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12 Kirkconnel St
Mackay QLD 4740
0423 669 169
Karen Langtree
Feb 2012  Current Community Solutions Mackay, QLD
Regional Operations Co-ordinator
 Implement and Support Workplace Health and Safety Systems
 Ensure processes and policies are established and maintained
 Develop, lead and support high quality and compliant site
administration team
 Monitor and control all assets and ensure appropriate security and
 Staffing requirements
 Staff travel and accommodation
 Training requirements
 Site/ Region ordering
 Front Reception
 Office Maintenance
 Building Maintenance
 Manage Disability Program
 Manage Your Life Your Choice Program
 Staff Rostering
 On Call
 Meet Audit requirements (HSQF)
2004- Nov 2011 MADEC Mackay, QLD
Disability Services Manager
 Recruitment, selection, induction and appraisal of Disability Services
 Effectively lead and manage a team to facilitate the establishment and
development of a diverse range of youth services in the region
 Manage and facilitate adherence to Human Resources (HR) requirements of
Project Management
 Professional development and motivation of self and Disability Support
 Manage, monitor, review and report on disability services projects schedule
and budget.
 Manage departmental cost centre using best practice principles in
accordance with MADECs organisational processes
 Report to CEO on a regular basis.
 Timely advice to CEO re implications of organisational processes, responses,
OHS and HR issues.
 In consultation with CEO and Service Area Managers, access opportunities
for growth and development according to the Strategic & Business Plans
 Report to CEO on a regular basis.
 Timely advice to CEO re implications of organisational processes, responses,
OHS and HR issues.
 Manage Disability Service Area Human Resources including staff rosters
 Facilitate adherence to Human Resources (HR) requirements of Disability
Service Area
 Professional development and motivation of self and Disability Services staff
 Manage departmental cost centre using best practice principles
 Contribute to management of MADEC using the Strategic & Business Plans
 Liaise with Disability Services Manager and Senior Disability Services
Workers regarding operational management of time sheets, rosters
 Identify , define, anticipate, develop and implement Program and Project
products and services to meet client needs
 Participate in negotiations with funding committees and government
departments to develop processes that ensure the delivery of quality human
 Ensure provision of timely and accurate reports and documentation on
project budgets, key performance indicators and human resources to CEO,
steering committees, funding bodies and other relevant stakeholders as
 Manage, facilitate and supervise :Disability Services programs, projects,
products and services on-going compliance with all relevant best practice,
Local, State and Commonwealth government legislation and contractual
 Promotion of MADEC Disability Services programs, projects and capacities
 Identify marketing needs and advise on Project Management new products
and services
 Liaise with Business Development Manager regarding Project Services
programs, products and services
 Ensure client and organisation satisfaction through continuous improvement
 Develop personalised plans (Individual Lifestyle Plans  ILP) in conjunction
with service user and relevant stakeholders
 Implement, monitor and coordinate support teams support service delivery to
the service user in accordance with the service users ILP
 Manage the provision of support service delivery to support users (clients) of
Disability Services
 Liaise with clients, government agencies and other stakeholders, including
Disability Services Queensland, Mackay Advocacy and other service
 Develop and maintain networks and input with disability sector committees
and government departments.
 Access opportunities for growth and development according to the Strategic
& Business Plans
 Identify , define, anticipate, develop and implement Disability Services
products and services to meet client needs and wants
 Develop and initiate programs and projects that contribute to the growth and
development of MADEC Disability Services
 Creation of tenders, including identifying opportunities, needs analysis,
budget and submission writing
 Promotion of MADEC Disability Services programs and capacities
 Identify marketing needs and advise on Disability Services new products and
 Liaise with Marketing Coordinator regarding Disability Services products and
 Evaluate the effectiveness of Disability Services using a variety of methods
including surveys and complaint management processes, and plan future
products and services with this evaluation in mind
 Implement improvement of Disability Services, processes, procedures and
structures to enhance and develop operations and organisation
 Ensuring provision of timely and accurate reports and documentation on
budgets, key performance indicators, HR, etc to CEO, steering committees,
funding bodies and other relevant stakeholders as required
 Meet the needs of and adhere to relevant legislation including, but not limited
o Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
o Queensland Disability Service Act 1992;
o Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991;
o Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995;
o Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988;
o Privacy Principles (Privacy Amendment [Private Sector]) Act 2000;
o Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982; and
o Commonwealth Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993
 Develop, maintain, monitor and adhere to Disability Services Quality
Management system that meets the needs of the Disability Sector Quality
System and the Queensland Disability Service Standards.
