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The world's top 200 universities

The worlds top 200 universities

2006   2005 Name               Country    Peer Recruiter     Int'l              Faculty               Overall
                                                                        Int'l             Citations
rank   rank                              review review     faculty                 /                  score
                                                                     students                 /
                                         score    (10%)    score      score     student    faculty
                                         (40%)              (5%)       (5%)      score      score
                                                                                 (20%)      (20%)

 1      1    Harvard           US         93      100        15        25         56         55       100.0

 2      3    Cambridge         UK         100      79        58        43         64         17        96.8

 3      4    Oxford            UK         97       76        54        39         61         15        92.7

 4=     2    Massachusetts     US         81       93        11        39         42         54        89.2
             Institute of

 4=     7    Yale University   US         72       81        45        26         93         24        89.2

 6      5    Stanford          US         82       85        9         34         32         55        85.4

 7      8    California        US         53       21        24        40         67        100        83.8
             Institute of

 8      6    University of     US         92       75        6         13         22         39        80.4

 9      13   Imperial       UK            65       44        55        56         88         12        78.6
             College London

 10     9    Princeton         US         68       61        21        29         53         34        74.2

 11     17   University of     US         57       67        19        30         73         17        69.8

 12     20   Columbia          US         57       64        9         32         74         17        69.0

 13     11   Duke University US           39       78        11        21        100         19        68.3

 14     15   Beijing           China      70       55        5          11        69         2         67.9

 15     14   Cornell           US         60       74        10        25         44         26        65.9
16    23   Australian        Australia     72   30   48   33    38   13   64.8

17    11   London School     UK            42   85   89   100   53   1    63.9
           of Economics

18    24   Ecole Normale     France        46   30   22   28    69   37   63.3

19=   22   National          Singapore     70   44   82   47    22   8    63.1
           University of

19=   16   Tokyo             Japan         72   29   8    10    35   27   63.1

21    24   McGill            Canada        57   61   31   33    52   10   62.3

22    19   Melbourne         Australia     72   44   51   36    25   7    61.6

23    27   Johns Hopkins     US            49   37   15   20    65   29   61.3

24    21   ETH Zurich        Switzerland   51   25   84   45    44   23   59.7

25    28   University     UK               46   28   39   47    70   12   58.7
           College London

26    32   Pennsylvania      US            45   64   17   26    52   22   57.8

27    29   University of     Canada        63   51   37   17    15   25   57.7

28    62   Tsing Hua         China         45   34   22   9     84   1    56.1

29=   31   Kyoto             Japan         61   20   15   7     44   18   56.0

29=   36   University of     US            50   61   15   19    46   15   56.0

31    37   University of     US            58   42   2    12    34   25   55.9
           California, Los

32    26   University of     US            44   56   24   14    19   53   55.0
           Texas at Austin

33=   30   Edinburgh         UK            54   42   28   29    42   11   54.8

33=   41   University of     Hong Kong     48   40   84   27    46   6    54.8
           Hong Kong
35=   44    Carnegie          US            44   64   28   40   48   11   54.6

35=   38    Sydney            Australia     65   26   56   31   23   8    54.6

37    10    Ecole             France        37   40   18   40   64   17   53.0

38    33    Monash            Australia     57   40   61   51   21   5    52.6

39    88    Geneva            Switzerland   26   13   69   58   81   7    49.9

40    35    Manchester        UK            44   50   42   29   38   6    49.0

41    40    University of     Australia     56   36   23   37   20   7    48.2
            New South

42    46    Northwestern      US            32   71   12   20   44   19   47.9

43    56    New York          US            39   51   8    16   55   6    47.6

44    42    University of     US            46   16   3    9    26   42   47.5
            California, San

45    47    Queensland        Australia     52   26   51   31   18   12   47.2

46=   52    Auckland          New           51   17   44   21   38   2    46.8
            University        Zealand

46=   73    Kings College    UK            42   28   42   30   44   7    46.8

48=   73    Rochester         US            21   26   8    23   91   12   46.7

48=   58    Washington        US            25   32   5    18   73   22   46.7
            University, St

