The document lists the top 200 universities in the world based on various metrics including peer review scores, recruiter review scores, percentage of international students and faculty, citations per faculty, and overall score. Harvard University is ranked number one overall based on having the highest overall score of 100. The next top ranked universities are Cambridge University, Oxford University, MIT, and Yale University.
The document lists the top 100 universities in the world according to a 2009 ranking. It shows the university name, country, and 2008 and 2009 ranks. Many of the top universities are from the United States, United Kingdom, and other English-speaking countries such as Australia and Canada. Several Asian universities also made the top 100, including those from China, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan.
Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015101Education
The document discusses the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), an annual ranking of world universities published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2003. It uses six objective indicators to rank over 1,200 universities from around the world, with the top 500 being published. ARWU has become very influential and is widely cited by universities and in the media. It aims to provide a transparent, stable, and scientifically sound methodology for comparing universities globally. In addition to the overall ranking, ARWU also publishes subject-specific rankings in fields like natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences.
The document lists the names and affiliations of 44 scholars who serve on the editorial panel for EC Chemistry. The panel members are from various universities, institutes, and companies located around the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. They represent a diverse international group of experts in chemistry.
This document provides information on the methodology used by Times Higher Education (THE) in their World University Rankings. It discusses the key criteria and indicators THE uses to evaluate universities across five areas: teaching, research, citations, industry income, and international outlook. For each area, it provides details on the specific indicators, data sources, and how scores are calculated to determine an overall ranking. The methodology aims to comprehensively assess universities' performance in teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and internationalization.
This document discusses Xcel Energy's strategy for success through stakeholder alignment. It outlines Xcel's ability to meet renewable portfolio standards and environmental goals in its states. It also addresses upcoming public policy issues like potential federal climate legislation. The document details Xcel's growing renewable energy portfolio and transmission investments. It emphasizes Xcel's constructive regulatory environment and financial execution, delivering earnings and dividend growth.
Amira foods india ltd director karan chanana Amira Nature Foods amira foods
Karan Chanana heads Amira Foods in India, the largest rice exporter in the country. He points to Agriculture Minister Pawar's awareness of the sugar sector, which allowed him to make the decision to export sugar when global availability was tight and prices were high. Chanana argues that this type of aware, dynamic decision making is needed for other commodities. Under Chanana's leadership, Amira Foods has transformed from a family-run business into a professionally managed company with a turnover of $240 million last year. He has helped make the supply chain fully backward integrated.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing from both the perspective of those who use cloud services and those who provide them. It discusses how cloud computing has changed how computing resources and data are accessed and managed. The different types of cloud services like IaaS, PaaS and SaaS are examined along with other cloud players. Issues to consider when evaluating cloud options like security, costs and interoperability are also covered. The document concludes with a call to action to determine how cloud computing applies to individual organizations.
The document appears to be a timeline that includes the names of various people and topics such as Neyo, J-Lo, Ashton Kutcher, Chuck Bass, and Jessie J. It also references concepts like "frail," "beige," "lip mushroom," "Jimmy Con Carne," "vacant Willog," "thinspiration," and "raging." The timeline jumps between various people, topics, and concepts in a nonlinear fashion.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la gram叩tica generativa de Noam Chomsky. Explica que Chomsky fue el fundador de la gram叩tica tradicional y propuso la gram叩tica generativa, que cambi坦 el estudio del lenguaje a una ciencia moderna. Tambi辿n define la competencia ling端鱈stica, la gram叩tica generativa transformacional, la estructura profunda y la estructura superficial. El documento concluye explicando que el trabajo permite analizar m叩s a fondo la gram叩tica generativa de Chomsky y comprender mejor c坦mo adquirimos y manejamos el lenguaje.
El documento describe el proceso curricular anglosaj坦n, el cual se enfoca en explorar la creatividad de los estudiantes a trav辿s de diferentes actividades. Los profesores motivan y moderan las clases, mientras que los estudiantes tienen objetivos para cada clase y son agrupados de acuerdo a su fecha de nacimiento. El proceso incluye ex叩menes como el SAT y GCSE, as鱈 como una gran asignaci坦n de tareas pero una ca鱈da en el nivel de asignaturas t辿cnicas.