 Continuous improvement to Quality Management
 Ensure staff are aware of and adhere to Policies and Procedures
 Contribute to Quality Management audits of other service areas as scheduled
and monitor compliance of Disability Services
 Maintain business confidentiality
 Protect company image in accordance with policy and procedures
 Maintain an equitable service to all clientele
 Authorise Access Card registration forms and eligibility requirements
 Other duties as directed
Training Programs involved in:
2005  2006 CEAP CJP Aged Care and Disability support workers
Delivered Certificate I in Work Readiness
2004-Current Senior First Aid Disability Support Staff
2002 & 2004 Youth Access Program
2004 Cert 111 Business Admin (Medical Terminology)
 Sound knowledge of the disability field
 Sound knowledge of the Disability Services Act 1992, Queensland Disability
Services Standards and other relevant legislation.
 Sound knowledge of the community services sector and not-for-profit
 Ability to develop and monitor service users personalised plans (Individual
Lifestyle Plans  ILP) in accordance with Queensland Disability Services
 Ability to liaise with local Disability Service Providers, Services and other
relevant stakeholders for networking purposes
 Understanding of Quality Management Systems and audit processes
 Sound computer skills - Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, Access,
 Report and submission writing skills
 Ability to read, understand, interpret and meet contractual requirements
 Ability to tailor flexible services to meet client needs
 Excellent communication skills
 Advanced interpersonal skills particularly in relation to confidentiality and
 Ability to set, meet and prioritise deadlines
 Ability to research available products, projects and opportunities and map to
MADEC requirements and business evolution
 Ability to liaise with a diverse range of clientele
 Ability to set, meet and prioritise deadlines
 Advanced interpersonal skills particularly in relation to confidentiality and
 Ability to research available products, projects and opportunities and map to
MADEC requirements and business evolution
 Ability to liaise with a diverse range of clientele

Qualifications Current Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian
Working with Children Check Suitability Card (Blue Card) 586866/4
Expires 25/10/17
Yellow Card Exemption Card 2014-15260-1 Expires 25/10/17
 Criminal History Screening
 Senior First Aid Trainer/Assessor
 Cert 111 Community Services (Disability Work)
 Diploma Business Admin
 Cert 1V Assessment & Workplace Training
 Positive Behaviour Plan (Centre of Excellence)
 Enrolled Nurse
 PAS-ADD checklist
 SAI Global Internal Auditing 3 day Course
 Work health Safety Officer (Core)
 13 Units Completed in Diploma of Community Services Coordination
(2 Units to completed )
 Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management to be
completed 2012
 Diploma in Management completed 3/4/2013
 2010 Senior First Aid
 Fire Safety Advisory
 Legal and Ethical Framework
 Family Planning (Disability Sexuality)
 Leadership Management
 Centre of Excellence (Positive Behaviour)
 Internal Auditing (SAI Global)
 2006- People Management
 2006- Responding to Challenging Behaviours
 2006 Behaviour management minimalism workshop
 2005- Responding to Suicide
 2005- Submission Writing
 2005 Successful supervision
 Statement of Attendance Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills
 2003 Cross Cultural training
 How to manage workplace conflict
 Performance Management
 Safety Leadership
 Introduction to Fair Work
 How to develop business plans and budget
 Implement Continuous Improvement
 Problem Solving
 Recruitment and Selection
 Bullying Prevention
 Sexual Harassment Prevention
Referee: Graham Jeffrey M 0427 775 944
Martyn Baldwin M 0439 034 125
Natasha Read M 0412 666 389
 Implement Continuous Improvement
 Problem Solving
 Recruitment and Selection
 Bullying Prevention
 Sexual Harassment Prevention
Referee: Graham Jeffrey M 0427 775 944
Martyn Baldwin M 0439 034 125
Natasha Read M 0412 666 389