50=   38    University of     Canada        51   38   23   15   19   16   46.4

50=   51    Chinese           Hong Kong     39   38   62   24   41   7    46.4
            University of
            Hong Kong

52    69    Sciences Po       France        21   29   22   53   86       45.6

53    114   Vanderbilt        US            22   37   2    14   81   14   45.3

54=   71    Brown             US            32   32   34   20   50   18   45.0

54=   66    Copenhagen        Denmark       44   21   12   13   51   5    45.0

56    141   Emory             US            19   38   1    14   84   15   44.9

57    50    Indian Institutes India         45   34   0    1    27   24   44.5
            of Technology

58=   45    Heidelberg        Germany       43   28   17   28   36   11   44.3

58=   43    Hong Kong        Hong Kong      40   41   74   21   17   16   44.3
            University Sci &

60    109   Case Western      US            19   34   3    24   77   19   44.2

61=   117   Dartmouth         US            22   56   13   17   59   16   43.7

61=   48    Nanyang           Singapore     40   37   77   56   21   3    43.7

63    93    Seoul National    South         43   13   2    7    57   4    43.6
            University        Korea

64=   49    Bristol           UK            36   44   37   26   34   10   43.2

64=   34    Ecole Polytech    Switzerland   28   13   70   66   47   11   43.2
            F辿d辿rale de

66    54    Boston            US            35   38   9    21   47   10   42.9

67    70    Eindhoven         Netherlands   19   18   21   11   92   3    42.1
            University of

68    84    Indian Institutes India         31   46   0    10   60   2    41.6
            of Management

69    58    Amsterdam         Netherlands   42   20   30   10   28   15   41.3

70=   103   School of         UK            23   9    48   74   64   0    40.4
            Oriental and
            African Studies

70=   105   Osaka             Japan         39   0    4    9    45   17   40.4
72   92    Ecole Normale      France        21   18   15    19   50   34   40.1

 73   77    Warwick            UK            39   40   38    41   22   4    40.0

 74   95    National           Mexico        29   36   3     1    65   0    39.8
            Univ of Mexico

 75   127   Basel              Switzerland   21   0    76    28   63   10   39.7

 76   88    Catholic           Belgium       37   25   29    25   29   11   39.4
            University of

 77   58    University of      US            39   31   10    16   32   9    39.3

 78   111   Trinity College    Ireland       37   34   58    29   17   9    39.1

79=   186   Otago              New           26   17   94    20   45   3    38.5
            University         Zealand

79=   73    University of      US            39   11   0     14   35   16   38.5

 81   101   Glasgow            UK            35   33   17    16   35   9    38.4

82=   67    Macquarie          Australia     32   40   100   51   10   5    38.3

82=   105   Technical          Germany       30   26   22    30   42   10   38.3

 84   88    Washington         US            31   23   13    10   38   20   38.2

 85   97    Nottingham         UK            34   37   34    29   28   6    38.1

 86   53    Delft University   Netherlands   34   13   52    18   37   7    38.0
            of Technology

 87   65    Vienna             Austria       43   22   23    26   10   15   37.8

 88   193   Pittsburgh         US            22   19   20    10   62   11   37.6

 89   133   Lausanne           Switzerland   20   21   54    33   53   9    37.3

90=   143   Birmingham         UK            34   27   34    29   28   9    37.2
90=    138   Leiden            Netherlands   33   21   33   11   20   26   37.2

 92    57    Erasmus           Netherlands   22   49   24   31   11   38   37.1

93=    79    Lomonosov         Russia        42   28   1    7    30   3    37.0
             Moscow State

93=    88    Pierre and        France        31   0    29   35   49   6    37.0
             Marie Curie

 95    120   Utrecht           Netherlands   37   12   24   9    25   18   36.7

 96    95    Catholic          Belgium       37   35   11   20   18   13   36.6
             University of

 97    108   Wageningen        Netherlands   16   9    16   45   61   17   36.5

 98    55    Munich            Germany       35   23   19   21   29   9    36.4

99=    112   Queen Mary,       UK            26   9    44   40   47   4    36.3
             University of

99=    64    Pennsylvania     US             33   43   7    8    31   6    36.3
             State University

