KBC, a large Belgian bank, wanted to improve its insights into costs related to its bancassurance business. It had previously used an Activity-Based Costing model but found it too complex and not providing necessary management insights. B&M Consulting implemented a Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing model to help KBC better understand its costs across different customer, product, and activity dimensions. This provided KBC with the data needed to determine fair pricing, identify cost-saving automation opportunities, and make strategic decisions based on reliable cost data.
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Business case KBC (www.bmcons.com - time-driven activity-based costing, profitability analytics, cost management, management accounting)
1. Business Case
Financial Services B&M helps KBC to improve insights of
their cost-to-serve in the dynamic and
complex environment of bancassurance.
KBC is an experienced user of model in order to gain insights in
the traditional Activity-Based the complexity of its transactions
Costing-model. Which means in the following dimensions:
that KBC was also confronted
with the downsides of the ABC- Customer
These downsides were: Correspondent
Product group
The increased
complexity of the
environment, made the This information was needed to
model even more answer some of these questions:
The ABC-model didnt What is my cost-to-serve
give the necessary per dimension?
management insights.
Are my rates fair, or do I
The Challenge need to raise/lower my
The Approach prices?
KBC is an integrated
How much time and
bancassurance group, catering The ABC-model was down- money is a specific
mainly for retail customers, small graded to a cost-allocation dimension costing me?
and medium-sized enterprises model where employees were
and private banking clientele. asked to give a rough Where are my highest
It occupies leading positions on percentage estimate of the automation
its home markets of Belgium and time they were spending on opportunities?
Central and Eastern Europe, certain activities.
where it specializes in retail
bancassurance and asset As these estimates were made
management activities. ex-ante, the allocated costs The Results
often seemed to be
Elsewhere around the globe, the disconnected from the ex-post
group has established a Implementing Time-Driven ABC,
transactional data. makes it possible to map
presence in selected countries
and regions. transactions in complex and
On top of that, the application
dynamic environments like
management was logging for
With more than 13 million KBC's.
continuous automation KBC now has the necessary
customers, a staff of 54.000 opportunities but had difficulties
employees and a revenue of concepts, systems and insights
with making a business case. that will enable them to provide
more than 5,3 billion, KBC is in
the top-15 of the largest banks more accurate information to
With the broad experience of
in Europe. the business units and take
B&M in the financial industry, we strategic decisions, based on
This specific project was rolled- suggested KBC to install a Time-
out in the division of Securities reliable data.
Driven Activity-Based Costing
and Derivatives Processing.
息 2010 B&M Consulting