1. The document summarizes Kashi's club selection results and journey at IIMB, from initially wanting to become DML to partying frequently and experiencing a decreasing growth in his DML prospects.
2. It shows Kashi's life before and after participating in the Strategy& program through graphical representations, and also discusses his international exchange experience where he secured two MBAs in two years.
3. The conclusion asks the rhetorical question of how Radha could not be jealous and recommends that Radha and others come to a party that night to celebrate with Kashi.
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Katwa Club President
Probable DML to Katwa DML: Strategy& Insights
Life Pre Strategy&
Life Post Strategy&
Conclusions and Recommendations
Agenda of todays Presentation
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Katwa Club President: An analysis
One week of Club Selections with a steady exposure toPGP2 Engagement and Internal Asset
Yes! Ive got 3 noses,
you got a problem
with that??
CulCom : cultural mismatch
EnI : No luck
FII : Na ho Payega
Other clubs : apply nai kiye
Final results : Katwa Club PRESI!
Kashis Club selection application results
The Angry Young Man
Analyzed Pros and Cons and
decided to form the Warroom
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Probable DML to Katwa DML: Strategy& Insights
The cyclical process that lead to the decreasing growth of Kashis DML to FML
Exhibit 1:When Kashi came
to IIMB.
Kashi: I will become a DML!
Exhibit 2: When Kashi is
Exhibit 3: More Partying
6. Kashi during Exchange
Secured 2 MBA Degree(s) (2/400+), in 2 Years, 14-16
I am so much in demand, you see!
7. Conclusion and Recommendation(1/2)
All the below graphical resents leading to the important question: Radha Kaisa Na jale?
Radha Kaise Na Jale!!?? Right
Radha??? I am sure you are
checking this PPT!!
Recommendation: Please Come to H
Top Tonight at 11:59:59 to Hoosh
Kashi! Radha you too! Please. :P