101    124   University of     US            27   28   7    28   45   9    36.2

102=   159   Georgetown        US            19   65   6    17   41   11   36.1

102=   150   Rice University   US            20   31   12   23   50   15   36.1

102=   143   Sheffield         UK            31   22   32   28   33   8    36.1

105=   80    University of     Australia     38   0    47   44   14   14   35.9

105=   112   Humboldt          Germany       32   15   18   18   43   5    35.9

105=   100   Sussex            UK            27   18   42   27   41   6    35.9

108    114   National Taiwan Taiwan          40   0    1    0    43   4    35.8
109=   136   St Andrews        UK            26   20   40   53   33   9    35.7

109=   85    Zurich            Switzerland   26   0    69   23   41   11   35.7

111=   133   Maryland          US            27   33   16   15   35   14   35.6

111=   180   Uppsala           Sweden        36   0    17   8    41   9    35.6

111=   199   Wake Forest       US            10   32   2    6    80   10   35.6

111=   80    University of     Australia     34   11   61   28   19   13   35.6

115    217   University of     Netherlands   23   15   29   16   59   3    35.5

116=   72    Fudan             China         39   47   11   8    18   2    35.4

116=   62    Helsinki          Finland       38   20   7    5    16   20   35.4

118    99    Tokyo Institute   Japan         29   18   3    14   39   16   35.3
             of Technology

119    77    Hebrew            Israel        41   0    14   5    22   16   35.2
             University of

120    215   Keio University   Japan         28   25   18   4    48   2    35.1

121    103   Leeds             UK            32   33   28   25   25   7    35.0

122    180   Lund University   Sweden        35   0    26   9    36   10   34.8

123    143   University of     US            23   38   7    8    36   19   34.6
             North Carolina

124=   68    University of     US            32   28   1    10   20   23   34.5

124=   109   York University   UK            28   22   31   30   33   8    34.5

126    138   Aarhus            Denmark       30   15   38   13   33   9    34.4

127    61    Purdue            US            32   42   20   15   21   6    34.2

128=   222   Kyushu            Japan         21   17   8    8    59   7    34.1
128=   129   Nagoya             Japan         29   11   4    9    41   13   34.1

130=   164   Tufts University   US            17   31   12   17   42   22   33.9

130=   105   Virginia           US            20   57   6    11   34   14   33.9

132    83    Durham             UK            25   41   43   25   23   10   33.8

133=   149   University of      Canada        32   11   40   21   17   18   33.6

133=   259   Brussels Free      Belgium       16   15   21   17   72       33.6

133=   157   Hokkaido           Japan         29   0    8    6    52   8    33.6

133=   168   Newcastle          UK            25   24   33   32   36   7    33.6
             upon Tyne

137    177   Nijmegen           Netherlands   21   9    33   10   55   7    33.5

138    86    Vienna             Austria       29   17   27   34   36   3    33.3

139    119   Liverpool          UK            26   26   32   21   32   8    33.2

140    234   Cranfield          UK            14   26   31   62   52   2    33.0

141=   159   University of      US            31   11   7    8    22   24   32.9
             Santa Barbara

141=   228   Cardiff            UK            29   13   27   23   36   4    32.9

141=   219   Ghent              Belgium       29   9    20   10   43   4    32.9

141=   206   Southampton        UK            26   16   38   25   34   7    32.9

145    147   Georgia            US            30   36   2    27   19   13   32.8
             Institute of

146    82    RMIT University Australia        34   26   31   65   9    1    32.5

147=   166   Chalmers           Sweden        27   9    17   8    46   5    32.4
             University of
147=   188   Tel Aviv          Israel      35   22   0    3    13   21   32.4

148    172   Free University   Germany     37   0    27   17   25   6    32.3

150=   184   Korea             South       25   8    5    19   55   1    32.2
             University        Korea

150=   125   Texas A&M         US          30   39   12   13   16   13   32.2

152    179   Notre Dame        US          19   51   17   14   35   9    32.0

153    130   Bath University   UK          21   36   34   35   32   5    31.8

154    178   City University   Hong Kong   28   11   75   14   25   5    31.7
             of Hong Kong

