The document proposes using a Kanban board to help manage the migration workflow between operations and project management teams. The board would use cards to visually represent each migration change moving through stages of ready, review, assessment, approval, build and test, deployment approval, and implementation. Cards would include details of the change and responsible parties. All teams would have visibility into what stage each change is at. If changes aren't progressing, project managers could intervene to resolve delays. The board aims to improve collaboration and provide transparency throughout the migration process.
2. Problem
ï‚— The HWI group manage numerous changes at any
given time
ï‚— The number of migration changes is expected to
increase with the VM migration project and KMT
ï‚— Migration changes do not always make it in time to
implementation stage
 PM’s do not have clear visibility to what stage their
migration changes are at.
3. Proposed solution
ï‚— Team collaboration between the operations team and
the PM group using a visual representation
Kanaban Board
4. What is a Kanban Board?
ï‚— Kanaban board is a visual representation of the work
ï‚— Each stage in the work flow is represented by a
ï‚— Each work unit is represented by a card
ï‚— The cards follow the work stream by moving from
left to right.
5. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
Change Management work
flow Kanban Board
6. Kanban Card
ï‚— Each card will have the following properties:
ï‚¡ Title: Change number
ï‚¡ Body:
 PM
 Change Owner
 Change Coordinator
 Due Date – The due date is the time that the change need to be
in implementation and not necessarily the start of the change
7. Process – Card creation
 PM will provide the vendor the list of servers or RM’s
for migration.
ï‚— The PM will create a card for each server and put it
in RM Ready queue.
8. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
PM Submit
RM and
create a card
server1 per server
A card will initially have the server
server2 name in the title
The body of the card will include
server3 the PM, Change Owner, Change
Coordinator, Due date/time.
* If not all information is available leave the names
server4 blank
9. Process – Identify and initial placement
ï‚— If an Ops person identify a migration change, he will
process it ,move the card on the board and fill out
the missing information.
ï‚¡ Most likely this card will move directly to change assessment
ï‚— If a PM learns that a change was created he will
move the card to change review and update the
missing information
10. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
Ops team
identify a change
process and
server1 update board and
PM identify a
change process
and update board
server4 and card
11. Process – Changes moving
ï‚— As changes are progressed through the system, the
ops or PM’s will update the board.
ï‚— Anyone can have access to the board
ï‚— Anyone that see a change in SM can move the card to
the proper phase.
12. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
Progress by
server1 ops or PM
Progress by
Ops or PM
At any stage all groups have a
visual representation of what stage
are all the changes at.
Anyone can update the board
13. Process –CAB Representation
ï‚— A PM that see one of his changes in deployment
approval will know that it is going to appear on the
CAB or eCAB.
ï‚— The PM will be responsible to attend the CAB or to
confirm that the change owner will attend the CAB.
14. Process – Identify issues
ï‚— The PM is responsible to review the board on a daily
ï‚— If a PM see that a change has not moved or is stuck
in any of the approval stages he can compare the
data to SM and focus on resolving the delay.
Visual representation for all
15. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
Why is this
still at
approval server1
Why is this
still in Build server3
Changes that are not moving will
be visible and will require PM
16. Process - closure
ï‚— A card that reach implementation will stay there
until removed from the board by the PM (i.e. work
was completed) or be moved back to build and test
for rescheduling.
17. RM Change Change Build Build and Deploymen Implement
Ready Review Assessment Approval Test t Approval
was wrong,
Ready to go
Changes that are ready to go will
be in implementation.
PM will either remove from the
board or move back for