This document provides an overview of the course content and assignments for EDU 645. The major assignments include developing learning outcomes, creating assessments aligned to those outcomes, analyzing assessments for validity and reliability, and designing a final assessment plan with a rubric. Key topics covered are standardized testing, response to intervention, classroom measurement, and using data to improve instruction. The goal is to help students learn to design effective assessments that support learning.
Here are the answers to your women's history trivia questions:
1. Mary McLeod Bethune. She founded Bethune-Cookman College, established the National Council of Negro Women, and served as an advisor on minority affairs to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
2. Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat to a White man in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, sparking the civil rights movement of the following decade.
3. Sally Ride. She was the first American woman in space, participating in two Space Shuttle missions in 1983 and 1984.
4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, serving since 1993.
Microbial Diversity: Tapping the Untappedsachhatre
The document summarizes research on exploring microbial diversity to identify novel microbial functions. It describes enrichment and isolation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from oil sludge to create a bacterial consortium for bioremediating oil spills. Molecular tools were used to characterize the isolates and determine their catabolic pathways. The consortium showed improved degradation of crude oil and model petroleum compounds compared to individual isolates.
This document summarizes a thesis on exploring alternative approaches to preventive maintenance of medical equipment. It discusses how medical equipment has evolved from mechanical to electronic to interconnected systems. Fixed interval preventive maintenance required by protocols may not improve reliability or safety for many devices. The thesis aims to determine if different protocols tailored to a hospital's needs could better support patient care while optimizing resources. It presents a case study comparing Spanish and French protocols for two anaesthetic machines. The thesis will propose operational and systematic alternatives to original equipment manufacturer protocols and consider their technical, legislative and organizational impacts.
1) King David was a great leader of Israel, but in his old age he knew his son Solomon was the one God had chosen to be the new king.
2) Solomon wisely proved himself as king by solving a dispute between two women over a baby.
3) Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem to honor God, and God blessed Solomon and Israel when they obeyed him. However, Solomon disobeyed God by taking foreign wives.
4) The kingdom divided when Solomon died, as God had predicted through a prophet, with ten tribes following Jeroboam away from Solomon's son Rehoboam.
Herod the king was troubled when he heard that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem, as the chief priests and scribes told him this is where the prophet said the ruler of Israel would be born. Herod secretly met with the wise men and asked them where the star appeared that indicated the birth, then sent them to Bethlehem to search for the child so he could also worship him. The star led the wise men to Jesus, and they worshipped and gave him gifts. An angel warned the wise men in a dream not to return to Herod, so they left for their country by another route. An angel also warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Mary to escape Herod, who wanted to
This document provides an introduction to the first section of the book, which focuses on the doctrine of justification by faith. The introduction explains that justification by faith is the central doctrine of Christianity and the "hinge" on which evangelism of children turns. It emphasizes the importance of children's workers having a thorough understanding of this doctrine so they can apply it consistently in their own lives and ministries. The section will examine justification by faith through a series of chapters covering topics like the meaning of justification, the righteousness of God, the source of justification, and teaching justification to children.
This document outlines different levels of involvement in an organization, from local to global, and encourages participants to work together humbly and selflessly with the mindset of Jesus Christ, prioritizing the interests of others above their own.
The document discusses training local leaders to disciple children around the world. It proposes training one children's leader for every 50 children, in order to reach the 1.4 billion children who do not know Christ. The dream is to reach and disciple every child by training local people well through strategic partnerships between churches and organizations. Commitment is needed from all to support one another until the task is complete.
This document provides an introduction to a book about discovering God's plan for children from Scripture. It outlines three basic facts: 1) The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God. 2) Every child is created by God. 3) The Gospel is the essential message children need to know. The book is divided into six sections exploring what the Bible teaches about children through key passages, examples in the Bible, answering questions, and examining a biblical basis for ministry to children. The goal is to establish a firm biblical foundation for reaching children with the Gospel based solely on what Scripture says.
1) Eliseo, like Elijah before him, was a prophet of God in Israel who performed many miracles. When some young men mocked Eliseo, God sent two bears that mauled 42 of the young men.
2) A widow who was in debt was helped when Eliseo told her to gather empty jars, and her small amount of oil filled all the jars, solving her financial troubles.
3) A military commander named Naaman had leprosy but was healed when, at Eliseo's direction, he washed seven times in the Jordan River, showing God's power through His prophets.
Ezekiel had a vision from God where he saw glorious beings and a throne. God called Ezekiel to speak His words to the rebellious people of Israel. Ezekiel obeyed and warned the people, doing strange things like lying on his side for months to represent Israel's sins. Ezekiel had another vision of the temple, seeing idols there. His visions showed that Jerusalem would be destroyed, which came to pass. God then gave Ezekiel a vision of dry bones coming to life, representing Israel's restoration.
Here are the answers to your women's history trivia questions:
1. Mary McLeod Bethune. She founded Bethune-Cookman College, established the National Council of Negro Women, and served as an advisor on minority affairs to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
2. Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat to a White man in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, sparking the civil rights movement of the following decade.
3. Sally Ride. She was the first American woman in space, participating in two Space Shuttle missions in 1983 and 1984.
4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, serving since 1993.
Microbial Diversity: Tapping the Untappedsachhatre
The document summarizes research on exploring microbial diversity to identify novel microbial functions. It describes enrichment and isolation of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from oil sludge to create a bacterial consortium for bioremediating oil spills. Molecular tools were used to characterize the isolates and determine their catabolic pathways. The consortium showed improved degradation of crude oil and model petroleum compounds compared to individual isolates.