155    184   McMaster          Canada      29   24   9    13   18   19   31.6

156=   101   Curtin            Australia   28   18   71   70   12       31.5
             University of

156=   114   G旦ttingen         Germany     32   0    17   17   31   8    31.5

158=   194   Technion         Israel      31   17   6    6    23   16   31.4
             Israel Inst of

158=   240   University of     Germany     12   0    22   16   70   9    31.4

158=   202   Waseda            Japan       27   24   11   6    42   1    31.4

161=   121   Chulalongkorn     Thailand    33   18   9    1    33   0    31.2

161=   131   University Louis France       25   15   22   34   28   12   31.2

163    121   Michigan State    US          28   39   10   12   21   9    31.1

164    219   Saint            Russia       26   18   1    9    47   1    30.7
             State University

165=   76    Brussels Free     Belgium     30   19   15   39   13   12   30.5

165=   93    China             China       36   14   3    0    24   5    30.5
             University of
Sci & Technol

165=   175   State Univ of     US            26   16   6    15   30   14   30.5
             New York,
             Stony Brook

168=   199   George            US            24   46   3    13   30   5    30.4

168=   136   Tohoku            Japan         26   0    8    7    31   21   30.4

170=   206   University of     US            30   0    2    8    30   17   30.3

170=   260   University of     Germany       21   21   21   19   37   9    30.3

172=   172   Aachen RWT        Germany       23   37   24   24   28   4    30.2

172=   157   Maastricht        Netherlands   18   28   34   46   24   13   30.2

172=   196   Royal Institute   Sweden        24   11   17   12   43   4    30.2
             of Technology

172=   254   Yeshiva           US            7    0    9    6    70   20   30.2

176    261   Queens           Canada        21   36   38   8    28   7    30.0

177    138   Oslo University   Norway        30   0    17   9    34   5    29.9

178    228   University of     Switzerland   17   9    1    16   54   9    29.8

179    169   Shanghai Jiao     China         31   37   13   5    19   1    29.7
             Tong University

180    150   Nanjing           China         35   20   24   2    16   3    29.6

181=   172   Kobe University Japan           25   17   8    7    38   5    29.4

181=   132   Universit辿 de     Canada        25   25   48   11   13   14   29.4

183=   192   Jawaharlal        India         32   14   2    6    27   4    29.3

183=   186   Free University   Netherlands   25   9    19   8    36   8    29.3
             of Amsterdam

185    289   University of     Malaysia      32   22   9    6    25   0    29.2

186    165   Innsbruck        Austria     23   0    30   48   32   6    29.1

187=   213   Brandeis         US          19   23   7    23   34   13   29.0

187=   142   Frankfurt        Germany     30   17   22   17   19   7    29.0

187=   150   University of    US          26   20   8    10   20   16   29.0

190=   240   University of    Spain       31   16   2    11   26   4    28.9

190=   248   Reading          UK          21   19   32   25   30   6    28.9

192=   169   Malaya           Malaysia    33   14   10   7    24   1    28.6

192=   118   Queensland       Australia   33   8    51   19   13   2    28.6
             University of

194    154   Technical        Denmark     25   0    19   19   25   17   28.5
             University of

195    267   Aberdeen         UK          20   9    37   25   33   7    28.3

196    308   University of    Australia   23   8    69   64   15   3    28.2

197    125   La Sapienza      Italy       37   15   2    6    11   5    28.1

198=   254   University of    US          24   16   2    10   19   21   28.0

198=   143   Korea            South       24   11   14   6    29   12   28.0
             Advanced Inst    Korea
             Science &

200    305   University of    France      32   29   6    29   13   0    27.9
             (Paris IV)

息 Karan chanan india.
Data compiled for The Times Higher by karan
chanana and Karan Chanana, published
October 04 2012.

