Extraordinary bosses share 8 core beliefs about business and management that are different than average bosses. These include seeing 1) business as an ecosystem where diversity thrives rather than a battlefield, 2) a company as a community rather than a machine, and 3) management as service rather than control. They also 4) treat employees as peers rather than children, 5) motivate with a vision rather than fear, 6) embrace change as growth, 7) see technology as empowering rather than automating, and 8) believe work should be fun rather than toil.
The document provides an interim report on hemispheric transport of air pollution prepared by the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution. It finds that long-range transport contributes significantly to surface air pollution levels in downwind regions. Modeling estimates source-receptor relationships showing how emissions changes in source regions impact downwind ozone and particulate levels. The report also examines how future changes in emissions and climate may impact intercontinental transport patterns. It recommends further research to improve understanding of basic transport mechanisms and better characterize trends using surface observations and satellite data.
This document discusses how different parameters affect trigonometric functions. Amplitude changes the range of sin, cos, csc and sec functions according to its value, but does not affect tan and cot. Period affects the lengths of waves for all functions. Phase and vertical shifts affect the left-right and up-down movements of all functions.
ElectreNomics : Annual Electrical & Electronics Department MagazineNishith Jain
The 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck northern Japan on April 7 caused widespread blackouts, affecting nearly 1 million homes. It piled additional hardship on areas still recovering from the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. While damage was less severe than the earlier quake, it threw communities still struggling back into disarray by cutting power and limiting supplies. Several nuclear plants had minor issues but avoided major problems. The latest tremor highlighted the region's continued vulnerability to aftershocks as recovery efforts continue.
The document discusses threats to surfing such as population growth putting pressure on coastal areas and leading to more development. It outlines a presentation on managing surfing destinations that will cover coastal management challenges, key threats to surfing locations, and recreation management strategies. The presentation also examines how pressures like climate change and changes in land use impact the natural resources that support surfing.
The World Surfing Reserves program aims to proactively identify, designate, and preserve outstanding waves and surf zones around the world through 3 goals: 1) Communicate the value of waves and surf zones, 2) Build local conservation capacity, and 3) Establish a global conservation network. The program establishes local stewardship councils that develop plans focusing on threat response, capacity building, and outreach. Several sites have already been designated as World Surfing Reserves, protecting the coastal environment while recognizing surfing's history and culture.
The document discusses sewage alerts and water quality monitoring. It provides information on SAS (Sewage Alert Service), including that it has over 51,000 subscribers who receive alerts about sewage discharges. It also discusses supporting clean water and beaches in Scotland as well as efforts to lobby the UK government to address sewage issues through campaigns and legal action.
This document summarizes research on the economic impact of surfing in the United States. It finds that there are approximately 3.1 million surfers in the US who take a total of 76 million surfing visits per year. Each visit generates between $25-66 in expenditures. As a result, surfing has an estimated annual economic impact of $2-5 billion per year in the US. The document also provides details on the demographics and behaviors of surfers based on an online survey of over 5,000 surfers, finding most are experienced, middle-aged men who surf 2.5 hours at a time around 108 times per year.
The document discusses efforts in New Zealand to protect surf breaks through organizations like the Surfbreak Protection Society and policies like the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement. It outlines issues like sewage pollution impacting surfing and legal cases where surfing has been debated. The goal is to have surfers recognized as kaitiaki or guardians of surf breaks and involve the surfing community in conservation and planning efforts.
The document discusses potential impacts of wave energy projects on surfing waves. It provides examples from studies in Cornwall, England and Orkney Islands, Scotland that used numerical modeling to show how wave energy converter (WEC) arrays can reduce wave heights both immediately behind and farther from the arrays, posing a threat to surfing conditions. Specifically, the studies found wave heights could be reduced by over 20% behind the arrays and around 10% hundreds of meters away, depending on the type and porosity of the WEC devices. Larger wave farms with many WECs or lower porosity devices that absorb more wave energy were found to have a greater potential impact on surfing waves and sedimentation near shorelines.