If You Ate Pasta and AntiPasto...Would You Still Be Hungry?Jerome Ware
Flyer for Pronto Products Company (a restaurant/foodservice solutions provider) created for the 2011 National Restaurant Association Show.
Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkung...infosanitasi
Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup mengatur tentang:
1. Perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara sistematis dan terpadu untuk melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup
2. Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang memadukan aspek lingkungan hidup, sosial, dan ekonomi dalam strategi pembangunan
3. Penetapan kriteria dan standar mutu lingkungan hidup serta pen
Este documento presenta un resumen de 3 oraciones o menos del Cap鱈tulo 7 del libro "Sistemas de Informaci坦n Gerencial" sobre los temas de telecomunicaciones, internet, tecnolog鱈a inal叩mbrica. Aborda conceptos clave como redes de comunicaci坦n, transmisi坦n de datos y tendencias tecnol坦gicas en estas 叩reas.
Karan Chanana is a freelance product designer from South India who founded the Industry Web Conference. He designs, writes, and speaks on web design and conferences. As the founder of the Karan Web Conference in 2010/2011, he is curious about how current web work will impact the future. He can be contacted by email at or on Twitter at @karanchanana1.
A user found that disabling the application platform in their Facebook account was causing their Nokia phone to display an "invalid username or password" error when trying to log in to Facebook. The solution was to re-enable the application platform in Facebook account settings under "Apps and Websites" to allow the Nokia social networking client to log in successfully.
This code connects to a MySQL database called "test", selects all records from the "articles" table, and displays the title, date, info, and url fields from each record on the screen. It connects to the database, runs a SQL query to select all data from the articles table, and then loops through the results to output the field data from each record.
This document contains PHP code to search a database table called "checklist" and return results where the "produkt" field matches the search string. The code connects to a MySQL database, runs a SQL query to select relevant rows from the checklist table, and outputs the product name and other fields for matching rows as list items.
The document contains links to various stylesheet and script files needed for the styling and functionality of different components on a website. It includes CSS links for templates, modules, and components as well as JavaScript links for libraries, plugins, and site functionality.
The document shows the code for a Form controller class in PHP. The controller loads form helper libraries and validation rules, checks if validation passes, and loads either the form view or success view depending on the validation result. It sets validation rules for required fields like name, password, password confirmation, and email.
This resume summarizes Karan Chanana's qualifications for a web designer position. It includes his contact information, career objective, educational background with a diploma in multimedia and animation, software proficiency including Photoshop and Dreamweaver, artistic and personal skills, 1 year of work experience as a web designer, 10 websites designed, and personal details. The resume aims to showcase his qualifications and experience to obtain a web designer role.
This document lists 98 colleges in India that are not permitted by the Government of India to operate under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act for the year 2011-2012. The list provides the name of each college, the state it is located in, whether it teaches Ayurveda, Unani, or Siddha medicine, and whether it is a government or private institution. The colleges span several states including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
I am karan chanana,I have been budding websites since 2006, and deploy payment solutions since 2009. My goal is to offer the most comprehensive, flexible, & scalable web & payment solutions.
Karan Chanana is a successful entrepreneur and corporate icon. He founded the Amira Group of companies which includes Amira Foods UK, a food manufacturing and distribution company. Chanana has received several awards and recognition for his business success and leadership, including being named Corporate Icon of the Year by Fame magazine. His professional profile highlights his experience building and leading various businesses.
Amira foods india ltd director karan chanana Amira Nature Foods amira foods
Karan Chanana heads Amira Foods in India, the largest rice exporter in the country. He points to Agriculture Minister Pawar's awareness of the sugar sector, which allowed him to make the decision to export sugar when global availability was tight and prices were high. Chanana argues that this type of aware, dynamic decision making is needed for other commodities. Under Chanana's leadership, Amira Foods has transformed from a family-run business into a professionally managed company with a turnover of $240 million last year. He has helped make the supply chain fully backward integrated.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing from both the perspective of those who use cloud services and those who provide them. It discusses how cloud computing has changed how computing resources and data are accessed and managed. The different types of cloud services like IaaS, PaaS and SaaS are examined along with other cloud players. Issues to consider when evaluating cloud options like security, costs and interoperability are also covered. The document concludes with a call to action to determine how cloud computing applies to individual organizations.