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Karan chanana-collection

  • 1. The world's top 200 universities The worlds top 200 universities 2006 2005 Name Country Peer Recruiter Int'l Faculty Overall Int'l Citations rank rank review review faculty / score students / score (10%) score score student faculty (40%) (5%) (5%) score score (20%) (20%) 1 1 Harvard US 93 100 15 25 56 55 100.0 University 2 3 Cambridge UK 100 79 58 43 64 17 96.8 University 3 4 Oxford UK 97 76 54 39 61 15 92.7 University 4= 2 Massachusetts US 81 93 11 39 42 54 89.2 Institute of Technology 4= 7 Yale University US 72 81 45 26 93 24 89.2 6 5 Stanford US 82 85 9 34 32 55 85.4 University 7 8 California US 53 21 24 40 67 100 83.8 Institute of Technology 8 6 University of US 92 75 6 13 22 39 80.4 California, Berkeley 9 13 Imperial UK 65 44 55 56 88 12 78.6 College London 10 9 Princeton US 68 61 21 29 53 34 74.2 University 11 17 University of US 57 67 19 30 73 17 69.8 Chicago 12 20 Columbia US 57 64 9 32 74 17 69.0 University 13 11 Duke University US 39 78 11 21 100 19 68.3 14 15 Beijing China 70 55 5 11 69 2 67.9 University 15 14 Cornell US 60 74 10 25 44 26 65.9 University
  • 2. 16 23 Australian Australia 72 30 48 33 38 13 64.8 National University 17 11 London School UK 42 85 89 100 53 1 63.9 of Economics 18 24 Ecole Normale France 46 30 22 28 69 37 63.3 Sup辿rieure, Paris 19= 22 National Singapore 70 44 82 47 22 8 63.1 University of Singapore 19= 16 Tokyo Japan 72 29 8 10 35 27 63.1 University 21 24 McGill Canada 57 61 31 33 52 10 62.3 University 22 19 Melbourne Australia 72 44 51 36 25 7 61.6 University 23 27 Johns Hopkins US 49 37 15 20 65 29 61.3 University 24 21 ETH Zurich Switzerland 51 25 84 45 44 23 59.7 25 28 University UK 46 28 39 47 70 12 58.7 College London 26 32 Pennsylvania US 45 64 17 26 52 22 57.8 University 27 29 University of Canada 63 51 37 17 15 25 57.7 Toronto 28 62 Tsing Hua China 45 34 22 9 84 1 56.1 University 29= 31 Kyoto Japan 61 20 15 7 44 18 56.0 University 29= 36 University of US 50 61 15 19 46 15 56.0 Michigan 31 37 University of US 58 42 2 12 34 25 55.9 California, Los Angeles 32 26 University of US 44 56 24 14 19 53 55.0 Texas at Austin 33= 30 Edinburgh UK 54 42 28 29 42 11 54.8 University 33= 41 University of Hong Kong 48 40 84 27 46 6 54.8 Hong Kong
  • 3. 35= 44 Carnegie US 44 64 28 40 48 11 54.6 Mellon University 35= 38 Sydney Australia 65 26 56 31 23 8 54.6 University 37 10 Ecole France 37 40 18 40 64 17 53.0 Polytechnique 38 33 Monash Australia 57 40 61 51 21 5 52.6 University 39 88 Geneva Switzerland 26 13 69 58 81 7 49.9 University 40 35 Manchester UK 44 50 42 29 38 6 49.0 University 41 40 University of Australia 56 36 23 37 20 7 48.2 New South Wales 42 46 Northwestern US 32 71 12 20 44 19 47.9 University 43 56 New York US 39 51 8 16 55 6 47.6 University 44 42 University of US 46 16 3 9 26 42 47.5 California, San Diego 45 47 Queensland Australia 52 26 51 31 18 12 47.2 University 46= 52 Auckland New 51 17 44 21 38 2 46.8 University Zealand 46= 73 Kings College UK 42 28 42 30 44 7 46.8 London 48= 73 Rochester US 21 26 8 23 91 12 46.7 University 48= 58 Washington US 25 32 5 18 73 22 46.7 University, St Louis 50= 38 University of Canada 51 38 23 15 19 16 46.4 British Columbia 50= 51 Chinese Hong Kong 39 38 62 24 41 7 46.4 University of Hong Kong 52 69 Sciences Po France 21 29 22 53 86 45.6 53 114 Vanderbilt US 22 37 2 14 81 14 45.3