This document summarizes a thesis on exploring alternative approaches to preventive maintenance of medical equipment. It discusses how medical equipment has evolved from mechanical to electronic to interconnected systems. Fixed interval preventive maintenance required by protocols may not improve reliability or safety for many devices. The thesis aims to determine if different protocols tailored to a hospital's needs could better support patient care while optimizing resources. It presents a case study comparing Spanish and French protocols for two anaesthetic machines. The thesis will propose operational and systematic alternatives to original equipment manufacturer protocols and consider their technical, legislative and organizational impacts.
1) King David was a great leader of Israel, but in his old age he knew his son Solomon was the one God had chosen to be the new king.
2) Solomon wisely proved himself as king by solving a dispute between two women over a baby.
3) Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem to honor God, and God blessed Solomon and Israel when they obeyed him. However, Solomon disobeyed God by taking foreign wives.
4) The kingdom divided when Solomon died, as God had predicted through a prophet, with ten tribes following Jeroboam away from Solomon's son Rehoboam.
Herod the king was troubled when he heard that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem, as the chief priests and scribes told him this is where the prophet said the ruler of Israel would be born. Herod secretly met with the wise men and asked them where the star appeared that indicated the birth, then sent them to Bethlehem to search for the child so he could also worship him. The star led the wise men to Jesus, and they worshipped and gave him gifts. An angel warned the wise men in a dream not to return to Herod, so they left for their country by another route. An angel also warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Mary to escape Herod, who wanted to
This document provides an introduction to the first section of the book, which focuses on the doctrine of justification by faith. The introduction explains that justification by faith is the central doctrine of Christianity and the "hinge" on which evangelism of children turns. It emphasizes the importance of children's workers having a thorough understanding of this doctrine so they can apply it consistently in their own lives and ministries. The section will examine justification by faith through a series of chapters covering topics like the meaning of justification, the righteousness of God, the source of justification, and teaching justification to children.
This document outlines different levels of involvement in an organization, from local to global, and encourages participants to work together humbly and selflessly with the mindset of Jesus Christ, prioritizing the interests of others above their own.
The document discusses training local leaders to disciple children around the world. It proposes training one children's leader for every 50 children, in order to reach the 1.4 billion children who do not know Christ. The dream is to reach and disciple every child by training local people well through strategic partnerships between churches and organizations. Commitment is needed from all to support one another until the task is complete.
This document provides an introduction to a book about discovering God's plan for children from Scripture. It outlines three basic facts: 1) The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God. 2) Every child is created by God. 3) The Gospel is the essential message children need to know. The book is divided into six sections exploring what the Bible teaches about children through key passages, examples in the Bible, answering questions, and examining a biblical basis for ministry to children. The goal is to establish a firm biblical foundation for reaching children with the Gospel based solely on what Scripture says.
1) Eliseo, like Elijah before him, was a prophet of God in Israel who performed many miracles. When some young men mocked Eliseo, God sent two bears that mauled 42 of the young men.
2) A widow who was in debt was helped when Eliseo told her to gather empty jars, and her small amount of oil filled all the jars, solving her financial troubles.
3) A military commander named Naaman had leprosy but was healed when, at Eliseo's direction, he washed seven times in the Jordan River, showing God's power through His prophets.
Ezekiel had a vision from God where he saw glorious beings and a throne. God called Ezekiel to speak His words to the rebellious people of Israel. Ezekiel obeyed and warned the people, doing strange things like lying on his side for months to represent Israel's sins. Ezekiel had another vision of the temple, seeing idols there. His visions showed that Jerusalem would be destroyed, which came to pass. God then gave Ezekiel a vision of dry bones coming to life, representing Israel's restoration.
Bilder från MiMs frukostmöte med Stefan Johansson, Invest in Skåne på temat Globala Influenser med lokal förankring.
Hur marknadsförs Skåne i Europa och vad gör oss till en så spännande region?
Presentation of the secretary for Swedish national coordination of digitisation, digital preservation and digital access to cultural heritage. The presentation was held at an ALM conference in Gothenburg the 25-26th of October, 2011
53. Vem gör vad?KommunstyrelseLedning, utveckling, information,ekonomi, juridik, IT, näringslivs- o personalfrÃ¥gor, bostads- o markförsörjning, upphandling,BildningsnämndFörskola, skolbarnsomsorg, grundskola, gymnasieutbildningsärskola, kulturskolaByggnadsnämndÖversikts- och detaljplanering,bygglov, bygganmälan, kontrollav ventilation, skyddsrum m.m .SocialnämndSocialtjänst, missbruksvÃ¥rd,stöd till familjer och enskilda, serveringstillstÃ¥ndKultur- och turismnämndBibliotek, allmänkultur, utställningar, turism, fritidsgÃ¥rdarMiljö- och hälsoskydds-nämndMiljö- och hälsoskydd,tillsyn av dricksvatten och livs-medel, energirÃ¥dgivningVÃ¥rd- och omsorgsnämndıô»å°ù±ð´Ç³¾²õ´Ç°ù²µ, handikappomsorg,folkhälsaViadidaktnämndVuxenutbildning, integration och arbetsmarknad i Katrineholm och VingÃ¥kerService- och tekniknämndGator/vägar/parker, skogsförvaltning, fritid, idrottsanläggningar, mÃ¥ltidsverksamhet, personliga ombud, konsumentfrÃ¥gor, service, logistikValnämndAllmänna val, folkomröstningar
55. Tre industrimän lade grundenCarl Fredriksson (1843-1910) förstod värdet av skogen, startade träförädling och snickeriAugust Kullberg (1852-1913) bedrev handel med bland annat jordbruksmaskinerGustaf Robert Grönkvist (1863-1925) öppnade smidesverkstad, gjorde uppfinningar, tillverkade kullager