3. Southern Health has a longstanding
vision to transform care for older
people in Hampshire
Population of 1.3 million
people, of which 230,000 are
over 65 and 35,000 over 85.
Healthy and wealthy but some
pockets of deprivation
Estimated 100,000 older
people admitted to hospital as
emergency every year
150,000 people with both long
term conditions and mental
health needs
Southern Health
Providing community, mental
health and social care services to
this population
Real opportunity for us to
redesign how care is delivered
to meet the physical health,
mental health and social care
needs of older people
4. Southern Health has a longstanding
vision to transform care for older
people in Hampshire
5. We began by creating a focus on
supporting frail elderly people in
the community
District Nursing
Twilight Team
Support Team
Therapy Team
Single CommunityCare
Team (CCT) based around
general practice, serving a
populationof approx
30,000 people
3 sub-teams serving
populations of 10,000
6. Joining up physical and mental
healthcare, and social care for older
people tailored to local needs
Community Care
Older Peoples
Mental Health
Social Care
Services (ours and
LA services)
Single Integrated
Teams based around
groups of General
7. Now working with local GPs to create
single integrated primary and
community care teams structured
around groups of GP practices
Southern Health
Integrated Teams
General Practice
Acute Care Teams
Single teams of
primary and
community care staff
operating as one and
based around groups
of General Practices
8. Engaging third sector and wider
community groups in designing care
that meets the holistic needs of
Southern Health
Integrated Teams
General Practice
Acute Care Teams
communities fully
engaged in supporting
people in later life
Third sector and
community groups
9. We have placed significant emphasis on
developing our people
10. Observations and reflections
We believe there is an opportunity to fundamentally change
the way health and social care services are delivered for our
and that this will lead to better experience of care, better
outcomes including greater independence and that overall
this will deliver better value for taxpayers
Delivering our vision, rather than ensuring a successful future
for our organisation has been our driving principle
Investing in and developing our people and our culture is the
most important enabler to realise this vision