The document appears to be a timeline that includes the names of various people and topics such as Neyo, J-Lo, Ashton Kutcher, Chuck Bass, and Jessie J. It also references concepts like "frail," "beige," "lip mushroom," "Jimmy Con Carne," "vacant Willog," "thinspiration," and "raging." The timeline jumps between various people, topics, and concepts in a nonlinear fashion.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la gram叩tica generativa de Noam Chomsky. Explica que Chomsky fue el fundador de la gram叩tica tradicional y propuso la gram叩tica generativa, que cambi坦 el estudio del lenguaje a una ciencia moderna. Tambi辿n define la competencia ling端鱈stica, la gram叩tica generativa transformacional, la estructura profunda y la estructura superficial. El documento concluye explicando que el trabajo permite analizar m叩s a fondo la gram叩tica generativa de Chomsky y comprender mejor c坦mo adquirimos y manejamos el lenguaje.
El documento describe el proceso curricular anglosaj坦n, el cual se enfoca en explorar la creatividad de los estudiantes a trav辿s de diferentes actividades. Los profesores motivan y moderan las clases, mientras que los estudiantes tienen objetivos para cada clase y son agrupados de acuerdo a su fecha de nacimiento. El proceso incluye ex叩menes como el SAT y GCSE, as鱈 como una gran asignaci坦n de tareas pero una ca鱈da en el nivel de asignaturas t辿cnicas.
If You Ate Pasta and AntiPasto...Would You Still Be Hungry?Jerome Ware
Flyer for Pronto Products Company (a restaurant/foodservice solutions provider) created for the 2011 National Restaurant Association Show.
Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkung...infosanitasi
Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup mengatur tentang:
1. Perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara sistematis dan terpadu untuk melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup
2. Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang memadukan aspek lingkungan hidup, sosial, dan ekonomi dalam strategi pembangunan
3. Penetapan kriteria dan standar mutu lingkungan hidup serta pen
Este documento presenta un resumen de 3 oraciones o menos del Cap鱈tulo 7 del libro "Sistemas de Informaci坦n Gerencial" sobre los temas de telecomunicaciones, internet, tecnolog鱈a inal叩mbrica. Aborda conceptos clave como redes de comunicaci坦n, transmisi坦n de datos y tendencias tecnol坦gicas en estas 叩reas.
Karan Chanana is a freelance product designer from South India who founded the Industry Web Conference. He designs, writes, and speaks on web design and conferences. As the founder of the Karan Web Conference in 2010/2011, he is curious about how current web work will impact the future. He can be contacted by email at or on Twitter at @karanchanana1.
A user found that disabling the application platform in their Facebook account was causing their Nokia phone to display an "invalid username or password" error when trying to log in to Facebook. The solution was to re-enable the application platform in Facebook account settings under "Apps and Websites" to allow the Nokia social networking client to log in successfully.
This code connects to a MySQL database called "test", selects all records from the "articles" table, and displays the title, date, info, and url fields from each record on the screen. It connects to the database, runs a SQL query to select all data from the articles table, and then loops through the results to output the field data from each record.
This document contains PHP code to search a database table called "checklist" and return results where the "produkt" field matches the search string. The code connects to a MySQL database, runs a SQL query to select relevant rows from the checklist table, and outputs the product name and other fields for matching rows as list items.
The document contains links to various stylesheet and script files needed for the styling and functionality of different components on a website. It includes CSS links for templates, modules, and components as well as JavaScript links for libraries, plugins, and site functionality.
The document shows the code for a Form controller class in PHP. The controller loads form helper libraries and validation rules, checks if validation passes, and loads either the form view or success view depending on the validation result. It sets validation rules for required fields like name, password, password confirmation, and email.
This resume summarizes Karan Chanana's qualifications for a web designer position. It includes his contact information, career objective, educational background with a diploma in multimedia and animation, software proficiency including Photoshop and Dreamweaver, artistic and personal skills, 1 year of work experience as a web designer, 10 websites designed, and personal details. The resume aims to showcase his qualifications and experience to obtain a web designer role.
This document lists 98 colleges in India that are not permitted by the Government of India to operate under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act for the year 2011-2012. The list provides the name of each college, the state it is located in, whether it teaches Ayurveda, Unani, or Siddha medicine, and whether it is a government or private institution. The colleges span several states including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
I am karan chanana,I have been budding websites since 2006, and deploy payment solutions since 2009. My goal is to offer the most comprehensive, flexible, & scalable web & payment solutions.