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  • 1. 12 Kirkconnel St Mackay QLD 4740 0423 669 169 Karen Langtree Experience Feb 2012 Current Community Solutions Mackay, QLD Regional Operations Co-ordinator Responsibilities: Fleet Implement and Support Workplace Health and Safety Systems Ensure processes and policies are established and maintained Develop, lead and support high quality and compliant site administration team ICT Monitor and control all assets and ensure appropriate security and compliance Staffing requirements Staff travel and accommodation Training requirements Site/ Region ordering Front Reception Office Maintenance Building Maintenance Marketing Manage Disability Program Manage Your Life Your Choice Program Staff Rostering On Call Meet Audit requirements (HSQF) 2004- Nov 2011 MADEC Mackay, QLD Disability Services Manager Responsibilities: Recruitment, selection, induction and appraisal of Disability Services personnel Effectively lead and manage a team to facilitate the establishment and development of a diverse range of youth services in the region Manage and facilitate adherence to Human Resources (HR) requirements of Project Management Professional development and motivation of self and Disability Support Workers Manage, monitor, review and report on disability services projects schedule and budget.
  • 2. Manage departmental cost centre using best practice principles in accordance with MADECs organisational processes Report to CEO on a regular basis. Timely advice to CEO re implications of organisational processes, responses, OHS and HR issues. In consultation with CEO and Service Area Managers, access opportunities for growth and development according to the Strategic & Business Plans Report to CEO on a regular basis. Timely advice to CEO re implications of organisational processes, responses, OHS and HR issues. Manage Disability Service Area Human Resources including staff rosters Facilitate adherence to Human Resources (HR) requirements of Disability Service Area Professional development and motivation of self and Disability Services staff Manage departmental cost centre using best practice principles Contribute to management of MADEC using the Strategic & Business Plans Liaise with Disability Services Manager and Senior Disability Services Workers regarding operational management of time sheets, rosters Identify , define, anticipate, develop and implement Program and Project products and services to meet client needs Participate in negotiations with funding committees and government departments to develop processes that ensure the delivery of quality human services. Ensure provision of timely and accurate reports and documentation on project budgets, key performance indicators and human resources to CEO, steering committees, funding bodies and other relevant stakeholders as required Manage, facilitate and supervise :Disability Services programs, projects, products and services on-going compliance with all relevant best practice, Local, State and Commonwealth government legislation and contractual requirements Promotion of MADEC Disability Services programs, projects and capacities Identify marketing needs and advise on Project Management new products and services Liaise with Business Development Manager regarding Project Services programs, products and services Ensure client and organisation satisfaction through continuous improvement measures Develop personalised plans (Individual Lifestyle Plans ILP) in conjunction with service user and relevant stakeholders Implement, monitor and coordinate support teams support service delivery to the service user in accordance with the service users ILP Manage the provision of support service delivery to support users (clients) of Disability Services Liaise with clients, government agencies and other stakeholders, including Disability Services Queensland, Mackay Advocacy and other service
  • 3. providers Develop and maintain networks and input with disability sector committees and government departments. Access opportunities for growth and development according to the Strategic & Business Plans Identify , define, anticipate, develop and implement Disability Services products and services to meet client needs and wants Develop and initiate programs and projects that contribute to the growth and development of MADEC Disability Services Creation of tenders, including identifying opportunities, needs analysis, budget and submission writing Promotion of MADEC Disability Services programs and capacities Identify marketing needs and advise on Disability Services new products and services Liaise with Marketing Coordinator regarding Disability Services products and services Evaluate the effectiveness of Disability Services using a variety of methods including surveys and complaint management processes, and plan future products and services with this evaluation in mind Implement improvement of Disability Services, processes, procedures and structures to enhance and develop operations and organisation Ensuring provision of timely and accurate reports and documentation on budgets, key performance indicators, HR, etc to CEO, steering committees, funding bodies and other relevant stakeholders as required Meet the needs of and adhere to relevant legislation including, but not limited to: o Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992; o Queensland