The document provides public debt and economic indicator data for various countries from 2003-2010. It shows that Japan had the highest public debt levels, reaching 225.8% of GDP in 2010. Greece and Ireland saw their public debt levels more than double from 2004 to 2010. Unemployment rates were highest in Spain and Greece in 2010, exceeding 20% and 12% respectively. Inflation rates were generally highest in Brazil and India, ranging from 3-15% over the period.
The document discusses form design and provides guidelines for effective form design. It notes that forms standardize data collection, ensure all needed data is collected, and can act as references and data input sources. It recommends taking time to consider why the information is needed, when it is needed, who needs it, and how it should be presented before designing the form. Designers should make a checklist of needed information and draw a mock-up to test the form layout.
Ashok Kumar has over 5 years of experience in SAP CRM Technical and ABAP. He has expertise in areas such as BOL programming, GENIL, AET, EEWB, IPC, action profiles, copy routines, order management, and basic/interactive reports. He has worked on multiple implementation projects for clients in various industries. His responsibilities have included requirement analysis, design, development, testing, and issue resolution for custom SAP CRM components and configurations. He is currently a senior consultant at HCL Technologies.
Dragi strokovnjaki za (digitalni) marketing, tako kot ste 邸armirali marketing sektor, 邸armirajte 邸e vse ostale, aka vas pravi change management izziv. Poi邸ite svoje partnerje znotraj podjetja, prevzemite nase vodilno vlogo pri digitalni transformaciji celotnega podjetja in naj t.i. omni-channel customer experience filozofija postane eno od kljunih vodil.
This document discusses trends in digital marketing in Slovenia. It raises questions about digital budgets, marketing professionals' understanding of digital, and whether Slovenia can develop roles like Chief Digital Officer. It notes that while online advertising is growing globally, Slovenia's market is small and investments have declined. Few marketing dollars go to digital channels compared to traditional media. However, it argues digital has the potential to integrate all aspects of marketing and that the convergence of digital offers opportunities for new advisory business models. It highlights some promising Slovenian startups in digital.
Slovenian steel company Slovenska industrija jekla is located at Gerbieva 98, 1000 Ljubljana. It produces Slovenian steel that is used for many quality products around the world. The company operates several steel production facilities and brands in Slovenia including Acroni, Metal Ravne, No転i Ravne, Elektrode Jesenice, SUZ, ZIP center, and waste management.
The document describes Emonika City Center, a new multifunctional complex being built in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It will include an office tower, shopping center, hotel, residential tower, bus and train stations, and over 3,700 parking spaces. The development aims to be the leading business and entertainment hub in Ljubljana, located in the heart of the city. Emonika City Center will offer a new style of living and become a social and business meeting place, as well as a destination for shopping, activities, success, entertainment, relaxation, and community.
This document discusses trends in digital marketing in Slovenia. It raises questions about digital budgets, marketing professionals' understanding of digital, and whether Slovenia can develop roles like Chief Digital Officer. It notes that while online advertising is growing globally, Slovenia's market is small and investments have declined. Few marketing dollars go to digital channels compared to traditional media. However, it argues digital has the potential to integrate all aspects of marketing and that the convergence of digital offers opportunities for new advisory business models. It highlights some promising Slovenian startups in digital.
Slovenian steel company Slovenska industrija jekla is located at Gerbieva 98, 1000 Ljubljana. It produces Slovenian steel that is used for many quality products around the world. The company operates several steel production facilities and brands in Slovenia including Acroni, Metal Ravne, No転i Ravne, Elektrode Jesenice, SUZ, ZIP center, and waste management.
The document describes Emonika City Center, a new multifunctional complex being built in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It will include an office tower, shopping center, hotel, residential tower, bus and train stations, and over 3,700 parking spaces. The development aims to be the leading business and entertainment hub in Ljubljana, located in the heart of the city. Emonika City Center will offer a new style of living and become a social and business meeting place, as well as a destination for shopping, activities, success, entertainment, relaxation, and community.