This document provides a high-level timeline of key events and activities from 2002-2012 related to KDMD (Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development). It notes the awarding of various task orders and contracts. It also lists the launch of various knowledge sharing platforms and communities of practice. Finally, it provides brief context on other notable world events that occurred during each year.
2. 2002
Bush announces New Compact for Development
USAID initiated AMAP
AMAP IQC awarded existed as the original MD office site
Also in 2002:
US invades Afghanistan
New England Patriots win the Super Bowl
Spider Man rules the box office
3. 2003
Knowledge Management
and Communications Task
Order Awarded
Training and Admin Task
Order Awarded
The first Scholarship Fund
designed and launched
Also in 2003:
FRED designed SARS spreads across Asia, North America,
and Europe
US and Britain launch war against Iraq
Norah Jones wins five Grammy awards
4. 2004
Technical Assistance developed for MD modules for EG
microLINKS created
Communities Of Practice are designed
Connections newsletter starts
Microenterprise Results and Accountability Act passes
AMAP PASSN awarded
Also in 2004:
George W Bush re-elected
9/11 Commission report released
Indian Ocean tsunami
Martha Stewart goes to jail
5. Hear what others are saying. Share your experience. Contribute to our
microLINKS is New and Improved!
Easier Navigation Clean, Fresh Look
Don’t miss these current features:
Speaker’s Corner, Spotlight on:
September 26-28: Conversations with
IMPACT MED leaders
Visit today!
7. 2005
microLINKS shut down (3 months) over 508 compliance
and Privacy and PRA
Poverty Frontiers launched
Value Chain Workshop Ethiopia
Breakfast and After Hours begin
Speaker's Corner established
First Seminar Innovations: Participants conference call into
Notes from the Field start
AARs begin Also in 2005:
Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast
Iraq holds elections
Million Dollar Baby wins best picture Oscar
9. 2006
MD Learning Conference
First Road Show to
Sanabel (Morocco) and
Poverty and Conflict event
Microlinks Refresh
Connections rebranding
RAF training Also in 2006:
Saddam Hussein is executed
MRR awarded Donald Rumsfeld resigns
Field Support Launched Steve Irwin is killed by a stingray
IRG staff co-located at QED
10. 2007
Henrietta Fore becomes 15th USAID administrator
AMAP VC Workshop (Cairo)
PASSN Conflict symposium
E-Gov KM Award win
ED Communications Strategy
AMAP BDS, FS, & EE end
Team starts using Basecamp
Team Wiki launched
Scholarship Fund ends
Also in 2007:
SAGA Series Housing bubble bursts
Final Harry Potter book published
An Inconvenient Truth wins best
11. 2008
KDMD begins
VC Workshop (Tanzania)
GoTo Meeting replaces
conference calls
CIP meetings
E&E buy-in
EG buy-in
Grants Under Contract Also in 2008:
Obama elected
Program Initiated
China hosts summer Olympics
Wall Street crashes
13. 2009
Raj Shah sworn in as 16th USAID Administrator
MFC Serbia pilot for video media capture activities
Decision to move to Drupal open source Software
GROOVE Network
Poverty in Conflict Learning Network
Micro Risk Alliance Learning Network
FS Share launches under FS BPA
AG/BFS buy-in
First EG training Also in 2009:
Rice Study eConsultation Miracle on the Hudson
Justice Sotomayor sworn in
First Drupal sites launched Michael Jackson dies
14. 2010
USAID Forward announced
PPL Bureau launched/ buys in
KMIC launched
WH, State, and USAID launch FTF initiative
Microlinks 2.0 and KDID Launched
Ag training begins
Share Fair (Addis)
Jamaica CoP launched Also in 2010:
Earthquake devastates Haiti
US forces withdraw from Iraq
Chile miners rescued
BP oil spills in Gulf
16. 2011
Agrilinks launched PPL Complexity Event
FTF website redesign PPL Futures Symposium
Microlinks 2.0 roadshow:
USAID releases new MFC Prague, Sanabel,
Evaluation Policy Cracking the Nut, Making
Cents, SEEP
GenDev buy-in
MFS Seminar Series
First Greenroom Interview
Also in 2011:
Diaspora Seminar series Arab Spring
begins Tsunami hits Japan
Osama bin Laden is killed
Ag Tech Evidence Summit Prince William and Kate Middleton wed