Karan Chanana is a successful entrepreneur and corporate icon. He founded the Amira Group of companies which includes Amira Foods UK, a food manufacturing and distribution company. Chanana has received several awards and recognition for his business success and leadership, including being named Corporate Icon of the Year by Fame magazine. His professional profile highlights his experience building and leading various businesses.
This resume summarizes Karan Chanana's qualifications for a web designer position. It lists his educational background including a diploma in multimedia and animation. It details his proficiency in software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver. It provides 1 year of work experience as a web designer and lists websites he has worked on. It also includes his artistic skills, personal attributes, and contact information.
karan chanana managing director karan chanana infosyskaran chanana
The document discusses the different types of Facebook applications that can access the Facebook API, including Facebook canvas apps used within Facebook, Facebook connect apps on external websites, desktop apps, and mobile apps. It notes that these applications can all access Facebook's REST and FQL APIs. The majority of documentation is focused on FBML canvas apps used within Facebook.
This document describes Amira Basmati brands, including Amira Goodlength Slim n Slender Basmati Rice. This rice is recommended for white rice and home pilafs. It offers value for money as a basmati rice for everyday consumption. The document also includes various website and social media links related to Amira Foods and its management.
Karan A Chanana, Chairman of AMIRA FOODS, states that with their new investment, AMIRA Group aims to fully integrate their supply chain management backwards. AMIRA Group produces and markets food products in India and seeks to control sourcing and production to strengthen its supply chain. The company websites provide information on AMIRA's profile, management, and the chairman Karan Chanana.
This document describes Amira Basmati brands, including Amira Goodlength Slim n Slender Basmati Rice. This rice is recommended for white rice and home pilafs, offers value for money, and is for everyday consumption. Several URLs are also listed related to Amira Foods company information and leadership.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
Karan chanana-collection
1. The world's top 200 universities
The worlds top 200 universities
2006 2005 Name Country Peer Recruiter Int'l Faculty Overall
Int'l Citations
rank rank review review faculty / score
students /
score (10%) score score student faculty
(40%) (5%) (5%) score score
(20%) (20%)
1 1 Harvard US 93 100 15 25 56 55 100.0
2 3 Cambridge UK 100 79 58 43 64 17 96.8
3 4 Oxford UK 97 76 54 39 61 15 92.7
4= 2 Massachusetts US 81 93 11 39 42 54 89.2
Institute of
4= 7 Yale University US 72 81 45 26 93 24 89.2
6 5 Stanford US 82 85 9 34 32 55 85.4
7 8 California US 53 21 24 40 67 100 83.8
Institute of
8 6 University of US 92 75 6 13 22 39 80.4
9 13 Imperial UK 65 44 55 56 88 12 78.6
College London
10 9 Princeton US 68 61 21 29 53 34 74.2
11 17 University of US 57 67 19 30 73 17 69.8