  • 4. University 54= 71 Brown US 32 32 34 20 50 18 45.0 University 54= 66 Copenhagen Denmark 44 21 12 13 51 5 45.0 University 56 141 Emory US 19 38 1 14 84 15 44.9 University 57 50 Indian Institutes India 45 34 0 1 27 24 44.5 of Technology 58= 45 Heidelberg Germany 43 28 17 28 36 11 44.3 University 58= 43 Hong Kong Hong Kong 40 41 74 21 17 16 44.3 University Sci & Technol 60 109 Case Western US 19 34 3 24 77 19 44.2 Reserve University 61= 117 Dartmouth US 22 56 13 17 59 16 43.7 College 61= 48 Nanyang Singapore 40 37 77 56 21 3 43.7 Technological University 63 93 Seoul National South 43 13 2 7 57 4 43.6 University Korea 64= 49 Bristol UK 36 44 37 26 34 10 43.2 University 64= 34 Ecole Polytech Switzerland 28 13 70 66 47 11 43.2 F辿d辿rale de Lausanne 66 54 Boston US 35 38 9 21 47 10 42.9 University 67 70 Eindhoven Netherlands 19 18 21 11 92 3 42.1 University of Technology 68 84 Indian Institutes India 31 46 0 10 60 2 41.6 of Management 69 58 Amsterdam Netherlands 42 20 30 10 28 15 41.3 University 70= 103 School of UK 23 9 48 74 64 0 40.4 Oriental and African Studies 70= 105 Osaka Japan 39 0 4 9 45 17 40.4 University
  • 5. 72 92 Ecole Normale France 21 18 15 19 50 34 40.1 Sup辿rieure, Lyon 73 77 Warwick UK 39 40 38 41 22 4 40.0 University 74 95 National Mexico 29 36 3 1 65 0 39.8 Autonomous Univ of Mexico 75 127 Basel Switzerland 21 0 76 28 63 10 39.7 University 76 88 Catholic Belgium 37 25 29 25 29 11 39.4 University of Louvain (French) 77 58 University of US 39 31 10 16 32 9 39.3 Illinois 78 111 Trinity College Ireland 37 34 58 29 17 9 39.1 Dublin 79= 186 Otago New 26 17 94 20 45 3 38.5 University Zealand 79= 73 University of US 39 11 0 14 35 16 38.5 Wisconsin 81 101 Glasgow UK 35 33 17 16 35 9 38.4 University 82= 67 Macquarie Australia 32 40 100 51 10 5 38.3 University 82= 105 Technical Germany 30 26 22 30 42 10 38.3 University Munich 84 88 Washington US 31 23 13 10 38 20 38.2 University 85 97 Nottingham UK 34 37 34 29 28 6 38.1 University 86 53 Delft University Netherlands 34 13 52 18 37 7 38.0 of Technology 87 65 Vienna Austria 43 22 23 26 10 15 37.8 University 88 193 Pittsburgh US 22 19 20 10 62 11 37.6 University 89 133 Lausanne Switzerland 20 21 54 33 53 9 37.3 University 90= 143 Birmingham UK 34 27 34 29 28 9 37.2 University
  • 6. 90= 138 Leiden Netherlands 33 21 33 11 20 26 37.2 University 92 57 Erasmus Netherlands 22 49 24 31 11 38 37.1 University Rotterdam 93= 79 Lomonosov Russia 42 28 1 7 30 3 37.0 Moscow State University 93= 88 Pierre and France 31 0 29 35 49 6 37.0 Marie Curie University 95 120 Utrecht Netherlands 37 12 24 9 25 18 36.7 University 96 95 Catholic Belgium 37 35 11 20 18 13 36.6 University of Leuven (Flemish) 97 108 Wageningen Netherlands 16 9 16 45 61 17 36.5 University 98 55 Munich Germany 35 23 19 21 29 9 36.4 University 99= 112 Queen Mary, UK 26 9 44 40 47 4 36.3 University of London 