This document summarizes information about gold as an investment and describes a gold purchase plan from KB Edelmetall. It discusses how gold has maintained value over centuries and can preserve wealth. It then provides details about KB Edelmetall's gold purchase plan, including monthly purchasing of gold, free storage and delivery, and a partner program for earning income. Experts such as Marc Faber are quoted recommending owning physical gold.
2. The Economic Crisis Protect yourself
The Largest Bankruptcy in History Gold
When historians look back on what is being called the Great For centuries, buying gold has been recognized as one of the
Recession, Sept. 15, 2008 will be a key date in a time line of best ways to preserve ones wealth and purchasing power.
tragic events that, one by one, fundamentally changed the US
Gold is a unique investment, one that has served mankind well
and global economy.
for thousands of years. From the times of ancient Egyptians,
That was the day the fourth-largest investment bank in the US, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has been
fascinated with the beauty and magic of gold, and with its power
to change mens lives.
To neutralize the crisis on the
money market, more than Many European countries implemented
USD 3 billion was created and gold standards in the later part of the
injected into the market each 19th century until these were
involving World War I.
Most experts agree about the
inevitable consequence: After World War II, the Bretton Woods
system pegged the United States dol-
lar to gold at a rate of US $ 35 per troy
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declaring bankruptcy in 2008 ounce.
The system existed until the 1971 Nixon Shock, when the US
unilaterally suspended the direct convertibility of the United
Experts recommend gold! States dollar to gold.
Gold is not only stable in value. During the last 10 years gold has Gold bullion is real, honest money...and, many say, the best form
tripled in value and experts estimate that it will at least double of money the world has ever known. It is a store of value and a
during the next 10 years. The true value of gold is shown in safe haven in times of crisis. Gold is rare, durable and does not
times of crisis. wear out in the manner of lesser metals (or paper money!) when
passed from hand to hand.
Are you on the right track? amount of goods and services. It is universally accepted and can
If you could, would you take advantage of the opportunity to easily be bought and sold around the world.
Experts recommend that 5 to 20% of every persons assets should November 2009 Marc Faber - Economist and investment guru
be secured in gold.
Dubai was just the tip of the iceberg. The ultimate result of the
April 2009 Marc Faber - Economist and investment guru
Gold: We will not see less than the $ 1,000 level again, Central
banks are all the same. They are printers.
The problem with government debt growing so much is that Gold is maybe cheaper today than in 2001, given the interest
when the time will come and the Fed should increase rates. You have to own physical gold.
interest rates, they will be
very reluctant to do so and in- Marc Faber suspects gold will be closer to the $ 4,000 mark
in the near future.
Im sorry to say I think the
whole world is an Iceland.
March 2010
Faber sees the Greek bailout potentially leading to a bailout of
I think we have countries like Spain and Portugal, creating further monetization and a weaker
Britain and Ireland and Swit- euro. He mentions that bankrupt states like Illinois and California
zerland that have problems may also get bailed out.
similar to Iceland, though
theyre not as bad as Iceland. Monetization, Faber says, is not all bad for equities, but is not
favorable for government bonds. Everybody should accumulate
gold over time, he states. I would recommend people to buy,
Basically, Iceland became a huge hedge fund. They raised every month, some gold forever.
money in the international capital market; they then leveraged
that money to buy assets all over the world. April 2010
So, when asset prices stopped rising, banks and institutions in When you look at Greece like a corporation, they are basically
Iceland had a major problem. bust. And if it is bust then it does not help to expand and actually
increase loans.
Banks were some of the worst offenders. They gambled on poor
investments, believing that markets couldnt fail. Greece is caught in a big problem and their currency (which is
Euro) is hugely overvalued.
They are children of the bull market. So in these circumstances I would advise the people in that
country to buy gold.
Copyright Team One
3. KB Edelmetall gives you the opportunity to buy gold in small units
Gold prices
Company: Bank Internet Internet KB-Gold
Buy price: 40.00 32.50 31.50 37.00
Sell price: 23.00 21.50 21.00 29.50
Difference: 17.00 11.00 10.50 7.50
April 2009 (gold price per gram)
KB gives you the best deal Free delivery and free storage
When buying the 0,5 and 1 gram quality KB gold bullions. If you purchase one ounce of gold from an Internet retailer each
All serial numbers are cut with laser. This makes every gold month the postage per gram would be at least 5-10.
bullion unique. A hologram adorns the rear side of every bullion.
Your KB gold is stored for free in the St. Gotthard Massif in
Gold bullions adorned with a hologram will always keep their
value on the free market.
the Swiss government store their gold in this secure location.
Gold valued at 3,000 or more can be delivered directly to your
front door, free of charge.
Alternatively, you can sell it back to KB and receive payment at
the current gold price.
Your local authorities will not have access to your gold in
Switzerland and your purchase will not be registered outside
Switzerland (unlike purchases made trough a bank or the Internet).
This can be important in times of crisis, because governments
have been known to seize assets in exceptional situations.
Only KB gives you the freedom to choose - at no extra cost!
Gold from KB-Edelmetalle AG
(Purchase > 3,000)
the contents are genuine.
KB Edelmetall always offer you the best price, if you consider
selling your gold.
KB Gold Purchase Plan
recommended by independent consumer organizations. consumer organisation
Your independent KB Partner
When buying gold, you need to consider the purchase price, and
any additional costs.
The Gold Purchase plan starts from 50 and upwards as
monthly payment and each monthly payment will immediately be
redeemed in physical gold.
Purchasing on a monthly basis averages the cost, smoothing out
also make extra payments into your gold purchasing account.
Copyright Team One
4. KB Gold - The Partner system KB Gold - direct to the consumer
You can choose to be an independent partner: KB owns the entire process and therefore offers every-
thing from one hand.
No license fee to join
No product sales This means that customers referred to KB always get the
best price.
No sales target, no boss
KB is extracting gold from their own goldmine
The KB Gold Partner System offers you 5 different ways
of income:
KB produces their own gold bullions
CAB Bonus 100 - 650 on each new customer
KB has their own sales system
KB sells and ships the gold directly to the customer
KB Global Funds (Worldwide Pool) KB is the largest manufacturer of 1 gram gold bars
KB Vision Pool (Worldwide Pool) KB is the only manufacturer of 0.5 gram gold bars in the world
Start up as KB Gold Partner
updated personal website, marketing material, webinar and
Talk to the person as gave you this brochure and sign up in the training.
free KB Gold Partner program.
KB Edelmetall believes that hard work should be rewarded. Take your own decision and get started
The KB Compensation Plan rewards you for selling gold by
If youre looking to turn this business into career income, you
promoting the KB Gold Purchase Plan and for sponsoring others
should know that its happening for people just like you.
as Independent KB Gold Partners who do the same.
Get started today with a stream of income from a product you
never have to ship or exchange money for. No merchant
Team One is a strong Partner accounts or fees. No shipping or refund processing.
As partner in KB and part of Team One you will have a complete The company does everything.
sales and networking tool to help you to achieve your goals.
Team One uses the Internet as platform for all activities. And best of all there are no sign up fees and NO RISK to
become an independent KB Gold Partner.