12 20 Columbia US 57 64 9 32 74 17 69.0
13 11 Duke University US 39 78 11 21 100 19 68.3
14 15 Beijing China 70 55 5 11 69 2 67.9
15 14 Cornell US 60 74 10 25 44 26 65.9
2. 16 23 Australian Australia 72 30 48 33 38 13 64.8
17 11 London School UK 42 85 89 100 53 1 63.9
of Economics
18 24 Ecole Normale France 46 30 22 28 69 37 63.3
19= 22 National Singapore 70 44 82 47 22 8 63.1
University of
19= 16 Tokyo Japan 72 29 8 10 35 27 63.1
21 24 McGill Canada 57 61 31 33 52 10 62.3
22 19 Melbourne Australia 72 44 51 36 25 7 61.6
23 27 Johns Hopkins US 49 37 15 20 65 29 61.3
24 21 ETH Zurich Switzerland 51 25 84 45 44 23 59.7
25 28 University UK 46 28 39 47 70 12 58.7
College London
26 32 Pennsylvania US 45 64 17 26 52 22 57.8
27 29 University of Canada 63 51 37 17 15 25 57.7
28 62 Tsing Hua China 45 34 22 9 84 1 56.1
29= 31 Kyoto Japan 61 20 15 7 44 18 56.0
29= 36 University of US 50 61 15 19 46 15 56.0
31 37 University of US 58 42 2 12 34 25 55.9
California, Los
32 26 University of US 44 56 24 14 19 53 55.0
Texas at Austin
33= 30 Edinburgh UK 54 42 28 29 42 11 54.8
33= 41 University of Hong Kong 48 40 84 27 46 6 54.8
Hong Kong
3. 35= 44 Carnegie US 44 64 28 40 48 11 54.6
35= 38 Sydney Australia 65 26 56 31 23 8 54.6
37 10 Ecole France 37 40 18 40 64 17 53.0
38 33 Monash Australia 57 40 61 51 21 5 52.6
39 88 Geneva Switzerland 26 13 69 58 81 7 49.9
40 35 Manchester UK 44 50 42 29 38 6 49.0
41 40 University of Australia 56 36 23 37 20 7 48.2
New South
42 46 Northwestern US 32 71 12 20 44 19 47.9
43 56 New York US 39 51 8 16 55 6 47.6
44 42 University of US 46 16 3 9 26 42 47.5
California, San
45 47 Queensland Australia 52 26 51 31 18 12 47.2
46= 52 Auckland New 51 17 44 21 38 2 46.8
University Zealand
46= 73 Kings College UK 42 28 42 30 44 7 46.8
48= 73 Rochester US 21 26 8 23 91 12 46.7
48= 58 Washington US 25 32 5 18 73 22 46.7
University, St
50= 38 University of Canada 51 38 23 15 19 16 46.4
50= 51 Chinese Hong Kong 39 38 62 24 41 7 46.4
University of
Hong Kong
52 69 Sciences Po France 21 29 22 53 86 45.6
53 114 Vanderbilt US 22 37 2 14 81 14 45.3
4. University
54= 71 Brown US 32 32 34 20 50 18 45.0
54= 66 Copenhagen Denmark 44 21 12 13 51 5 45.0
56 141 Emory US 19 38 1 14 84 15 44.9
57 50 Indian Institutes India 45 34 0 1 27 24 44.5
of Technology
58= 45 Heidelberg Germany 43 28 17 28 36 11 44.3
58= 43 Hong Kong Hong Kong 40 41 74 21 17 16 44.3
University Sci &
60 109 Case Western US 19 34 3 24 77 19 44.2
61= 117 Dartmouth US 22 56 13 17 59 16 43.7
61= 48 Nanyang Singapore 40 37 77 56 21 3 43.7
63 93 Seoul National South 43 13 2 7 57 4 43.6
University Korea
64= 49 Bristol UK 36 44 37 26 34 10 43.2
64= 34 Ecole Polytech Switzerland 28 13 70 66 47 11 43.2
F辿d辿rale de
66 54 Boston US 35 38 9 21 47 10 42.9
67 70 Eindhoven Netherlands 19 18 21 11 92 3 42.1
University of
68 84 Indian Institutes India 31 46 0 10 60 2 41.6
of Management
69 58 Amsterdam Netherlands 42 20 30 10 28 15 41.3
70= 103 School of UK 23 9 48 74 64 0 40.4
Oriental and
African Studies
70= 105 Osaka Japan 39 0 4 9 45 17 40.4
5. 72 92 Ecole Normale France 21 18 15 19 50 34 40.1
73 77 Warwick UK 39 40 38 41 22 4 40.0
74 95 National Mexico 29 36 3 1 65 0 39.8
Univ of Mexico
75 127 Basel Switzerland 21 0 76 28 63 10 39.7