Connecting with Nature through Surfing – Experience presented by Michael CARN...Surfrider Foundation Europe
The document discusses connecting with nature through surfing. It describes how ideas about marine wilderness developed and were then applied through various organizations like the Save Our Seas Shark Centre and KELP Project. It also outlines problems facing oceans like pollution, habitat loss, and overfishing. Plans for the future include further developing environmental awareness and action among surfers in South Africa as well as international education programs.
The document discusses the social value of waves and the process of patrimonialisation as it relates to surfing. It examines how waves take on cultural, economic, and political significance for different groups including surfers, local governments, and tourism organizations. Tensions can arise between priorities of conservation, development, and various user groups in the recognition and management of iconic surf breaks as heritage sites.
Testing aplikasi web memiliki kompleksitas tinggi karena berinteraksi dengan berbagai komponen seperti OS, browser, dan jaringan. Idealnya semua komponen di sisi klien dan server diuji, namun seringkali dibatasi waktu dan sumber daya. Pengujian meliputi fungsi, konfigurasi, kompatibilitas, volume, stres, kinerja, pemulihan, dan keamanan dengan menggunakan berbagai perangkat seperti Apache AB dan OWASP untuk
Framework aplikasi web adalah kerangka kerja perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk mendukung pengembangan situs web dinamis dengan mengurangi overhead pengembangan dengan menyediakan fitur seperti template web, caching, akses database, pencocokan URL, dan layanan web. Kebanyakan framework berbasis arsitektur Model-View-Controller untuk memisahkan pengembangan berdasarkan komponen data, antarmuka pengguna, dan logika kontrol.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang perkembangan sistem manajemen basis data dan tren pengembangan perangkat lunak, mulai dari definisi database, metode pengembangan perangkat lunak, jenis database, dan aplikasi database populer seperti Microsoft Access, Oracle, dan Firebird. Dokumen ini juga membahas konsep seperti data warehousing dan data mining dalam mengelola basis data perusahaan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya memahami kualitas sistem dan bagaimana mengevaluasi berbagai aspek kualitas sistem seperti kinerja, ketersediaan, fleksibilitas, dan skalabilitas untuk menentukan arsitektur sistem yang optimal."
MVC memisahkan pengembangan aplikasi berdasarkan komponen utama yaitu manipulasi data, antarmuka pengguna, dan kontrol. Laravel menggunakan MVC dengan kelebihan pemeliharaan dan pengembangan mudah tetapi kompleks. AJAX memindahkan interaksi ke klien, bertukar data diam-diam, dan meningkatkan interaktivitas. Web socket menyediakan saluran komunikasi dua arah lewat koneksi TCP tunggal antara browser dan server.
Dokumen ini merangkum laporan tugas akhir tentang perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi untuk perusahaan rokok. Sistem ini dapat digunakan dalam mode online terhubung dengan server database maupun offline menggunakan database virtual, sehingga memenuhi faktor kualitas portabilitas. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman VB.NET dan database MySQL, serta menampilkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi dari cabang-cabang perusahaan.
The document discusses threats to surfing such as population growth putting pressure on coastal areas and leading to more development. It outlines a presentation on managing surfing destinations that will cover coastal management challenges, key threats to surfing locations, and recreation management strategies. The presentation also examines how pressures like climate change and changes in land use impact the natural resources that support surfing.
The World Surfing Reserves program aims to proactively identify, designate, and preserve outstanding waves and surf zones around the world through 3 goals: 1) Communicate the value of waves and surf zones, 2) Build local conservation capacity, and 3) Establish a global conservation network. The program establishes local stewardship councils that develop plans focusing on threat response, capacity building, and outreach. Several sites have already been designated as World Surfing Reserves, protecting the coastal environment while recognizing surfing's history and culture.
