#2: York Minster Revealed 贈20 million project 贈10.5 million HLF grant YMR Aims Improve the welcome Develop new resources Conserve the heritage Learning Aims Programmes of formal and informal learning aimed at the local community and visitors to the city. Explore new ways of engaging with audiences through events, exhibitions and displays. Offer opportunities to develop skills within the heritage sector. Diversify volunteering at the Minster. Improve the knowledge and skills of our workforce. Widen the audience of young people and families, especially those from under represented backgrounds. Develop further the relationship with the University of York and York St John University.
#3: Why is it exciting? Conservation and restoration of the stone and glass of the East End A chance to fundamentally change the learning offer and visitor experience in the Minster Look at the visitor experience as a whole to create joined up experiences and ways to engage even further Community engagement to offer experiences to visitors of different faiths, cultures, abilities and socio-economic backgrounds What are you stuck on? Income generation vs audience development Finding a niche for informal learning activities
#4: What are you looking for? Networks Partnerships Shared learning