76 88 Catholic Belgium 37 25 29 25 29 11 39.4
University of
77 58 University of US 39 31 10 16 32 9 39.3
78 111 Trinity College Ireland 37 34 58 29 17 9 39.1
79= 186 Otago New 26 17 94 20 45 3 38.5
University Zealand
79= 73 University of US 39 11 0 14 35 16 38.5
81 101 Glasgow UK 35 33 17 16 35 9 38.4
82= 67 Macquarie Australia 32 40 100 51 10 5 38.3
82= 105 Technical Germany 30 26 22 30 42 10 38.3
84 88 Washington US 31 23 13 10 38 20 38.2
85 97 Nottingham UK 34 37 34 29 28 6 38.1
86 53 Delft University Netherlands 34 13 52 18 37 7 38.0
of Technology
87 65 Vienna Austria 43 22 23 26 10 15 37.8
88 193 Pittsburgh US 22 19 20 10 62 11 37.6
89 133 Lausanne Switzerland 20 21 54 33 53 9 37.3
90= 143 Birmingham UK 34 27 34 29 28 9 37.2
6. 90= 138 Leiden Netherlands 33 21 33 11 20 26 37.2
92 57 Erasmus Netherlands 22 49 24 31 11 38 37.1
93= 79 Lomonosov Russia 42 28 1 7 30 3 37.0
Moscow State
93= 88 Pierre and France 31 0 29 35 49 6 37.0
Marie Curie
95 120 Utrecht Netherlands 37 12 24 9 25 18 36.7
96 95 Catholic Belgium 37 35 11 20 18 13 36.6
University of
97 108 Wageningen Netherlands 16 9 16 45 61 17 36.5
98 55 Munich Germany 35 23 19 21 29 9 36.4
99= 112 Queen Mary, UK 26 9 44 40 47 4 36.3
University of
99= 64 Pennsylvania US 33 43 7 8 31 6 36.3
State University
101 124 University of US 27 28 7 28 45 9 36.2
102= 159 Georgetown US 19 65 6 17 41 11 36.1
102= 150 Rice University US 20 31 12 23 50 15 36.1
102= 143 Sheffield UK 31 22 32 28 33 8 36.1
105= 80 University of Australia 38 0 47 44 14 14 35.9
105= 112 Humboldt Germany 32 15 18 18 43 5 35.9
105= 100 Sussex UK 27 18 42 27 41 6 35.9
108 114 National Taiwan Taiwan 40 0 1 0 43 4 35.8
7. 109= 136 St Andrews UK 26 20 40 53 33 9 35.7
109= 85 Zurich Switzerland 26 0 69 23 41 11 35.7
111= 133 Maryland US 27 33 16 15 35 14 35.6
111= 180 Uppsala Sweden 36 0 17 8 41 9 35.6
111= 199 Wake Forest US 10 32 2 6 80 10 35.6
111= 80 University of Australia 34 11 61 28 19 13 35.6
115 217 University of Netherlands 23 15 29 16 59 3 35.5
116= 72 Fudan China 39 47 11 8 18 2 35.4
116= 62 Helsinki Finland 38 20 7 5 16 20 35.4
118 99 Tokyo Institute Japan 29 18 3 14 39 16 35.3
of Technology
119 77 Hebrew Israel 41 0 14 5 22 16 35.2
University of
120 215 Keio University Japan 28 25 18 4 48 2 35.1
121 103 Leeds UK 32 33 28 25 25 7 35.0
122 180 Lund University Sweden 35 0 26 9 36 10 34.8
123 143 University of US 23 38 7 8 36 19 34.6
North Carolina
124= 68 University of US 32 28 1 10 20 23 34.5
124= 109 York University UK 28 22 31 30 33 8 34.5
126 138 Aarhus Denmark 30 15 38 13 33 9 34.4
127 61 Purdue US 32 42 20 15 21 6 34.2
128= 222 Kyushu Japan 21 17 8 8 59 7 34.1
8. 128= 129 Nagoya Japan 29 11 4 9 41 13 34.1
130= 164 Tufts University US 17 31 12 17 42 22 33.9
130= 105 Virginia US 20 57 6 11 34 14 33.9
132 83 Durham UK 25 41 43 25 23 10 33.8
133= 149 University of Canada 32 11 40 21 17 18 33.6
133= 259 Brussels Free Belgium 16 15 21 17 72 33.6
133= 157 Hokkaido Japan 29 0 8 6 52 8 33.6
133= 168 Newcastle UK 25 24 33 32 36 7 33.6
upon Tyne
137 177 Nijmegen Netherlands 21 9 33 10 55 7 33.5
138 86 Vienna Austria 29 17 27 34 36 3 33.3
139 119 Liverpool UK 26 26 32 21 32 8 33.2
140 234 Cranfield UK 14 26 31 62 52 2 33.0