99= 64 Pennsylvania US 33 43 7 8 31 6 36.3 State University 101 124 University of US 27 28 7 28 45 9 36.2 Southern California 102= 159 Georgetown US 19 65 6 17 41 11 36.1 University 102= 150 Rice University US 20 31 12 23 50 15 36.1 102= 143 Sheffield UK 31 22 32 28 33 8 36.1 University 105= 80 University of Australia 38 0 47 44 14 14 35.9 Adelaide 105= 112 Humboldt Germany 32 15 18 18 43 5 35.9 University Berlin 105= 100 Sussex UK 27 18 42 27 41 6 35.9 University 108 114 National Taiwan Taiwan 40 0 1 0 43 4 35.8 University
  • 7. 109= 136 St Andrews UK 26 20 40 53 33 9 35.7 University 109= 85 Zurich Switzerland 26 0 69 23 41 11 35.7 University 111= 133 Maryland US 27 33 16 15 35 14 35.6 University 111= 180 Uppsala Sweden 36 0 17 8 41 9 35.6 University 111= 199 Wake Forest US 10 32 2 6 80 10 35.6 University 111= 80 University of Australia 34 11 61 28 19 13 35.6 Western Australia 115 217 University of Netherlands 23 15 29 16 59 3 35.5 Twente 116= 72 Fudan China 39 47 11 8 18 2 35.4 University 116= 62 Helsinki Finland 38 20 7 5 16 20 35.4 University 118 99 Tokyo Institute Japan 29 18 3 14 39 16 35.3 of Technology 119 77 Hebrew Israel 41 0 14 5 22 16 35.2 University of Jerusalem 120 215 Keio University Japan 28 25 18 4 48 2 35.1 121 103 Leeds UK 32 33 28 25 25 7 35.0 University 122 180 Lund University Sweden 35 0 26 9 36 10 34.8 123 143 University of US 23 38 7 8 36 19 34.6 North Carolina 124= 68 University of US 32 28 1 10 20 23 34.5 Massachusetts Amherst 124= 109 York University UK 28 22 31 30 33 8 34.5 126 138 Aarhus Denmark 30 15 38 13 33 9 34.4 University 127 61 Purdue US 32 42 20 15 21 6 34.2 University 128= 222 Kyushu Japan 21 17 8 8 59 7 34.1 University
  • 8. 128= 129 Nagoya Japan 29 11 4 9 41 13 34.1 University 130= 164 Tufts University US 17 31 12 17 42 22 33.9 130= 105 Virginia US 20 57 6 11 34 14 33.9 University 132 83 Durham UK 25 41 43 25 23 10 33.8 University 133= 149 University of Canada 32 11 40 21 17 18 33.6 Alberta 133= 259 Brussels Free Belgium 16 15 21 17 72 33.6 University (Flemish) 133= 157 Hokkaido Japan 29 0 8 6 52 8 33.6 University 133= 168 Newcastle UK 25 24 33 32 36 7 33.6 upon Tyne University 137 177 Nijmegen Netherlands 21 9 33 10 55 7 33.5 University 138 86 Vienna Austria 29 17 27 34 36 3 33.3 Technical University 139 119 Liverpool UK 26 26 32 21 32 8 33.2 University 140 234 Cranfield UK 14 26 31 62 52 2 33.0 University 141= 159 University of US 31 11 7 8 22 24 32.9 California, Santa Barbara 141= 228 Cardiff UK 29 13 27 23 36 4 32.9 University 141= 219 Ghent Belgium 29 9 20 10 43 4 32.9 University 141= 206 Southampton UK 26 16 38 25 34 7 32.9 University 145 147 Georgia US 30 36 2 27 19 13 32.8 Institute of Technology 146 82 RMIT University Australia 34 26 31 65 9 1 32.5 147= 166 Chalmers Sweden 27 9 17 8 46 5 32.4 University of Technology
