm辿ny: status quo ante bellum maradt minden a r辿giben
1815. nagym辿rv撤 bev叩ndorl叩s Kanad叩ba
>500.000 f
saj叩t v叩lasztott t旦rv辿nyhoz坦 gy撤l辿s
9. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
felels korm叩ny ir叩nti ig辿ny 1837. l叩zad叩sok
Durham- jelent辿s javaslatai
felels korm叩nyzat l辿trehoz叩sa
francia kanadaiak beolvaszt叩sa a brit kult炭r叩ba
1840. Egyes鱈t辿si t旦rv辿ny
a k辿t Kanada 旦sszevon叩sa Kanada Tartom叩ny
1846. oregoni szerzd辿s
hat叩rkiterjeszt辿s Vancouver ir叩ny叩ba
1849-re az 旦sszes brit tartom叩nyban van felels
10. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
1867-es t旦rv辿ny (Kanada alkotm叩ny叩nak nagy r辿sze)
叩llamsz旦vets辿g sz旦vets辿gi dom鱈nium
Kanada Dom鱈nium
+ Ruperts Land
+ szaknyugati ter端letek (mesztic Red River felkel辿s)
1870. Manitoba tartom叩ny l辿trej旦tte
+ Brit-Columbia
+ Vancouver-sziget (1866.)
+ Prince Edward-sziget (1873.)
11. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
Az 1867-es t旦rv辿ny ut叩ni v叩ltoz叩sok
v叩mokra 辿p端l nemzeti politika
sz端let kanadai termelipar
vas炭tvonalak ki辿p鱈t辿se
leteleped辿s a pr辿riken
szaknyugati Lovasrendrs辿g
1898. Klondike-i aranyl叩z (Feh辿r Agyar)
Yukon l辿trej旦tte
a pr辿rik ben辿pes鱈t辿se
1905. Alberta, Saskatchewan l辿trej旦tte
13. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
1914. I. VH. - Nagy-Britannia oldal叩n
Canadian Corps nyugatra k端ld旦tt 旦nk辿ntesek
Robert Borden k旦t. katonai szolg叩lat soroz叩si v叩ls叩g (1917.)
1919. csatlakoz叩s a N辿psz旦vets辿ghez
1931. westminsteri stat炭tum Kanada f端ggetlens辿ge
nagy gazdas叩gi vil叩gv叩ls叩g
II. VH. 旦n叩ll坦 had端zenet N辿metorsz叩gnak
atlanti csata
Olaszorsz叩g megsz叩ll叩sa
Overland hadm撤velet, Scheldti csata
Hollandia felszabad鱈t叩s叩ban seg鱈t
vir叩gz坦 kanadai gazdas叩g
1945. ENSZ alap鱈t坦tag
14. Kanada t旦rt辿nelme
A kir叩lyi lobog坦 kanadai v叩ltozata
1965. juharleveles z叩szl坦
v旦r旦s alap炭
k旦z辿ps k辿tnegyed辿n feh辿r n辿gyzet
(Brit Birodalom sz鱈nei)
11 cs炭cs炭 v旦r旦s juharlev辿l
(Kanada term辿szeti kincseinek gazdags叩ga)
1969. hivatalos k辿tnyelv撤s辿g
1971. hivatalos multikulturalizmus
1982. kanadai alkotm叩ny
Kanadai Jogok 辿s Szabads叩gok Alapokm叩nya
17. Politika
2011. sz旦vets辿gi parlament 旦t p叩rt jutott be
Kanadai Konzervat鱈v P叩rt
j Demokratikus P叩rt
Kanadai Liber叩lis P叩rt
Qu辿beci Blokk
Kanadai Z旦ld P叩rt
alkotm叩nyos monarchia
Korona ceremoni叩lis, szimbolikus hatalmi 叩g
II. Erzs辿bet kanadai kir叩lyn
kinevezett alkir叩lyi k辿pvisel = fkorm叩nyz坦
tartom叩nyi alkorm叩nyz坦k
politikai v辿grehajt坦 hatalom
28. Winnipeg
-Am. f旦ldrajzi k旦z辿ppontj叩nak
jelents magyar k旦z旦ss辿gek
Kapisztr叩n Magyar N辿pt叩ncegy端ttes
Szent Istv叩n Magyar H叩z
Winnipeg z叩szlaja
33. K端lkapcsolatok, hader
Hollandia tulip叩nh叩la
Canadian Forces
旦nk辿ntes hadsereg 65 000 + 25 000 tartal辿kos
ENSZ 1945. alap鱈t坦 tag
NATO 1949. alap鱈t坦 tag
koreai h叩bor炭 akt鱈v tagja
szak-amerikai L辿gv辿delmi Parancsnoks叩g : USA+Kanada
szaki-sark 旦sszet撤z辿s 或姻看壊噛看姻壊噛叩乙gal
35. Kanada gazdas叩gf旦ldrajza
a vil叩g egyik leggazdagabb orsz叩ga
magas egy fre jut坦 nemzeti j旦vedelem
OECD-, G8-tag
fejlett piacgazdas叩g
magas 辿letsz鱈nvonal
US, UK, 干温沿叩稼
1990. 坦ta
gyors n旦veked辿s
alacsony munkan辿lk端lis辿g
5,9% - teljes Kanada, 2008
8,6% - teljes Kanada, 2009
nagy k旦lts辿gvet辿si szuficit
Forbes Global 2000 69 kanadai c辿g 5.hely
51. A Welland-csatorna
Erie 辿s Ontario-t坦 k旦z旦tt
100 m辿teres
szintk端l旦nbs辿get hidal 叩t
kiker端li a Niagar叩t
tengerj叩r坦k jutnak fel a
44 kilom辿ter hossz炭
27 zsilipe van
52. Term辿szeti vil叩g旦r旦ks辿g
Nahanni Nemzeti Park
Dinoszaurusz Tartom叩nyi Park
Wood Buffalo Nemzeti Park
A kanadai Szikl叩s-hegys辿g nemzeti 辿s tartom叩nyi parkjai
Gros Morne Nemzeti Park
Miguasha Nemzeti Park
53. Felhaszn叩lt irodalom
Prob叩ld F. (szerk.) 2004: Amerika region叩lis f旦ldrajza. Trefort
Kiad坦, Budapest, 360 p.
Miskolci Egyetem Vil叩g t叩rsadalomf旦ldrajza jegyzet
Csimax Kanada f旦ldrajza prezent叩ci坦