This document discusses demonstrative adjectives in English and Spanish. It explains that in English there are four demonstrative adjectives: this/these and that/those. In Spanish, demonstrative adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. It provides examples of the Spanish translations of the demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, and those followed by singular and plural nouns.
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3. ?Demonstrative adjectives: describes a noun
[animals, person, place, object, etc]
?In English there are 4 demonstrative
THIS/THAT + singular noun
this women/ that restaurant
THESE/THOSE + plural noun
these present/ those ideas
4. In spanish <Demonstrative adjective> agree
in gender a number with the noun they
THIS : express nearness of the object spoken
This house esta casa
This dog este perro
This girl esta ni?a
5. THAT: express the remoteness of the object
That house esa o aquella casa
That book ese o aquel libro
That calculator esa o aquella calculadora
That dog ese o aquel perro
6. THOSE: plural express the remoteness of
the object Spoken.
Those houses esas o aquellas casas
Those dogs esos o aquellos perros
Those books esos o aquellos libros
Those calculators esas o aquellas calculadoras
Those girls esas o aquellas ni?as
7. THESE: Plural express nearness of the
object spoken
These houses estas casas
These dogs estos perros
These books estos libros
These calculators estas calculadoras
These girls estas ni?as