Disability Service Act 1992; o Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991; o Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995; o Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988; o Privacy Principles (Privacy Amendment [Private Sector]) Act 2000; o Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982; and o Commonwealth Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993 Develop, maintain, monitor and adhere to Disability Services Quality Management system that meets the needs of the Disability Sector Quality System and the Queensland Disability Service Standards. Continuous improvement to Quality Management Ensure staff are aware of and adhere to Policies and Procedures Contribute to Quality Management audits of other service areas as scheduled and monitor compliance of Disability Services Maintain business confidentiality Protect company image in accordance with policy and procedures Maintain an equitable service to all clientele Authorise Access Card registration forms and eligibility requirements Other duties as directed
  • 4. Training Programs involved in: 2005-current 2005 2006 CEAP CJP Aged Care and Disability support workers Delivered Certificate I in Work Readiness 2004-Current Senior First Aid Disability Support Staff 2002 & 2004 Youth Access Program 2004 Cert 111 Business Admin (Medical Terminology) Responsibilities: Sound knowledge of the disability field Sound knowledge of the Disability Services Act 1992, Queensland Disability Services Standards and other relevant legislation. Sound knowledge of the community services sector and not-for-profit organisations Ability to develop and monitor service users personalised plans (Individual Lifestyle Plans ILP) in accordance with Queensland Disability Services Standards Ability to liaise with local Disability Service Providers, Services and other relevant stakeholders for networking purposes Understanding of Quality Management Systems and audit processes Sound computer skills - Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook Report and submission writing skills Ability to read, understand, interpret and meet contractual requirements Ability to tailor flexible services to meet client needs Excellent communication skills Advanced interpersonal skills particularly in relation to confidentiality and diplomacy Ability to set, meet and prioritise deadlines Ability to research available products, projects and opportunities and map to MADEC requirements and business evolution Ability to liaise with a diverse range of clientele Ability to set, meet and prioritise deadlines Advanced interpersonal skills particularly in relation to confidentiality and diplomacy Ability to research available products, projects and opportunities and map to MADEC requirements and business evolution Ability to liaise with a diverse range of clientele Qualifications Current Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Working with Children Check Suitability Card (Blue Card) 586866/4 Expires 25/10/17
  • 5. Yellow Card Exemption Card 2014-15260-1 Expires 25/10/17 Criminal History Screening Senior First Aid Trainer/Assessor Cert 111 Community Services (Disability Work) Diploma Business Admin Cert 1V Assessment & Workplace Training Positive Behaviour Plan (Centre of Excellence) Enrolled Nurse PAS-ADD checklist SAI Global Internal Auditing 3 day Course Work health Safety Officer (Core) 13 Units Completed in Diploma of Community Services Coordination (2 Units to completed ) Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management to be completed 2012 Diploma in Management completed 3/4/2013 Workshops 2010 Senior First Aid Fire Safety Advisory Legal and Ethical Framework Family Planning (Disability Sexuality) Leadership Management Centre of Excellence (Positive Behaviour) Internal Auditing (SAI Global) 2006- People Management 2006- Responding to Challenging Behaviours 2006 Behaviour management minimalism workshop 2005- Responding to Suicide 2005- Submission Writing 2005 Successful supervision Statement of Attendance Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills 2003 Cross Cultural training 2013 How to manage workplace conflict Performance Management Safety Leadership Introduction to Fair Work How to develop business plans and budget
  • 6. Implement Continuous Improvement Problem Solving Recruitment and Selection Bullying Prevention Privacy Sexual Harassment Prevention Referee: Graham Jeffrey M 0427 775 944 Martyn Baldwin M 0439 034 125 Natasha Read M 0412 666 389
  • 7. Implement Continuous Improvement Problem Solving Recruitment and Selection Bullying Prevention Privacy Sexual Harassment Prevention Referee: Graham Jeffrey M 0427 775 944 Martyn Baldwin M 0439 034 125 Natasha Read M 0412 666 389