141= 159 University of US 31 11 7 8 22 24 32.9
Santa Barbara
141= 228 Cardiff UK 29 13 27 23 36 4 32.9
141= 219 Ghent Belgium 29 9 20 10 43 4 32.9
141= 206 Southampton UK 26 16 38 25 34 7 32.9
145 147 Georgia US 30 36 2 27 19 13 32.8
Institute of
146 82 RMIT University Australia 34 26 31 65 9 1 32.5
147= 166 Chalmers Sweden 27 9 17 8 46 5 32.4
University of
9. 147= 188 Tel Aviv Israel 35 22 0 3 13 21 32.4
148 172 Free University Germany 37 0 27 17 25 6 32.3
150= 184 Korea South 25 8 5 19 55 1 32.2
University Korea
150= 125 Texas A&M US 30 39 12 13 16 13 32.2
152 179 Notre Dame US 19 51 17 14 35 9 32.0
153 130 Bath University UK 21 36 34 35 32 5 31.8
154 178 City University Hong Kong 28 11 75 14 25 5 31.7
of Hong Kong
155 184 McMaster Canada 29 24 9 13 18 19 31.6
156= 101 Curtin Australia 28 18 71 70 12 31.5
University of
156= 114 G旦ttingen Germany 32 0 17 17 31 8 31.5
158= 194 Technion Israel 31 17 6 6 23 16 31.4
Israel Inst of
158= 240 University of Germany 12 0 22 16 70 9 31.4
158= 202 Waseda Japan 27 24 11 6 42 1 31.4
161= 121 Chulalongkorn Thailand 33 18 9 1 33 0 31.2
161= 131 University Louis France 25 15 22 34 28 12 31.2
163 121 Michigan State US 28 39 10 12 21 9 31.1
164 219 Saint Russia 26 18 1 9 47 1 30.7
State University
165= 76 Brussels Free Belgium 30 19 15 39 13 12 30.5
165= 93 China China 36 14 3 0 24 5 30.5
University of
10. Sci & Technol
165= 175 State Univ of US 26 16 6 15 30 14 30.5
New York,
Stony Brook
168= 199 George US 24 46 3 13 30 5 30.4
168= 136 Tohoku Japan 26 0 8 7 31 21 30.4
170= 206 University of US 30 0 2 8 30 17 30.3
170= 260 University of Germany 21 21 21 19 37 9 30.3
172= 172 Aachen RWT Germany 23 37 24 24 28 4 30.2
172= 157 Maastricht Netherlands 18 28 34 46 24 13 30.2
172= 196 Royal Institute Sweden 24 11 17 12 43 4 30.2
of Technology
172= 254 Yeshiva US 7 0 9 6 70 20 30.2
176 261 Queens Canada 21 36 38 8 28 7 30.0
177 138 Oslo University Norway 30 0 17 9 34 5 29.9
178 228 University of Switzerland 17 9 1 16 54 9 29.8
179 169 Shanghai Jiao China 31 37 13 5 19 1 29.7
Tong University
180 150 Nanjing China 35 20 24 2 16 3 29.6
181= 172 Kobe University Japan 25 17 8 7 38 5 29.4
181= 132 Universit辿 de Canada 25 25 48 11 13 14 29.4
183= 192 Jawaharlal India 32 14 2 6 27 4 29.3
183= 186 Free University Netherlands 25 9 19 8 36 8 29.3
of Amsterdam
185 289 University of Malaysia 32 22 9 6 25 0 29.2
11. Malaysia
186 165 Innsbruck Austria 23 0 30 48 32 6 29.1
187= 213 Brandeis US 19 23 7 23 34 13 29.0
187= 142 Frankfurt Germany 30 17 22 17 19 7 29.0
187= 150 University of US 26 20 8 10 20 16 29.0
190= 240 University of Spain 31 16 2 11 26 4 28.9
190= 248 Reading UK 21 19 32 25 30 6 28.9
192= 169 Malaya Malaysia 33 14 10 7 24 1 28.6
192= 118 Queensland Australia 33 8 51 19 13 2 28.6
University of
194 154 Technical Denmark 25 0 19 19 25 17 28.5
University of
195 267 Aberdeen UK 20 9 37 25 33 7 28.3
196 308 University of Australia 23 8 69 64 15 3 28.2
197 125 La Sapienza Italy 37 15 2 6 11 5 28.1
198= 254 University of US 24 16 2 10 19 21 28.0
198= 143 Korea South 24 11 14 6 29 12 28.0
Advanced Inst Korea
Science &
200 305 University of France 32 29 6 29 13 0 27.9
(Paris IV)
息 Karan chanan india.
Data compiled for The Times Higher by karan