Phyllanthus niruri is a tropical plant found in coastal areas known by various common names across languages. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat issues of the stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney, and spleen. The plant is known by many names in different languages and cultures, including "keezha nelli" in Tamil and "nela nelli" in Kannada.
A recipe is provided for Keezhanalli Thogayal, a South Indian preparation using keezha nelli leaves that are washed, drained, and tempered in oil along with mustard seeds, urad dal, asafetida, curry leaves, coconut
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Keezanalli thogayal
1. Phyllanthus niruri is a widespread tropical plant commonly found in coastal
areas, known by the common names gale of the wind, stonebreaker or seed-
under-leaf. It is a relative of the spurges, belonging to the Phyllanthus genus
of Family Phyllanthaceae
Phyllanthus niruri has been used in Ayurveda for problems of the stomach,
genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen
Common names for Phyllanthus niruri include chanca piedra in Spanish, quebra
pedra in Portuguese, bhumyamalaki in Ayurveda, sampa-sampalukan in Tagalog,
and quebra-pedra in Portuguese. The herb is known as keezha nelli meaning 'berry
under') in Tamil, nela nelli in Kannada, keezhar nelli in Malayalam . It has many
other common names in assorted languages, including dukong anak, dukong-
dukong anak, amin buah, rami buah, turi hutan, bhuiaonla, and meniran hijau (in
Indonesia), Obukoko in Urhobo language, Nli-ndulie in Ukwani language in Niger-
Delta region of Nigeria
Chef Ashokkumar