  • 9. 147= 188 Tel Aviv Israel 35 22 0 3 13 21 32.4 University 148 172 Free University Germany 37 0 27 17 25 6 32.3 Berlin 150= 184 Korea South 25 8 5 19 55 1 32.2 University Korea 150= 125 Texas A&M US 30 39 12 13 16 13 32.2 University 152 179 Notre Dame US 19 51 17 14 35 9 32.0 University 153 130 Bath University UK 21 36 34 35 32 5 31.8 154 178 City University Hong Kong 28 11 75 14 25 5 31.7 of Hong Kong 155 184 McMaster Canada 29 24 9 13 18 19 31.6 University 156= 101 Curtin Australia 28 18 71 70 12 31.5 University of Technology 156= 114 G旦ttingen Germany 32 0 17 17 31 8 31.5 University 158= 194 Technion Israel 31 17 6 6 23 16 31.4 Israel Inst of Technology 158= 240 University of Germany 12 0 22 16 70 9 31.4 Ulm 158= 202 Waseda Japan 27 24 11 6 42 1 31.4 University 161= 121 Chulalongkorn Thailand 33 18 9 1 33 0 31.2 University 161= 131 University Louis France 25 15 22 34 28 12 31.2 Pasteur Strasbourg 163 121 Michigan State US 28 39 10 12 21 9 31.1 University 164 219 Saint Russia 26 18 1 9 47 1 30.7 Petersburg State University 165= 76 Brussels Free Belgium 30 19 15 39 13 12 30.5 University (French) 165= 93 China China 36 14 3 0 24 5 30.5 University of
  • 10. Sci & Technol 165= 175 State Univ of US 26 16 6 15 30 14 30.5 New York, Stony Brook 168= 199 George US 24 46 3 13 30 5 30.4 Washington University 168= 136 Tohoku Japan 26 0 8 7 31 21 30.4 University 170= 206 University of US 30 0 2 8 30 17 30.3 California, Davis 170= 260 University of Germany 21 21 21 19 37 9 30.3 Tubingen 172= 172 Aachen RWT Germany 23 37 24 24 28 4 30.2 172= 157 Maastricht Netherlands 18 28 34 46 24 13 30.2 University 172= 196 Royal Institute Sweden 24 11 17 12 43 4 30.2 of Technology 172= 254 Yeshiva US 7 0 9 6 70 20 30.2 University 176 261 Queens Canada 21 36 38 8 28 7 30.0 University 177 138 Oslo University Norway 30 0 17 9 34 5 29.9 178 228 University of Switzerland 17 9 1 16 54 9 29.8 Bern 179 169 Shanghai Jiao China 31 37 13 5 19 1 29.7 Tong University 180 150 Nanjing China 35 20 24 2 16 3 29.6 University 181= 172 Kobe University Japan 25 17 8 7 38 5 29.4 181= 132 Universit辿 de Canada 25 25 48 11 13 14 29.4 Montr辿al 183= 192 Jawaharlal India 32 14 2 6 27 4 29.3 Nehru University 183= 186 Free University Netherlands 25 9 19 8 36 8 29.3 of Amsterdam 185 289 University of Malaysia 32 22 9 6 25 0 29.2 Kebangsaan
  • 11. Malaysia 186 165 Innsbruck Austria 23 0 30 48 32 6 29.1 University 187= 213 Brandeis US 19 23 7 23 34 13 29.0 University 187= 142 Frankfurt Germany 30 17 22 17 19 7 29.0 University 187= 150 University of US 26 20 8 10 20 16 29.0 Minnesota 190= 240 University of Spain 31 16 2 11 26 4 28.9 Barcelona 190= 248 Reading UK 21 19 32 25 30 6 28.9 University 192= 169 Malaya Malaysia 33 14 10 7 24 1 28.6 University 192= 118 Queensland Australia 33 8 51 19 13 2 28.6 University of Technology 194 154 Technical Denmark 25 0 19 19 25 17 28.5 University of Denmark 195 267 Aberdeen UK 20 9 37 25 33 7 28.3 University 196 308 University of Australia 23 8 69 64 15 3 28.2 Wollongong 197 125 La Sapienza Italy 37 15 2 6 11 5 28.1 University, Rome 198= 254 University of US 24 16 2 10 19 21 28.0 California, Irvine 198= 143 Korea South 24 11 14 6 29 12 28.0 Advanced Inst Korea Science & Technol 200 305 University of France 32 29 6 29 13 0 27.9 Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) 息 Karan chanan india. Data compiled for The Times Higher by karan
  • 12. chanana and Karan Chanana, published October 04 2012.