The document discusses sewage alerts and water quality monitoring. It provides information on SAS (Sewage Alert Service), including that it has over 51,000 subscribers who receive alerts about sewage discharges. It also discusses supporting clean water and beaches in Scotland as well as efforts to lobby the UK government to address sewage issues through campaigns and legal action.
This document summarizes research on the economic impact of surfing in the United States. It finds that there are approximately 3.1 million surfers in the US who take a total of 76 million surfing visits per year. Each visit generates between $25-66 in expenditures. As a result, surfing has an estimated annual economic impact of $2-5 billion per year in the US. The document also provides details on the demographics and behaviors of surfers based on an online survey of over 5,000 surfers, finding most are experienced, middle-aged men who surf 2.5 hours at a time around 108 times per year.
The document discusses efforts in New Zealand to protect surf breaks through organizations like the Surfbreak Protection Society and policies like the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement. It outlines issues like sewage pollution impacting surfing and legal cases where surfing has been debated. The goal is to have surfers recognized as kaitiaki or guardians of surf breaks and involve the surfing community in conservation and planning efforts.
The document discusses potential impacts of wave energy projects on surfing waves. It provides examples from studies in Cornwall, England and Orkney Islands, Scotland that used numerical modeling to show how wave energy converter (WEC) arrays can reduce wave heights both immediately behind and farther from the arrays, posing a threat to surfing conditions. Specifically, the studies found wave heights could be reduced by over 20% behind the arrays and around 10% hundreds of meters away, depending on the type and porosity of the WEC devices. Larger wave farms with many WECs or lower porosity devices that absorb more wave energy were found to have a greater potential impact on surfing waves and sedimentation near shorelines.
Connecting with Nature through Surfing – Experience presented by Michael CARN...Surfrider Foundation Europe
The document discusses connecting with nature through surfing. It describes how ideas about marine wilderness developed and were then applied through various organizations like the Save Our Seas Shark Centre and KELP Project. It also outlines problems facing oceans like pollution, habitat loss, and overfishing. Plans for the future include further developing environmental awareness and action among surfers in South Africa as well as international education programs.
The document discusses the social value of waves and the process of patrimonialisation as it relates to surfing. It examines how waves take on cultural, economic, and political significance for different groups including surfers, local governments, and tourism organizations. Tensions can arise between priorities of conservation, development, and various user groups in the recognition and management of iconic surf breaks as heritage sites.
Testing aplikasi web memiliki kompleksitas tinggi karena berinteraksi dengan berbagai komponen seperti OS, browser, dan jaringan. Idealnya semua komponen di sisi klien dan server diuji, namun seringkali dibatasi waktu dan sumber daya. Pengujian meliputi fungsi, konfigurasi, kompatibilitas, volume, stres, kinerja, pemulihan, dan keamanan dengan menggunakan berbagai perangkat seperti Apache AB dan OWASP untuk
Framework aplikasi web adalah kerangka kerja perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk mendukung pengembangan situs web dinamis dengan mengurangi overhead pengembangan dengan menyediakan fitur seperti template web, caching, akses database, pencocokan URL, dan layanan web. Kebanyakan framework berbasis arsitektur Model-View-Controller untuk memisahkan pengembangan berdasarkan komponen data, antarmuka pengguna, dan logika kontrol.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang perkembangan sistem manajemen basis data dan tren pengembangan perangkat lunak, mulai dari definisi database, metode pengembangan perangkat lunak, jenis database, dan aplikasi database populer seperti Microsoft Access, Oracle, dan Firebird. Dokumen ini juga membahas konsep seperti data warehousing dan data mining dalam mengelola basis data perusahaan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya memahami kualitas sistem dan bagaimana mengevaluasi berbagai aspek kualitas sistem seperti kinerja, ketersediaan, fleksibilitas, dan skalabilitas untuk menentukan arsitektur sistem yang optimal."
