The document discusses KEDR rules for generating a shipto party from a sales order. Step 36 checks if the item number is '000000', meaning no item number is present, and the partner function is WE, in which case the header data of the partner is used. Step 37 states to look in the line item section of the sales order to generate the shipto party. The document also references tables VBPA, KNVPforcustomer818, and CustomerMaster, and rule KE24, which populates a table to show the current shipto.
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Kedr rules
1. KEDR rules
Step36 in KEDR (above) statesthatyouare checkingthe Salesordernumber,where the itemnumberis000000
(meaningthere isnoitemnumber,so the headerdataof the partnerisused) andthe partnerfunctionisWE.
Step37, statesthat youshouldlookinthe line itemsectionof the salesordertogenerate shiptoparty.