MVC memisahkan pengembangan aplikasi berdasarkan komponen utama yaitu manipulasi data, antarmuka pengguna, dan kontrol. Laravel menggunakan MVC dengan kelebihan pemeliharaan dan pengembangan mudah tetapi kompleks. AJAX memindahkan interaksi ke klien, bertukar data diam-diam, dan meningkatkan interaktivitas. Web socket menyediakan saluran komunikasi dua arah lewat koneksi TCP tunggal antara browser dan server.
Dokumen ini merangkum laporan tugas akhir tentang perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi untuk perusahaan rokok. Sistem ini dapat digunakan dalam mode online terhubung dengan server database maupun offline menggunakan database virtual, sehingga memenuhi faktor kualitas portabilitas. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman VB.NET dan database MySQL, serta menampilkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi dari cabang-cabang perusahaan.
Dokumen ini merangkum laporan tugas akhir tentang perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi untuk perusahaan rokok. Sistem ini dapat digunakan dalam mode online terhubung dengan server database maupun offline menggunakan database virtual, sehingga memenuhi faktor kualitas portabilitas. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman VB.NET dan database MySQL, serta dapat menampilkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi dari cabang-cabang perusahaan.
Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer membahas arsitektur client-server dalam sistem basis data dimana client mengelola antarmuka pengguna sedangkan server menerima dan memproses permintaan basis data lalu mengembalikan hasilnya ke client. Arsitektur ini memungkinkan akses basis data besar dengan meningkatkan kinerja, fleksibilitas dan mengurangi biaya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tahapan-tahapan dalam membangun situs e-commerce mulai dari perencanaan awal, analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, pilihan teknologi, pengembangan, pengujian, hingga implementasi dan pemeliharaan. Beberapa poin penting yang diangkat antara lain meliputi perencanaan visi dan misi, analisis pasar target, pemilihan perangkat lunak dan platform, serta pertimbangan desain untuk situs web maupun aplikasi sel
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep arsitektur client-server dan basis data. Arsitektur client-server terdiri dari client yang menyediakan antarmuka pengguna dan server yang menyediakan berbagai layanan kepada client seperti akses file dan database. Sistem ini memiliki kelebihan seperti peningkatan kinerja dan konsistensi data. Dokumen juga membahas dua arsitektur basis data yaitu two-tier dan three-tier client server serta standar konektivitas antar basis data yait
Proses pembuatan situs web meliputi tahap persiapan proyek, pengerjaan proyek, dan pemeliharaan situs web. Tahap persiapan proyek meliputi analisis kebutuhan dan spesifikasi situs. Tahap pengerjaan proyek meliputi desain, implementasi, dan integrasi sistem. Tahap pemeliharaan meliputi update konten dan pemeliharaan situs secara berkala."
2. Data Dynamic Support Data bersifat dinamis dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan berbagai macam tipe user. juga mencakup variasi yang cukup dan seleksi data yang dinamis untuk mensimulasikan luas secarakonsisten dengan volume besar interaksi pengguna.
3. Parsing Dynamic Web Pages Halaman web dinamis sering kali berbeda dalam isi dan panjang tergantung pada parameter-parameter request dari user.
4. Building and Weighting Scenarios Banyak dari alat-alat tes yang juga menyediakan kemampuan untuk membangun script yang lebih kompleks . Sebagai contoh, beberapa alat yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan serangkaian script untuk login. Skenario pembebanan kerja/ workload harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem dan user.
5. Reusing Test Scripts in Production skrip yang sama yang dapat digunakan untuk menguji kinerja situs web , juga berguna untuk pemantauan dan troubleshooting situs produksi a nda .
6. Controlling Multiple Client Drivers Jika Anda membutuhkan mesin uji beberapa klien untuk mensimulasikan beban kerja , pertimbangkan alat test dengan dukungan untuk mengelola pengguna yang disimulasikan d an distribusikan ke mesin ini.Ìý
7. Running Tests via Command Line or Remotely Beberapa sistem menjalankan tes kinerja mereka secara mobile